Round 2

A few months ago I was doing really well on myfitnesspal and had lost 20 pounds. I found the website and the app to be easy to use, and tracking my eating made avoiding temptation so much easier. I actually thought I could be near my target weight by Christmas.

I had to go for a minor surgical procedure in August. The recovery time for this particular operation was supposed to be only a few days. Unfortunately for me though, I turned out to be the exception. I was in a massive amount of discomfort for months, had numerous visits to hospital, antibiotics, the works. At first I was able to keep up with the diet, but feeling rubbish for such a long period really had me feeling down. I eventually made a conscious decision that I wasn't going to worry about my diet until I started feeling better. Also, I knew I had various birthdays and of course Christmas and New Year coming up.

Well I've finally started feeling better(although I'm not quite at 100%) and the holidays are out of the way. I now weigh more than I did before I first joined this website, but I'm not going to let that discourage me.

I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. I'm not going to make excuses. I am going to deal with my weight one day at a time and, health permitting, I'm going to keep going until I reach my goal.

Wish me luck!
