First day trouble please help

If I could get through the first day of eating right I would be fine... I was down to having lost 98 pounds just 2 months ago and now I'm back to having only lost 67 pounds or so and I've done this so many times I can't count. I am so sick of it. I need some advice on things to do or ways to get thr8ugh the first day so I quit sabotaging myself. I am so miserable please be nice and supportive. So I'm back up to 288 pounds and have 3 kids who need me and I need help to get through the first few days of my diet so I can stayon Iit. Pleaseany advice would be greatly apappreciated.


  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Best advice I have, eat more (lean) protein, lift weights..both of those help a lot. Lean protein fills you up, too many carbs make you want to eat more.
  • happyjack1976
    happyjack1976 Posts: 74 Member
    I've restarted a few times. This time feels different though, I'm not sure why.

    The biggest difference for me since restarting this time is I make sure to drink water like crazy. This has helped with my constant urges to snack. I was snacking all day long (office joke kind of - even though the joke was on me and my large butt).

    Also, do something physical every single day. Even if it is just a short walk. Move your body.

    Never give up.
  • Fran_15_5_14
    Hello :-) Join the club! First day in and im dying! Add me as a friend and we cam help eachother!
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I think you need to really dig deep and find something that is sustainable. I have this grand idea of eating healthy food, nothing processed, no sugar, etc. This thinking always gets me in trouble because I have that all or nothing approach. Well if I can't eat perfect than I might as well inhale a pizza. This time, I am accepting there are good days, bad days, days when I won't have enough time to sleep and cook. I have tons of processed frozen food that is the healthiest I could find for these times and I am okay with that. I am trying to pick things that will hit all the macro targets, throw in fruit and veggies for snacks, always eat breakfast, and just do my best.

    Something is keeping you from being able to maintain. Find out what that is and create a manageable plan because life is going to always be insane.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    For some people, it helps to plan meals and snacks in advance. Plan your meals within a calorie limit and stick to it as much as possible. Fit one or two treats in there.

    Start slow with exercise. You don't have to get all crazy and have an intense workout routine. Just try to move around more than usual. Take a short walk with the kids or do some stretching/yoga. If it's nice out where you live, take the kids to the park and walk around while they play.

    And most of all, don't be too hard on yourself. Take it day by day and set small goals.
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Have you stopped logging your food intake in? Need to be consistent with that....
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    What are you doing in your first day that's making it so hard to stick to? If it's so hard that you can't contemplate a few days of it, I'd argue you making it harder than it needs to be. Eat (preferably food you like), log your intake, hit your goal, move around a bit (preferably doing something you enjoy) and repeat.
  • skutnikj
    skutnikj Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there... so first take a deep breath.... what are you struggling with the most... ? have you thought about why you are self-sabotaging? sometimes the best way to move forward is to figure out the Whys... Have you heard of the 5 Whys? If not it means you keep asking your self why 5 times (it helps you identify the root cause - it is used in industry but is equally useful here) - you start with the problem and then ask why - then with the 1st answer you ask why for that answer - so "why can't I get through 1 day of eating right", Answer "because I sabotage myself " WHy#2 Why do I self sabotage myself ?" Answer 2 "because I am .... etc - know that YOU can get through this and you CAN do this.... Also have you had a chance to diagnose why you regained the bit you did after you big loss? what did you do differently? - most of all know you can do this, you can get back on track :) Have you thought about VISUALISING yourself making GOOD food choices --- seeing yourself doing your regular daily activities at the ideal healthy body size/wt you want - the more you visualize your success the more your subconscious will support you
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Keep it simple. Don't over complicate it. Eat your normal food and log it you may have to adjust servings etc to keep with in your calories but that's it really as you've done it before you know that though. Good luck
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    Stop thinking of it as a diet... It's not a diet it's a new food outlook! You can eat what you enjoy without depriving yourself of vital nutrients that make you feel hungry, unsatisfied, and antsy. Two best pieces of advice I can give are... Stay busy! The more you do the less you will think about food. Number 2 is to stay hydrated... If you're not used to drinking at least a gallon of water per day... start. If you can't handle drinking plain water add some lemons, and cucumber to it for natural flavor or try two packets of Crystal light in a gallon to help. These two things are huge as most people eat when they are bored and snack when they feel they have nothing better to do. Water will help you feel full and keep you out of the pantry! You can do this! You deserve to be happy so keep pushing and don't give up on yourself!
  • AAX2
    AAX2 Posts: 20 Member
    My main tips for starting & staying on track:

    -Stop focusing on food- Anytime you start thinking about food or your next meal distract yourself. Get up, play with the kids, take a walk, etc.
    -Ease your way into things. Don't say " I can't have X". Slowly limiting your intake & wean yourself off of things is a different story
    -Water, water, water. It really helps me.
    -Gum and/or brushing your teeth. Anytime I am craving something sweet or start to get hungry when I know I really shouldn't eat I chew a piece of gum or brush my teeth.
    -Don't think about tomorrow or even the next meal. Take things a day, or even a meal at a time.
    -Plan meals ahead. While I am clearly contradicting myself, what I mean is have healthy snacks/meals on hand & have a general idea of what you can eat & stay on track. Learn to have a general idea of what you can have/eat.
    -Do some sort of exercise even if it is just walking. The more exercise I do the less I want to undo all my hard work.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    If you forget to brush your teeth one morning, do you not brush them for the next month just because you messed up? No. There is no wagon to fall off of, and nothing that you have to give up to make this work. Eat at a moderate deficit, focus on whole foods that are satiating (including protein), and have patience. If you go way over on calories one day, acknowledge it, figure out a way to try and prevent it in the future, and move on. THE VERY NEXT MEAL. Don't go crazy for two weeks just because you already messed up once or twice.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    These may help

    Read these:
    (I know you're not new, but some great info in this one)'re+new+here

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    You aren't a noob... but, you might get a lot of ideas from the links below.

    (see my disclaimer )
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    Don't go making all your changes on day one. Make a few initial changes, then, make some more, as you get comfortable. That doesn't give you license to procrastinate.... just, start logging, read the links, follow the advice you get in this thread.... start burning more calories than you consume.... and you're on your way. Walking is an awesome way to start exercising. But, don't try to make too many changes all at once.... and fall into the 'early confusion / burnout' trap. I just made that up, so again, see my disclaimer. I hope this is of some help.

    If you're serious about doing it right, check out these links.

    Try this. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png Eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit.

    Start here. It's a lot of reading, but these threads are packed with really good information that will get you going in the right direction.

    Adopt-a-Noob is an awesome program. Read the first post in the thread. If you think it's a good idea for you, Read through the entire thread. All 9 pages. Select some mentors that you think might be a good fit for you, and message them. Don't post in the thread, that's not how it works. You might find some of the mentors who have posted on the last couple pages are more likely available. But, it's a good idea to read through the entire thread, anyways.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    no, this isn't about anything except emotional eating. You know how to lose weight, you want to lose weight, but your head is holding you back.
    Pick up some books on emotional eating that have high ratings. I just got through with 'Thinside Out: Having Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too". It teaches you how to recognize true hunger against emotional hunger, and practical ways to get back your intuitive eating habits that we're all born with. It tells you that if you really want a panini instead of a salad, that you should have the panini, because let's face it, if you have the salad instead, you'll still be thinking about that crispy, salty, juicy panini and you won't be satisfied or happy with your choice, you'll still be hungry, and you'll end up on a binge. We've been told so many times what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, that our natural instincts are now buried.
  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    Do not give up the foods that you love just eat less of them and lots and lots of water! :)
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    Biggest mistake I made the first couple attempts at losing weight was trying to restrict myself too much! I thought I had to eat 1200 cals a day to lose weight. That's bogus. I was friggen starving. Lets face it, I was trying to cut out half of what I was normally ingesting on a daily basis...if not more! I am 232 lbs, and I eat around 1600-1800 cals on average, some days lower, some days higher. As long as I do this consistently I see nice losses. Don't start a "diet". "Diets" are temporary. Don't buy foods that you know you will over eat. I cannot buy chips, because I will eat half a bag in one sitting. Instead, I buy or make trail mix, and portion out one serving into single serving bags, so I can grab and go. I eat fresh veggies and fruits between meals now, instead of the higher calorie, higher fat options. Quite frankly, the only thing I miss is chocolate, so I fit it in occasionally. I know I will not be able to do this perfectly, I have fallen off the wagon so many times...I can't begin to count them. I just get back on as quickly as I can. Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. Celebrate each small success along the way! You CAN do this!
  • Fit4MeAlways
    Perfectionists Unite!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I have done the up and down thing as well, and the thing that has made the difference this time is figuring out where the root of my over eating problem was. Lots of prayer to go with it, but it is absolutely essential for my journey to remember why I started over eating and to stop myself (pray) when I'm feeling like going on a binge.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Breath. Log your food. Do something physical out of your normal day to day. Then see where it takes you. Make small adjustments on both over time. Nothing happens overnight. Friend request sent. I would be happy to help