Oh no 10 pounds heavier than when I last logged in..

crush12001 Posts: 10 Member
Hello all,

Forget the goal weight - I'm 10 pounds heavier than the previous weight.. Aargh! I really liked this app but I found it laborious entering info every day and I just couldn't keep it up. It looks a little easier to use now with better barcode scanning so I'm going to try again. Good luck everyone (including me!)


  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Here is something I found that helps. I use the online website 50% and the app 50%. The app is good, but does not do everything. Plus "Recent Foods" is really the key!

    Good Luck! :drinker:
  • I have a solution for you buddy!

    enter your data at the end of the day before you sleep, I do this when I check emails, facebook etc.......

    I have just about finished my degree in public relations in business communications and I have 1 year left in my sports science personal training license.

    tell me about the 10 pounds problem? maybe I can help
  • crush12001
    crush12001 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all. Its just crept up in the last 6 months whilst I've been less disciplined. So I'm feeling like I need to do some proper counting to at least get back on track - plus some additional exercise. I've never been small, but I feel as though hitting the age I have its gone up a gear, as my habits haven't changed much.
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    :flowerforyou: well you're back - that's the main thing! It can be time consuming logging absolutely everything you eat & entering the NI if the information isn't already entered into the website (or often correcting incorrect info), but once it's done, it's done! You'll probably find that you eat a lot of the same things regularly, so these entries will show up in your 'recent foods', which makes the whole process a lot easier & quicker.

    I also find that pre-logging helps, not only does it ensure that I'm within my macros for next day, but also helps me to stay on track!

    Put a bit of time into logging your foods & you'll soon see the results you want.

    Good luck with your journey
  • crush12001
    crush12001 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all, will try some of those logging tips. Looks like you guys have found success. I did find that many of the foods in the database were from the US and I'm in the UK - hope that been expanded now.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Might it be useful to log the kind of days you have been having as they say a lb gained = around 3500 calories so over the 6 months it sounds like you've been consuming around 200 extra calories a day. You wouldn't have to cut much more than that from your average day to start losing the weight again (just smaller portions might be able to create that deficit). You'll find it easier to lose the weight again if you keep your calorie goal high so you don't feel like you're on a diet and your loss will be easier to maintain as well.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    250 cals is probably about a 10% deficit too, which is advised when you don't have a lot to lose
  • cniemann26
    cniemann26 Posts: 49
    I generally have a busy day and cannot always keep logging up, so what I have done is started pre-packing my lunches the night before and logging it for the next day. That way I have everything portioned out and tallied up, then the next day all I have to do is grab my meal and snack before hitting the road! And this way you may even see room for a treat sometime during the week!
  • you need to calculate your body's metabolic rate, my body consumes 2250 calories a day, I'm eating a caloric deficit meaning I can eat anything (preferbly clean fats and clean carbs) I will lose weight (most importantly losing fat)

    a few tricks to lose more fat

    1. quality of sleep

    2. high intensity interval training (generates after burn)

    3. build muscle (because the more muscle mass you have on your body regardless of how much fat you currently have, the more metabolism will occur because think of bigger muscle as more cylinders on a car's engine, you need more gas to power it and gas is metaphor for food / calories burnt in metabolism.
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks all, will try some of those logging tips. Looks like you guys have found success. I did find that many of the foods in the database were from the US and I'm in the UK - hope that been expanded now.

    I'm from the UK (as are a lot of people on here) If you put the supermarket/brand name in with the food item you should be able find the right one a lot easier.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    You're back that's what counts. Make sure to record everyday (even on the bad ones). I was bad this weekend and went to a Brazilian steakhouse for lunch, but because I recorded everything I made sure to have a healthy dinner later that night. If not for that, I might have consumed another 1,000 over without realizing it.
  • crush12001
    crush12001 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone, that's really helpful advice. I'm starting slow but at least I'm logging - I like the idea of getting a handle on where things have got to with the calorie creep. Seems good to be sharing stuff / friends on the forum too. Became a lonely chore logging last time round and the advice is heartening! :smile: