Whats the #1 best workout for weight loss (non cardio)?

Before we start - I can't do much cardio like treadmills, bikes, elypticals - I try but my knees are horrible and about to go out. That is the last thing I need.

So I like to get my cardio in through circuit training when I can. Walking is okay with short stints of jogging but can't go long.

If you had to suggest one type of workout (suspension training, bodyweight, dumbells, circuit machines, medicine ball, etc, walking, etc) to see fast weight loss results over next three months what would you suggest?

Links to videos, links to workouts, or just write your plan - any advice will help! Starting to try to workout too today instead of just eating lighter.


  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    There is cardio you can do without your legs like punching a punching bag or just doing the arm movements of jumping jacks. It might not get your heart rate up as high but it will work. Walking is always a good thing and as you lose weight it will get easier to do and easier on your knees.
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    Stationary bikes are low impact. It's what my orthopedic recommended because I have a really bad knee. I now run, but it took a long time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Swimming, Kettlebell, endurance/duration type exercises.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Table push-aways. I know you said 'in addition to eating lighter', but the calorie deficit really is the only meaningful point, and you can do that without moving.

    Apart from that, I think weight training is great for people trying to lose weight. A five by five program would probably be ideal to start, if your knees will let you do squats. You Are Your Own Gym and Convict Conditioning are great bodyweight programs, and would be a good alternative.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Table push-aways. I know you said 'in addition to eating lighter', but the calorie deficit really is the only meaningful point, and you can do that without moving.

    Apart from that, I think weight training is great for people trying to lose weight. A five by five program would probably be ideal to start, if your knees will let you do squats. Swimming's a great choice, too.
    beat me to it...

    weight loss is from a calorie deficet

    exercise is for health/fitness...you do not require exercise to lose weight...
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    beat me to it...

    weight loss is from a calorie deficet

    exercise is for health/fitness...you do not require exercise to lose weight...
    Bingo. You say your knees are about to give out. Losing weight (diet) will put less load on them. So will strengthening the muscles around your knees. Take a look at physical therapy websites for knee problems. You'll see them recommending stretches, leg raises, calf raises, etc.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    For me I could only run without pain if I started very slow. Walking, then mixing in a short jog, and after a moth or two I could run without knee pain. After that I slowly added distance week by week. Anyway if the knees are in really bad shape I would try to do pool workouts. Laps, water aerobics etc. I hear it is the best workout going. If the pool won't work any ab routine will do you good. Like others the deficit is the key factor but I need the cardio to get things going.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Here's a specific link to knee conditioning exercises. Note the warnings at the beginning.

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    In all of your forum posts, you are always looking for the quickest everything… Why?

    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Weight loss comes from a caloric deficit which can be attained without exercise.

    Your knees bother you because you are overweight. Plain and simple. Being overweight puts A TON of stress on your knees. I guarantee once you lose the weight, most of your knee problems will disappear.

    I have horrible knees from a combination of fracturing both of my patellas twice and being a competitive gymnast and cheerleader for over 10 years. I also have Osgood Schlatter and Chondromalacia Patella. My orthopedist suggested the stationary bike which is low-impact and used for knee surgery post op patients during physical therapy. Swimming is another low-impact exercise that gives a great workout.

    So my advice is 1) stationary bike, 2) swimming. I'd throw in weight training as well.
  • joey022682
    joey022682 Posts: 5
    Personally I do not see any reason for you to jog, just walk for about 30 minutes a medium to fast pace, going uphills and down hills helps. If you can I would use kettlebells I love them great way to get a good HIIT workout in. HIIT has also been shown to be way more effective than cardio to promote weightloss. Here is a link dont take my word for it http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2012/12/eight-hiit-sessions-on-rowing-ergometer.html. Also since just about every fatburner on the market does not work, try some coffee about an hour before your workout it promotes fatloss.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    By the way, you either averaged eating only ~920 calories the last couple days, or you didn't log all you ate. If you want to be the best you by August--and losing 12-24 pounds is reasonable--try to hit your calorie targets. You aren't doing yourself any favors by oscillating between too many and too few calories.

    Monday's Meals (720 kcal)

    Campbell's Chunky - Grilled Chicken & Sausage Gumbo Soup, 1 container

    King Soopers - Fresh 2% Reduced Fat Milk W/ Vitamin A&D, 1 cup
    Kellog's - Special K Red Berries Cereal, 1 cup

    Atkins - Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll, 1 bar
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Take a look at physical therapy websites for knee problems. You'll see them recommending stretches, leg raises, calf raises, etc.
    Thanks for the physical therapy exercises idea, I've already found some good PT videos on how to treat achilles tendon/heel pain which I can use right now.
  • getlean414
    getlean414 Posts: 27
    YouTube These:

    -Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones OR Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (starting with Level One) OR Jillian Michael's Yoga For Beginners. These workouts are an awesome way to burn fat and gain muscle while keeping it low on cardio.You have to have some kind of an aerobic workout to burn fat. Even if you're a guy and you're not up to doing Jillian Michael's, I still think these would work and you should at least try each video once before saying no to them lol. I would recommend these to anyone.

    -http://youtu.be/kyUZ4na8NdM - I personally love doing this video, it also has low cardio while working your ab muscle to their fullest to blast away belly fat!

    -http://youtu.be/bSZj19AUU5I - I have never done this video myself, but it looks helpful for what you might be looking for.

    Wishing you the best of luck!
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    I agree, and believe me I am no expert. You are not eating enough calories. Although I have regained some of my loss through a variety of reasons, the way I lost over 20 kgs was logging food, but eating healthily and well, and a brisk walk every day for around 60 minutes. I have back problems and I am no "spring chicken" but they did improve as I lost the weight. Before that I could not walk around the block without huffing and puffing! I can't do a lot of other exercises either but you need to just get yourself moving and eat a bit more than you currently are having and you will see results. I am told a very low caloric intake results in loss of mostly muscles and fluid. With careful choices you can eat a LOT of food and stay under your calorie goal for the day, including treats. Good Luck.
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    I agree, and believe me I am no expert. You are not eating enough calories. Although I have regained some of my loss through a variety of reasons, the way I lost over 20 kgs was logging food, but eating healthily and well, and a brisk walk every day for around 60 minutes. I have back problems and I am no "spring chicken" but they did improve as I lost the weight. Before that I could not walk around the block without huffing and puffing! I can't do a lot of other exercises either but you need to just get yourself moving and eat a bit more than you currently are having and you will see results. I am told a very low caloric intake results in loss of mostly muscles and fluid. With careful choices you can eat a LOT of food and stay under your calorie goal for the day, including treats. Good Luck.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I'd just like to add something after popping into your food log. This isn't meant to be rude, it's just the truth.

    If you're really tracking everything you've eaten in the last few days there, then I can see why you've fallen off the wagon and rebounded in the past. The last few days, you've been eating less than half the calories you should be eating. You're going to drive yourself nuts with starvation while you lose weight, then eventually stop when you reach a point you find acceptable. At that point you'll go right back to your old eating habits (and why not? You haven't laid down new eating habits), and you'll shoot right back to where you were in the beginning, probably with a few additional pounds.

    You need to eat at a *moderate* calorie deficit that keeps you contentedly full and not pulling your hair out. It needs to be something you can do as a lifestyle forever, not an ordeal for short period of time.
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    I'd just like to add something after popping into your food log. This isn't meant to be rude, it's just the truth.

    If you're really tracking everything you've eaten in the last few days there, then I can see why you've fallen off the wagon and rebounded in the past. The last few days, you've been eating less than half the calories you should be eating. You're going to drive yourself nuts with starvation while you lose weight, then eventually stop when you reach a point you find acceptable. At that point you'll go right back to your old eating habits (and why not? You haven't laid down new eating habits), and you'll shoot right back to where you were in the beginning, probably with a few additional pounds.

    You need to eat at a *moderate* calorie deficit that keeps you contentedly full and not pulling your hair out. It needs to be something you can do as a lifestyle forever, not an ordeal for short period of time.

    That is it exactly, what I was trying to say. :)
  • lilyp91
    lilyp91 Posts: 22 Member
    SWIMMING. No impact and it churns and burns through calories. By the way (and without knowing anything about you and your joints!), your knee issues may lessen or go away entirely as you lose weight-it is entirely possible you'll be able to expand the variety of your workouts down the road.
  • theguy12
    theguy12 Posts: 156
    I mean what I am eating each day right now is keeping my 100% full and satisfied. I am eating five times a day and logging everything.

    Yes it's under the 2000+ calories MFP says to eat but should I really be eating more if I am not hungry?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Yes it's under the 2000+ calories MFP says to eat but should I really be eating more if I am not hungry?
    Yup! In the past you've eaten more calories without trouble. What were you doing then? You might replace diet shakes and 2% milk with real food and whole milk. Also, nuts and olive oil contain healthy fats and due to their calorie density make easy fixes when you need to up your calories.