Rushfit thoughts?

I am considering starting Rushfit. The price seems right and I think I would enjoy the MMA theme (I did martial arts in the past and enjoyed them).

Anyone out there who has done it? I read a bunch of the Amazon reviews which seemed mainly positive.


  • walleyetracker
    walleyetracker Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the second week of Rushfit and went from 47 1/2" waist to 45" and lost about 5lbs already. I am overweight, 250lbs at 5' 10". I am also an ex-smoker. The program is tough but it allowes for variations in the routine to make it usable for all fitness levels. I have a busy life so a program that don't take up hours to do was a factor in picking Rushfit, along with recomendations of many friends who all had great success with the program. I do find it hard to stick to the provided schedule but I do my best. There are days where you suppose to do cardio on your own instead. Well I can't stand treadmills and other machines so I just pick a DVD from the series that is different from the last previous day's one (to give some muscle groups a brake). Believe me when I say this, If you are out of shape like me, you will be gasping for air through out the entire session. That is more than enough cardio for me. Threre are some moves that I cannot do (gut and other fat parts in the way) at this point but with time I am sure it will be a breeze. If you want rapid results, make sure you reduce your food intake and eat quality food.
  • Smity9384
    Smity9384 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like it would be good for what I am looking for. I went ahead and ordered it.

    I'm sure I will sweat and gasp for air throughout. I'm 5' 8" and roughly 200lbs. And not in the shape I used to be as a kid..

    Did you buy free weights? I have a set of weight blocks that I was thinking I would use...but not sure if they will work for all the exercies. What do you think? They look like this:
  • walleyetracker
    walleyetracker Posts: 7 Member
    I was looking at those all in one's as well a while back to save space.. I don't think it will work well. Too much bulk. I made the mistake of buying round plastic coated dumbels available at Walmart. Now I am going to purchase the octagonal shape ones as you do a lot of excersises on the ground such as push ups and planks. The octagonal shaped weights will sit nice and flat on the ground. With the round ones you risk rolling your wrist. You really only need a set of 10, 15, 20 may be 25's. They are reasonably priced and available just about any fitness stores or big block stores. Its not about heavy lifting. It's about muscle fatigue. After a couple round with a set of 15 pounders you will be reaching for the 10's. Lol.
  • Smity9384
    Smity9384 Posts: 3 Member
    I'll have to pick up some regular weights then. Thanks for letting me know about the octagonal ones...I probably would have gotten the cheap plastic coated ones otherwise.