

  • my thread got locked because 90% of the people on this website has nothing else better to do than to troll and make personal attacks, I'm sure if someone wants to get started again every thread on this website will get locked.

    which makes this forum part of the website very useless
  • Hodge Twins is right when they say this at the end of all their videos

    "at the end of the day folks, this is just advice so.... you can do whatever the F**K you wanna do!"
  • Losing weight is 80-90 percent what we eat the rest is excercise. To quote a facebook friend who is a personal trainer "There is no need to kill it in the gym." I can definitely attest to that. I wanted to go from eating processed food to eating healthier and lost 19 lbs in 9 months. I lead a very sedentary lifestyle zero excercise up until a few days ago. I am in the house 95 percent of the time. That's another goal of mine is to get a social life plus I do not work. Now I struggle to stop losing weight now that I only consume mostly whole foods. My goal is to gain my weight back with lean muscle. I am struggling to eat enough calories to start to regain weight but I am getting there. Whole foods keep you more satisfied so you eat less and they definitely are much lower in calories than processed junk that keeps the weight on. I'm going to start working with a personal trainer next month to help with a nutrition weight gain plan. My advice is first and foremost cut out all the processed "food".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    From what I have been reading on the forums... I doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you dont go over your calories for the day... Interesting indeed... Does anyone Disagree?
    meal timing and metabolism having nothing to do with another….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Losing weight is 80-90 percent what we eat the rest is excercise. To quote a facebook friend who is a personal trainer "There is no need to kill it in the gym." I can definitely attest to that. I wanted to go from eating processed food to eating healthier and lost 19 lbs in 9 months. I lead a very sedentary lifestyle zero excercise up until a few days ago. I am in the house 95 percent of the time. That's another goal of mine is to get a social life plus I do not work. Now I struggle to stop losing weight now that I only consume mostly whole foods. My goal is to gain my weight back with lean muscle. I am struggling to eat enough calories to start to regain weight but I am getting there. Whole foods keep you more satisfied so you eat less and they definitely are much lower in calories than processed junk that keeps the weight on. I'm going to start working with a personal trainer next month to help with a nutrition weight gain plan. My advice is first and foremost cut out all the processed "food".

    good lord no …OP you can eat processed food AND lose weight, just eat less of the foods that you already eat.

    calorie deficit for weight loss

    exercise/working out for overall health, improved body composition, etc...
  • Very interesting post!
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I've only just joined here, but I do know that always having some water or green tea at hand has helped me keep weight off for months already. I also always tuck something into my bag like a cut up apple that I can snack on between meals that is healthy in case I'm in a position - such as being at my desk - where I might be tempted to cheat on my plans if I let my blood sugar drop. I always have a couple of clean water bottles ready to fill with fresh tea or water so I don't even have the excuse of 'no time to wash something before I head out the door'. I don't even drink diet soda anymore because of this.

    A couple of my husbands co-workers have pedal exercisers under their desks. Perhaps that would be something you could do. Quiet and inexpensive.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    my thread got locked because 90% of the people on this website has nothing else better to do than to troll and make personal attacks, I'm sure if someone wants to get started again every thread on this website will get locked.

    which makes this forum part of the website very useless

    Your thread got locked because you don't know what you're talking about. That's about it. There's a lot of very intelligent people in this community that aren't afraid to call you out when your wrong, and they'll even provide real facts and provide sources for their information.

    You lost credibility when you said white bread causes diabetes. Just saying. Your young, why not try to learn a few things while your here. Just because you think you know something doesn't mean it's right. If you can't back something up with facts you don't have much of a leg to stand on.
  • BUMP :)
  • Ltcartwright76
    Ltcartwright76 Posts: 7 Member
    Check out this YouTube channel...she is also on Facebook:

  • Thank you
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I work a desk job during the day, but I'm either glued to a computer, or running around our office. As silly as this sounds, sometimes I like to lunge through my office, walk around for a few minutes, or do squats. Not only does it help to stretch out, but you can fit in little bursts of exercise here and there.

    Just be prepared for the funny looks from your coworkers!
  • Another great idea thank you :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    THURS / FR / SAT your off - Them days!!!!!!! I would do 3 days, but 3 very good days and work my *kitten* off!!!

    First of all, personally if I wanted to lose 120lbs - I would do lots of cardio, and introduce weights to burn fat

    List of things I would do:

    1) Throw all the crap out of the house, All the sugary biscuits, cakes, chocs, fizzy pop, crisps, savoury processed rubbish - Get a black sack and bin it right now!!!! BYE BYE JUNK!!!

    2) Head to the super market, replace the stuff you've thrown away with yummy fruits and veg, lots of protein, chicken, fish, beef, eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts, nuts, seeds, good fats etc. Healthy yummy snacks to nibble on - Make some good hearty dinners, filling and fresh

    3) If you haven't already got one - Get a good cook book for yummy quick recipes

    4) Work out your BMR & TDEE - Tells you have many calories you need to lose

    5) Start logging on here, weighing too is good

    6) Move, Move a lot more than you would, When your cooking move around, get off the bus before work, use the stairs instead of lifts etc - Move, Move - Gym - Sweat Sweat Sweat!!!

    7) Make water your best friend - I drink 3 big bottles of water 1.5l just at work, that's without my cups of tea & coffee's, and water I drink at the gym - WATER WATER WATER

    8) Peppermint tea & greentea are great too, try them

    9) Get lots of sleep when you can, don't stress!!

    10) Portion control is key - Look how much food your putting on your plate, Do you really need to eat of that? Could you eat half now, and save half for later? Etc.

    Ps) Protein keeps you fuller for longer, so always try and add protein to your food.

    Ie: This morning I had oatmeal for breakfast with lots of peanut butter, It keeps me full for hours and hours and fuels me for my day!!!

    This is the best things I can think of to be honest. You will do great with your weight loss! Take it slow, its not a rush, Take pictures too, as I am sure in no time, you will be posting your before & afters : )

    Good luck!!

    Hope my advice helped!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thank you :)
  • Bump^.
  • RoseZ12
    RoseZ12 Posts: 18
    Most jobs give you a 15 minute break every 4 hours, so you can use that time to take a short walk, stretch, and get your body used to motion.

    Yea...not at my job. Wow...They are cheating me of potty breaks and excersise. Thank goodness I am quitting in 3 weeks. ^_^
  • Wish I could quit my job.