time to get serious! New friends around 40? let's do this!

Hi everyone! I've had enough! I'm ready to get serious about getting this weight off!

I'm not new to MFP but I could really use the motivation to get my butt in gear! I'm ready to do this, hope you are too and we can get to our goals together!

I workout daily and am really trying to log my food, weekends are where it gets hard...


We CAN do this!!!


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm 40, will be turning 41 in July. My boyfriend and I have made a commitment to getting healthy. We're determined to be able to run 5Ks and mud runs and hike with his son. I'm determined to be able to do pushups and chinups with the boys. I'm determined, and I know I can do it!
  • 43 next week! I lost 50 pounds over the last year and I'm ready to make a push and get the last 20 off for good!
  • kthulhu69
    kthulhu69 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm right there with Snugglesmacks, getting healthy together. I'll be 41 in September. I live out in the sticks, so going to the gym isn't always practical, but I've invested a bit some home equipment and running shoes, so I should still be able to give Snugs a run for her money on down the line!
  • kthulhu69
    kthulhu69 Posts: 27 Member
    There are a couple things that have increased my motivation quite a bit. Snugglesmacks and I push one another to do our best and we show a lot of appreciation for one another's changes. We also started our before-and-after pictures today and that really motivates me to make as much serious progress as possible.
  • angelamasson12
    angelamasson12 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes we can
  • fitnforward
    fitnforward Posts: 62 Member
    Hi I'm Stacey! I'll be 51 in 2 weeks. I LOVE your positive attitude! Yes we can! It takes teamwork!! I need to get this weight off in a healthy way so it will become a lifestyle. I found walking is relieving my stress and helping my energy... I hope I can stay motivated!! Good luck to you!
  • kdt0315
    kdt0315 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I will be 42 this weekend and have been overweight for the last 10 years! Ready to get this stuff off! I'm with you!
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    feel free to add me to your friends...I've been on mfp for about 4 months and am almost 1/2 way to my 50lb goal...am pretty good about logging meals and exercise daily.
  • Roachel21
    Roachel21 Posts: 1 Member
    I need help getting started. Iwant to lose 20 pounds for my 40th birthday July 1st....
  • Tascotown
    Tascotown Posts: 1
    I am 50 years old and recently found that I have high bp, high chol, dilated aorta and two blockages. Not supposed to happen. Trying to lose a little weight. Wish me luck.
  • scottishgal127
    scottishgal127 Posts: 10 Member
    I am exactly the same as you. :) I will be 40 this summer and it is really hard some times. Weekends are my downfall, too. But, I'm trying to push all the good habits each day and slowly they are starting to stick. This is certainly a work in progress for me and one that I can't take my eyes off.
    I'm up for any and all motivation!!!
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I'm Matthew... just hit 43 this month (May) and have been working out again these last 8 weeks to regain some of poise I had in my mid-twenties/thirties. I've been a gym-rat since I was 17, punctuated by a few years here and there of complete and utter apathy toward my fitness/diet. Four years ago when I last quit I did not own a smartphone.

    How awesome is it to have smartphones and fitness apps now? I've always tracked my workouts (by a paper journal and pen) and now technology makes tracking macronutrients and exercise so much easier. It's a good time to be alive.

    Friend me!
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    38 as of a month ago, and close to reaching my final goals (although not as close as I'd like!).
  • Hello to all! Turning 41 in June and I'm happy to report I have lost 65lbs last year from 220lbs, size 16 to size 9, Woo hoo!!! I'm battling my holiday weight of 10lbs. I slacked off the last two weeks from the gym and eating right. Starting to think I have plateau at 165lbs, I just can't budge. I feel my best around 160lbs.
    I never placed myself on a diet but rather changed my eating habit. Smaller portions (eating from salad plates at home helped a lot), eating half of my meal in a restaurant (great for left over lunches) and staying off of the cokes (was never much of a coke drinker to begin with, no big loss there). My biggest and hardest change was staying out of the inside aisles of the grocery store.
    I’m open to any and all ideas for a taking off and maintaining a 5-10lb weight loss ….
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Hi! I'm Becca. I'm 41 since December. I got back to MFP in March with major motivation -- this time I'm in for life. So I log in daily, track everything I eat and drink water like its my job. I also strive for 10,000 steps a day and recently started weightlifting 3 times a week. I slack a bit on everything over the weekends eat less carefully, maybe step less, but still track everything. Would love, love, love some more like minded friends!
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Hi, I turned 40 in March. Lost 60lbs since 2010 and I'm aiming to add some more muscle before cutting weight again. I started logging on here in October 2013 and actively measuring my calorie intake has made the world of difference :)

    Feel free to add, folks!
  • cjwest312
    cjwest312 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 38. Can I play too?

    Most of my friends on MYP are awesome but in their 20s. I'd really benefit from some more friends in my age group. It was SO SO much easier to lose weight when I was younger. Everyone always told me that this gets more difficult. I just didn't understand until now. I'm only trying to lose about 15 lbs. Some days, because the scale moves so slowly, it seems like an insurmountable goal.
  • nitrospop
    nitrospop Posts: 122 Member
    Turned 38 in March. This is my first ever attempt to "diet". So far I've done really well at logging my meals every day. Family is not much support, they get embarrassed thinking I sound like a crazy person when I speak about nutrition and the science of food. Feel free to add me!
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    I'm excited to be back on MFP and this time I'm adding friends for accountability!! Happy to have like-minded fitness friends.
    I'm looking to drop weight and tone up for a friends wedding this summer and just to get back into working out for health.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I'll be 45 next month, and feel like i'm 25.