hi im new, looking for support...

MrsHunterFellows Posts: 20 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
im looking for support from people who understand my situation.... wanna get in shape, tone up, get healthy....:happy: im running the great south run this year and would like to be able to run it without getting breathless... last year i wasn't so lucky haha... being my first one and all i didn't really know how much effort i needed to put in and needless to say i didn't get far before panting and wanting to crawl into a hole! so please if your in the same situation as me and need the support also im here and would love to here from you. thank you x


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I am new here, too. No marathons to run, just a stone to lose and some c.v. health to regain.
    Done well today, still got 370 cals left to use and it's nearly 9pm!
    What are your goals?
  • MrsHunterFellows
    MrsHunterFellows Posts: 20 Member
    my goals are to be fit and healthy for october the 24th i know its a way off yet but i have put my name down for it and want to do it in 1.50 mins... i did it last year and well didnt really know what to expect so when i came to running it i probably only did about 5.5 miles... really bad.... ybut i do need to loose the bulge over my jeans and the bingos haha.... plus my partner does extreme sports and im too heavy to participate at the moment... it was nice being told that in front of the whole team and skinny girls... :sad: but i will get there with will power... ive got enough to share haha xx
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, it looks like we're in the right place to lose weight. Can't believe I have never heard of this site before today :huh:
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    My goals for the year are to sign up for, train, and run at least two 5ks. Decided to start small and work my way up. One day I would like to run a mini then try a full! I figure the good side effects are the weight loss and all but when I resolve to lose, I fail! Trying a different approach this time! keep us updated on your progress! Good luck!
  • Hi I am new too..And would like to run the great south run as well. I need to be fit and also lose weight as I have put on around 8kg. I am not sure how to use the diary. Anyone can help me please? I am not very good with computers!!
  • Hey I am new here as well. Just started yesterday and am working on the INsanity DVD by Shawn T. CRaziness!!! Hoping to lose like 25 pounds and get back to where I used to be like 3 years ago! We can all get through this together. The dieting is not too bad, just feeling a bit hungry as the bod is trying to get used to it
  • MrsHunterFellows
    MrsHunterFellows Posts: 20 Member
    we can all use support with this and this is why were all here to get support... and to give it cos we can do this.... the hunger will soon fade as our stomaches get smaller!! think of all the things u can do when ur healthier!
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    yes, I am new,. Looking for support
  • Running is a terrific sport because you can do it in a group or by yourself. One suggestion is to check out a local running specialty store. For starters, they may have group runs from the store, even for beginners. Many stores have a couch to 5k programs which are great!! Another resource could be www.meetup.com . There are many running meetups all over the country. Running with other runners can be very helpful. A good running group will have people of lots of different speeds paces and experience. They will be friendly and helpful and would not leave a beginner behind. So before you go to a running meetup ask the organizer about paces. You don't want to be in a group that's going to make you feel bad about being slower than everyone else, and a good running group would NEVER do that.

    Second, if you're running or walking, get fitted for shoes at one of these shops. The folks who know their stuff will ask you to take a short jog (1-2 minutes at the most) on a treadmill in the store or will want you to go for a short trot in the store. This will allow them to analyze your running style and how your foot rolls. Then they'll be able to recommend shoes that will meet your needs. This is critical, if you're using shoes that are too old or that don't meet your needs, you could be more prone to injury.

    Third, if you're out jogging by yourself, make sure that your breathing is such that you could carry on a conversation while running if you had to. If you can't you're running too hard. Slow down, you should feel great when you're done, not terribly winded. If it feels bad, are ya going to do it again? Nope. So take your time. If you're worried about what others think because you think you're too slow, remember this while you're running at YOUR pace:

    I'm out here; I'm doing it; I'm empowering myself, and making a better me, right here right now with every step I take.

    Besides, you're not out there to make anyone else feel better, you're doing it so that YOU will feel better, and you will feel better.

    Remember, slow and steady may never win the race, but it will ALWAYS get you where you want to go.

    Take it from me, I've been running for 4 years. I've run 5k's, 10k's, Half-Marathons, and I even have a Full Marathon under my belt. I am no super athlete, I just decided I wanted it, and I took it at MY pace.

  • Jesca514
    Jesca514 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to run... but sadly, I don't get to much anymore! I was in soccer in highschool and up until 4 years ago I used to love to run, it was my stress relief. Well, now I have kids, crazy schedules, and no time for myself. Tried running with a 4 year old and a 1 year old lately? lol. Not working for me!

    On a positive note, I have started using the Wii Fit Plus to "run" around my living room after the kids are in bed. :)
  • MrsHunterFellows
    MrsHunterFellows Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Glevin72... It's made me see running from a different view! I am slow when I run n when u do speed up I struggle to breathe let alone talk haha... When I started in may last year I was diagnosed with exercise induced ashma... Sounds rediculious!! But I'm getting there and will do the Great South in October with a clear mind and be able to run it without struggling :-)
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