Garcinia Cambogia (sp?)



  • stennis
    stennis Posts: 34 Member
    I can report that it has done nothing for me.
  • Pleace can you tell me what brand you are using. Thx.
  • I just wanted to add my experience with taking Garcinia Cambogia...I started using MFP again on August 26th. I have my settings on losing 1.5 lbs. per week, which gives me 1460 calories/day, and I walk for 30 minutes or so 3-4 times/week. I eat back some of my calories most days. The first week I started MFP, I lost 3 lbs., but that usually happens at first, due to losing water weight (at least for me). I started taking the Garcinia Cambogia on August 30th, and since then, have lost 6 more lbs. I tend to lose weight pretty quickly when I set my mind to it, but this is a bit quicker than usual for me. I don't know if it's due to the Garcinia Cambogia, but I know it's for sure not hurting my weight loss at all! What it DOES NOT do is curb your appetite, (I definitely still get that "hungry" feeling) but it does make me feel much fuller, much faster, and I can EAT! I'm one of those people that feels like I'm never full. That's helped me a lot, because I track my meals before I eat them, and if I don't finish a meal, I save it for later. Which, in turn, cuts out calories I would have used for snacks. I take 2 about 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. So...that's my experience with it, just thought I'd share :)

    ETA...I, in NO WAY, think that there's a "magic pill" or anything like that, for healthy weight loss. It comes from a healthy diet and hard work. This has just been a "boost", I guess you could call it, for my own weight loss.

    What brand are you using. Thx
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Funny you posted this, as I was JUST wondering the same thing, which led me to the MFP boards LoL
  • I've tried Garcinia Cambogia from Amazon, the Polaris Brand. It's 100% Positive! It's working for me. I don't know how will it will for you, but you can check it by yourself. It is a Made in USA product, and it's 100% money back guaranteed. Good luck!
  • I have just started using this (1200 mg 60% HCA Vitamin Shoppe brand) for about 3 weeks now... I havent weighed myself just yet, but i have noticed a huge difference in my legs, arms, as well as stomach! It may not work for everyone. I crave water so much now, and I crave healthier things like fruit and veggies other than chocolate. I feel full much faster and am far less hungry during the day. oh and my body cleans itself out more frequently.. If you understand what im saying haha. It's not for everyone, but im quite happy so far!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    For those who are interested...Read up on these products please. I wanted to try it and I did and I truly didnt lose too much weight and it seems like Im doing better on my own with watching what I eat.... I got to find the other article but I also read that with GC it doesnt have any scientific research after 12 weeks
  • iv been using it for a week now. and i haven't seen any weight loss. i will say its given me more energy, and i'm not hungry in-between my meals
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Just saw this but disclaimer I dont know how true it is so please do some more research on your own but still figured ill pass the message along with a grain of salt
  • michellegrant146
    michellegrant146 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there I'm not sure if you had found any or not, but I just started taking the garcinia cambogia on Thursday and I just love it!
    I'm also in Canada, Nova Scotia to be exact and I bought my bottle from GNC, it's a bigger bottle, made by SD Pharmaceuticals
    500 mg, and 60% HCA. mine was in hot buy, so it was only 29.99 for 135 pills, regular price is around forty dollars ???? I hope
    This helps ????
  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    Most of the before and after pics they use are people who never used the stuff and never authorised their photos to be used. I personally wouldnt go near the stuff.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,508 Member
    I took a " leap of faith" with the Garcinia and have been using the Vitamin Shoppe brand for about a month. Having been a food junkie for all 64 years of my life, I think that I know what food cravings feel like. Before MFP I was probably eating 3000 to 4000 calories a day and for the last month I'm at 1200-1400 and the cravings just aren't there. I don't know if it does any 'fat blocking" mumbo-jumbo but it does seem to alleviate those feelings that would end up in binging. For me, it's a thumbs up/
  • I've been taking it for about a week now and have lost 2 lbs since i started taking it. I was already on a lower calorie diet and am exercising at least 5 times a week. However, for about 3 days now I've been urinating a lot more than usual (my water intake has remained the same since I began taking the Garcinia) which appears to be a good sign. No complaints. I am using the "Omegasoul" brand and cant say I feel gypped. I did as much brand research before i ordered and they seem to be pretty legit. I received my order within 48 hours and the price was reasonable.
  • ayla72
    ayla72 Posts: 1
    Buy it in powder form from Only a few bucks for a whole pound. The quality of all of their products is great. I've been using the stuff for a few weeks and it really curbs my appetite and makes me feel full when I've hardly eaten. I think it improves my mood too -- less emotional/comfort eating! I eat when my body actually needs the calories. The thing is though, you have to take it consistently before meals; otherwise you might overeat again if you skip the garcinia, until you fully adjust to the habit of eating less. .
    Really, give it a shot, but don't blow your money on expensive capsules. I dissolve 1/2teaspoon of the powder in a little bit of applesauce, almond milk, or a few ounces vegan protein shake (since the powdered garcinia settles in water/milk) 30-90 min before meals. Sometimes after that I don't even want to eat the meal for a couple hours! Overall it really helps me eat in moderation and small portions.
  • Hello everyone!

    I would like to share my experience about Garcinia Cambogia.

    Im a Mom , and its hard to get rid off my tummy after giving birth, I have taken many products but none has helped me.

    I wont lie I've been working out, diet, and well I have not seen results, finally a friend of mine mentioned Garcinia Cambogia , I decided to try the product in an online ad of Niwali Garnicia, and the product is amazing, , I've been using the product only 2 weeks, and I'm starting to see results , It helped me reduce my appetite,now I feel my metabolism is working faster, and surprisingly, I have lose 1 /2 half pounds and starting to get the flat belly I've wanted.

    I'm happy!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I would like to share my experience about Garcinia Cambogia.

    Im a Mom , and its hard to get rid off my tummy after giving birth, I have taken many products but none has helped me.

    I wont lie I've been working out, diet, and well I have not seen results, finally a friend of mine mentioned Garcinia Cambogia , I decided to try the product in an online ad of Niwali Garnicia, and the product is amazing, , I've been using the product only 2 weeks, and I'm starting to see results , It helped me reduce my appetite,now I feel my metabolism is working faster, and surprisingly, I have lose 1 /2 half pounds and starting to get the flat belly I've wanted.

    I'm happy!! :smile: :smile: :smile:


  • How can a personal experience be fake ??

    Judge for yourself based on your results and on not mines.

    Try the product yourself, and you will be able to judge, plus, it's not only taking the product, its also hard work, exercise and nutrition!!!

    Good Luck!
  • rcav123
    rcav123 Posts: 20
    i started 3 days ago lost 2 pounds - i have thyroid so that means i don't lose weight period
  • rcav123
    rcav123 Posts: 20
    i use bioscience 1234 garcinia cambogia