Looking for help to get back on track!!!

I used to be on MFP and went down to my goal weight but then got lazy and stopped tracking my meals and exercising. Now I've gained most of the weight back and I'm not eager to wear my summer clothes becasue I can no longer fit into them. It's time for me to get serious and get back on track so begining today I am asking for support from MFP community. I'm looking for friends that are willing to help motivate me back to a healthy me and I intend to try and motivate you too. Using MFP and my Fitbit will hopefully get me back to where I want to be. Looking forward to making friends to join me on my 2014 Weight Loss Journey...all aboard!!!


  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. Lost nearly 60 lbs. two years ago and have gained 30 back. I'm so frustrated. I needed to lose around 90 when I first started, so now I'm back to needing to lose 60. I did it before, but it's so hard to stay motivated. Anyone else have any suggestions about how to get motivated again?
  • Tmacdaddy1957
    Hey Guys

    When you look at one of my posts, does it have the little picture/graph thingie showing my weight loss? If not, how do you post that?
  • thefitdiary
    thefitdiary Posts: 10
    I'm a yo-yo dieter, so ... Yeah, always losing and gaining weight haha. It's just so hard to stay motivated! I hope it helps talking to people on here, y'know, because they're going through similar things. :) Plus if you have someone keeping you going it always helps! :D
  • thefitdiary
    thefitdiary Posts: 10
    Go to settings when you're on a topic and then click that you want it to appear. :)
  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    I have been up and down a lot over the last two years. Overall, I have 60 to lose, but I can only seem to get to 30 before I give up. Even my wedding wasn't enough to do it. I got injured 3 months before and couldn't exercise. I think that set back and looking at the failure in my wedding pictures has caused me to not try. I am an emotional eater, so that doesn't help matters.
  • chelseavanchilli
    chelseavanchilli Posts: 32 Member
    I lost weight and then gained it back plus a bit more so yeah, I know what you're talking about! And now I'm back on track hoping to be able to look okay in a bikini for summer 2014, feel free to add me -and anyone else! :)
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member

    The "weight loss journey" is just that. Think of it this way...when you imagine someone going on a journey, do you think of someone walking in a straight line on a path that has no dips or hills? I don't! I think of things like Frodo's journey on the Lord of the Rings or Choose Your Own Adventure stories that are filled with twists and turns and ups and downs!

    I can relate to being on the bandwagon and falling off. That is part of my personal journey. I am back on and I am looking for a lifestyle change that doesn't happen overnight, so if you would like to add me, please do! I'd be happy to be your buddy on this journey.

  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    That was a great analogy, Jean. Thanks for the reminder about the dips and hills. (Of course, when I think of dip, it's usually high fat -- either cheese, ranch or chocolate -- but I digress.)

    Hoping to stay motivated and get back with it. I lost nearly 60 lbs. originally -- back in 2012 -- and have gained back a little over 30. If I can do it once, I can do it again. And losing 60 at this point would get me about where I want to be. :)
  • Therron42
    Therron42 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a busy mom who gained 30 over the last few years and it has to go. I eat for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with hunger, but everything to do with "Mmm, mmm. that tastes good!" I would love to hear about others who are facing the same challenges and winning!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    this is what you have to do to get back on track. first, up top on this page, you go to where it says "food" and you start logging your food. you can pre-log before you eat, or afterwards. just log everything. even if you're going over and don't care about going over. log everything.

    the second tip is that you need to start exercising more. start walking, running, cycling, doing pilates in your living room, whatever. just start moving and working up a sweat and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. exercise even on days you don't really want to, because on days you don't really want to, are the days you really need to exercise the most.

    those are the two best tips to get back on track. fitbits, gym memberships, meal replacement shakes, and all that other stuff are really just gimmicks where you can throw your money at to make you think you're on track and doing well.

    don't get me wrong, those things are certainly going to help people, but in the end it's because you WANT to get fit that it'll happen.
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    I am also looking for some motivation to lose the weight. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will try my best to motivate you and anyone else who would like help:)
  • Ryguy08
    Ryguy08 Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me! Always looking for motivated friends! :smile:
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    That was a great analogy, Jean. Thanks for the reminder about the dips and hills. (Of course, when I think of dip, it's usually high fat -- either cheese, ranch or chocolate -- but I digress.)

    Hoping to stay motivated and get back with it. I lost nearly 60 lbs. originally -- back in 2012 -- and have gained back a little over 30. If I can do it once, I can do it again. And losing 60 at this point would get me about where I want to be. :)

    Thanks! I just find that we don't have to beat ourselves up. Yes, this is about commitment, but for the long-haul. I can relate to losing a bunch and gaining it back. I think I am the "yo-yo" expert! I just want to be healthy for life and as long as I am headed in the right direction for good health (inside and out) then I am happy.

    You can do it!!! I get your kind of dips. I think some of that is good to have in there too. Because it keeps life interesting. It's the binges on those items that we need to avoid. How we do that is individual. Sometimes, it's best just to stay away. Sometimes moderation works. I know for me, I need to quit the "all or nothing" mentality. That's what gets me out there eating a ton and laying on my couch doing nothing. It leads to self-loathing and pity partying. Uh uh. I don't want to join that party anymore! LOL!
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    I am a busy mom who gained 30 over the last few years and it has to go. I eat for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with hunger, but everything to do with "Mmm, mmm. that tastes good!" I would love to hear about others who are facing the same challenges and winning!

    Oh goodness! I am a FOODIE. I am okay with that. The trick I am learning is to eat foods that taste good, but are still good for you. I recently started eating fish/shellfish only (no other meats) for personal reasons moreso than health and so I ordered vegetarian times magazine to get ideas for those days where I didn't integrate fish/shellfish. I have to tell you!!!! I have found so many AMAZING dishes that taste great, have healthy ingredients and also don't bust my calorie intake. No, you don't have to go get this magazine (it's just something I did). There are plenty of free recipes online.

    I will admit that most days and nights I have trouble finding time to cook. So I do more salads and quick dishes. As long as there is good flavor, I am happy. I am huge on garlic. I love to cook with coconut oil too, which I find gives great flavor (be careful not to use too much).

    It's about experimentation. Look online for recipes. I know I feel much better about eating healthy when the food tastes good. We don't need any boring, bland foods!
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    you're welcome to add me if you'd like :)
  • ikprincess
    ikprincess Posts: 1
    We got your back :) You could add me if you'd like
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    I used to be on MFP and went down to my goal weight but then got lazy and stopped tracking my meals and exercising. Now I've gained most of the weight back and I'm not eager to wear my summer clothes becasue I can no longer fit into them. It's time for me to get serious and get back on track so begining today I am asking for support from MFP community. I'm looking for friends that are willing to help motivate me back to a healthy me and I intend to try and motivate you too. Using MFP and my Fitbit will hopefully get me back to where I want to be. Looking forward to making friends to join me on my 2014 Weight Loss Journey...all aboard!!!

    add me ill excourage you
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    I agree and disagree with this at the same time.

    Yes, you really have to want it. However, everyone does it different.

    I do find that being around others helps me to push harder, which is why I go to the gym (or exercise at the beach with a friend if we can coordinate our schedules).

    I also find that information lets me know what I am actually doing. For example, I am a Fitbit "sucker." I am okay with being called that because I can tell you that I am aware of how much activity I am doing. I push myself to get that reward buzz when I meet my step goals and I try to exceed it by as much as I possibly can.

    I also own a heart rate monitor. This lets me know how many calories I am actually burning. I'll tell you, the information in stored MFP exercises are way different than what my heart rate monitor tells me. Also, I find that my heart rate monitor also says something different than what the gym equipment says.

    Sure! You don't need to have details if you commit to working out and eating within a calorie range. However, it helps ME to stay on track.

    I also think that things like shakes CAN be helpful as supplements and/or replacements (depending on who you are).

    I think what you said makes a ton of sense and that you're totally correct. It just depends on the person. I'm not always the most motivated to work out in my living room or by myself outside (even though I live right by the beach). Everyone is different and sometimes people benefit from a gimmick or two.
  • robin388
    robin388 Posts: 25 Member
    your welcome to add me! I am looking to motivate people and be motivated myself. Most of my regulars have stopped logging so it's kinda boring doing this alone.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I'm with you on this one. I joined in January 2012 and had lost over 50 pounds. Then I had some upheaval... My husband ended up in the hospital and we had to leave home for that since our island does not have a hospital. Cue unrestrained eating due to stress and living on a hospital chair. Then came The Holidays. More overeating. It's The Holidays, right? Then I got depressed because I gained weight so naturally I ate more So, here I am. Starting over. I haven't even weighed myself yet. But I have started over beginning today and I'm trying to work through some emotional issues. I can do it and so can you.