Feeling Bad About Myself



  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    This weight loss/health thing is a whole process and it took me months to change my mindset.

    The good news is that you are starting to recognize what is beneficial to your health. It's like being broke allows you to know how to save and appreciate money in a bank account.

    After I started this health process, I had to fail several times. For me, I had to go on my pizza binges to realize that it makes me feel bloated, heavy and kills my weight loss progress before I gave up pizza. Without that failure, I wouldn't know what success feels like.

    Stay in the moment and take note of how it made you feel then move on. It's a process and you're making progress!
  • tkmedrano
    tkmedrano Posts: 4 Member
    I just started earlier this week and yesterday I ate 15 cookies . FIFTEEN! Goodness. Oh wait and then two more at a friends house....17:( We all have rough days. But let's look on the bright side I bet there are other things that you've done that were really good for yourself and you know what they are. For myself I've eaten way more vegetables and have had WAY MORE water than I've had in a long time. It might be the same for you. I'm going to try and repeat the good stuff today and leave the bad stuff behind me. You can do it too. Also, try reexamining your "healthy" foods. Maybe they were not providing enough nutrients and it helped cause a binge or if you had a rough day then maybe it was an emotional reaction. At the end of the day try writing out your emotions in the "note" section at the bottom of the Food Diary. You can do it!! <3
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    I go through that, too. I know where you are coming from. The fact is: You are human, you are going to makes mistakes, you are going to have a binge now and then. But I have been trying to plan ahead for these bumps in the road. I don't have much junk food available at my house, and I make sure any junk I do buy for the kids (and I'm trying to keep it healthier for them, too by buying granola bars, which I hate but they make decent snacks for them when they are sick of fruit) is stuff that is reasonably healthy and/or something I don't like. I also have learned that I can't tell myself that I can't have anything bad. I can have anything I want, I just have to work for it first. I can have a whole, real, sugar and caffeine loaded pop and even have a candy bar to go with it, but I had better be lovin' me some treadmill and bumping up the incline for a LONG time first. And by then I am usually too tired to leave the house and go get it (the perks of living in the middle of nowhere!). Throw out the junk, and be proud of yourself for making the effort to get better!

    Good Luck and today is a new day. You will get there!
  • Step by step small changes make the diference. Do not buy them anymore and substitute them for something else like sugar free or fat free stuff but take it slow you'll get there. We are here to support each other ..count on us. God Luck
  • I agree with the others. Today is a NEW day! Don't look back on the past ever for anything! Just learn from your past. Don't beat yourself up. I also agree with your calorie intake goal, it may be too low for just starting out. But if you eat every 2 to 3 hours and count your calories, such as 300-400 for breakfast, 100 for snack #1, 400 for lunch, 100 calories for snack #2, and 500-600 calories for dinner and have 100 cal. snack with a warm cup of tea. Don't forget to workout! We have a saying in my house to not say the word 'can't'! You CAN DO THIS!! Take one day at a time...remember everyday is a new day and don't look back. Stay positive and focused! We are here for you!! :-D

    Remember healthy foods to make you feel full, like lean protein and whole grains...fruits and veggies are always nice : )

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Diana don't feel bad. I can speak for everyone i'm sure in saying we have all been there.

    Dieting is never easy but it does get easier with time, the first few weeks are always the toughest but the good thing is you clearly want to do this. With that mind set i am sure you will lose every lb you want to.

    Any help or advice you need feel free to message me.

    James x
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I think you dropped your calorie max too low. Going from 2800 to 1400 is a huge jump. I can't even eat 1400 or less per day, I get too hungry. I would suggest cutting out calories slowly, like going from 2800 to 2200 or 2000, something like that.
  • stamy6
    stamy6 Posts: 27
    Yesterday if OVER and can never be repeated. I agree with the others. Write down what happened.
    Make a plan and stick to it.
    We're all going to have challenges and temptations as we grow we will overcome them!

    You can do this! Preparation is the key
  • Don't feel guilty. Of course eating healthy is not easy. If it was we would all be skinny. Just learn from your mistakes and plan your meals wisely where you don't need to biege. Stay focus and remember MFP is here to help. I am over 200 as well and it was hard for me to get into the routine. now that i am seeing reesults and knowing that other triumph is on it is way -- I am looking forward to onederland. BTW you are comng with me and you will be fine.
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Good Morning Diana!

    I dont know what I could say that everyone else has not already said. All good advice and encouragement. We all have our challenges (those damned little powder donuts and peanut butter)..., so don't beat yourself up, be nice to you, it's a new day, you have new friends and we can hold your hand and help!:happy:

  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    If your just starting out I would recommend allowing yourself like 1800 calories a day. This way you don't feel guilty plus you won't get those binge urges. Also add some more protein and fiber to your diet it will help you feel full longer. ;)

    Best of luck honey we are all there with you from time to time. Today is a new day.

    I agree, you'll be more successful it you take small steps and establish new habits rather than trying to make one huge gigantic change all at once. Also, feeling guilty is counter-productive. Beleive me, any one who has been doing this for a while will tell you that there are going to be days when you slip up. Just accept it and move on. Feeling guilty will only add stress, and you don't need that.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Don't let one day define the rest...........and for sure don't tell yourself no, because that is a sure way to make yourself want 'it' even more.....atleast that is how my mind works........one day at a time.....every morning is another chance........you can do this!
  • Don't feel bad about yourself! You have made the decision to change and you are here. Feel great about yourself!

    We all have slip ups (the gingerbread house disappeared yesterday and I was part of the destruction crew ;-D ). Log it and move on to today.

    I agree with everyone who says, don't think of it as a diet. It's a lifestyle change and nothing is off limits. It's just about portions and balance. Try to resist with water and gum and whatever else you want but if you have to give in, give in to something good and REALLY enjoy it. One spoonful of nutella and put the jar away. Eat it sloooowly and savour it. Cut the binge off at the knees.

    It does get easier.

    Welcome to YOUR Fitness Pals. You are among friends.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    instead of trying to limit yourself to 1400 calories, why not try eating your maintenance calories for a week, then work your way down to 1400? the gradual change will help stop you from being starving and binging. you can do this!
  • Start every day as a new beginning! Forget about yesterday think about the positive things you can do today! Make small changes at first. I started this week too and there was a lot of bad things in the house leftover from Christmas and New Years. Make sure you log everything you eat-if you know you have to log it-you are more likely not to eat it.

    Hang in there! YOU CAN DO IT!!:flowerforyou:
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member

    I haven't read all the the posts but I like the one about 15 cookies :-)

    Don't feel bad! Sometimes you need a pre-diet/early diet binge to focus the mind! One downside of being on a diet as it makes you totally focus on food and think about what you can/can't eat all the time - of course it's going to make you hungry!

    I would suggest think of your diet as a health plan/ healthy eating plan rather than a weight loss plan. Previously on diets I've bought all sorts of diet desserts and snack bars, adding courses I wouldn't eat if I wasnt on a diet - so suddenly I'm on a diet and eating 3 courses instead of 1.

    So, I would say think healthy food rather than diet food, exercise a little every day to make you feel good and keep you on track (rather than big killer sessions) and eat a lot of the good stuff to fill you up.

    Hope that helps and good luck!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Don't feel bad, it takes more than a day to adapt to new habits. Try thinking about why you ate the snack. If were hungry then the comments about getting more protein and raising your calorie might help. If it was boredom or habit, try making a list of things you could do instead of eating when you feel that way, like journaling, reading, online shopping, or taking a walk outside or around the house. It takes time. Let go of the guilt, because it can lead to more bad habits to ease the bad feelings.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Sweetie, I think we've all been there before. Dont beat yourself up. Just start fresh today. You're human.

    The biggest thing for me is to think of this whole adventure not as a diet but as a lifestyle change. I cant focus on what I'm restricting or giving up because then I become obsessed with it. Instead, I try to focus on all the things I can have, like fruits and veggies and such.

    I always think that I am my own worst enemy. I need to change that thinking and become my own best ally.

    Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    I agree with this viewpoint. You just might be feeling like you're denying yourself something and eventually you whiplash and do some crazy eating you normally wouldn't do. I've had to really work on my head game (self-hypnosis CD's at night, etc). My approach has evolved towards not looking at this process as a "diet". I've made changes to what I eat to reflect an emphasis on eating healthy and I record what I eat. This way I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything. I love what I eat and I take joy in its preparation and consumption.
    There's a concept called nutrient-dense calorie consumption. The idea is that when you limit how many calories you eat in a day you should make those calories as nutrient-dense as possible. It could result in you finding more satisfaction in the long run with fewer binges.
    at any rate, you've made a good choice to be here and to work on making good eating choices!
    good luck and happy eating!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    we all have setbacks dont feel bad!!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I haven't been at it long either, but one thing I've figured out already is that when I feel that momentary urge to eat something really bad, or to not workout, etc is to log in to MFP. Just looking at my diary, my blog, my inspirations/motivations can stop it. And if it's really bad, run in and write out the post BEFORE you eat. You'll get tons of support to fight the urge and some tips on what to do instead. And it will help take your mind off whatever your screaming stomach is saying. :wink:

    No matter where you are on your journey, be proud that you've made the commitment and taken A step. Cause that's still better than where you were before. Stay strong, stay committed and you will succeed!
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