Bingers anonymous

Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
My name is Fran and I'm a binger!

I had been craving chouquettes (French sugar puffs) for ages, when a friend told me that it was very easy to make puff pastry. So I looked it up... seemed easy enough... ordered the pearl sugar that they require online, and decided to make some (just half a batch, just in case - GOOD THINKING).

I ate the whole thing. 800 calories of goodness. You know how they say that after a while it doesn't taste as good? Didn't happen.

Baked goods 5 - Fran 0

Next time I'm making some on the week end so the kids can help. But I think I'm aiming for profiteroles. I just wish I could quarter the recipe, but I'm not sure it's doable at this point.


  • angieconsidine
    I'm the exact same way. I'm much more successful if I just abstain completely. I can't have junk in the house or it gets eaten until totally gone. I'm not the kind of person that can have just one bite. Argh - yesterday was a bad day for stress eating and binging. But I'm back on track so far today.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I do ok with most things, but baked goods... you know how they are the best fresh...
  • Shesaid_destroy
    I just want to chime in and congratulate you on the puff pastry making !!!
    It is not easy to make pâte à choux correctly, to incorporte enough air and then form the little puffs.
    So : nice job on that.

    On another note, i too have a tendency to binge. My poison is chocolate, once I start, it is to eat a whole lot more than i should or plan to. But is better if I just abstain. But once in a while i indulge myself in a choco binge.
  • Shesaid_destroy
    Oh and congrats on the 79lbs loss ! wow ! Just wow!
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    I cant refuse baked goods. It's like crack to me. especially anything from a good bakery, I have no control
  • dschassie
    dschassie Posts: 192 Member
    Lawdy, I suck at this so badly….. Fresh baked goods, chocolate, sweet treats, ice cream- sigh! Something happens in my brain when the yumminess hits my tongue where I just can't stop sometimes. I can even hear myself argue in my head but can't force myself to stop. It's like my arm isn't listening and I'll eat until it hurts. Happened just today with Caramel Pumpkin flavored popcorn, ate the whole stupid bag, all 600 sumin' calories. Somewhere in the middle of this madness I was even yelling at myself in my head telling myself to go right ahead since I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop myself.

    Ah yes, welcome to bingers anonymous!
  • Fnordeen
    Fnordeen Posts: 1
    Hello everyone. I truly do appreciate all of your stories on binge eating disasters. I believe I am giving into mine on a more regular basis. Does anyone have helpful suggestions on how to avoid these?
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    i have that issue. except since i'm a ednos-restrictive type, a binge for me means like 300 calories at a time (after which i generally would... purge...) but ya i know the feeling of making something and eating more than you meant to!
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    My name is [redacted] and I ate an entire box of chocolate peanut butter Lara Bars in the last 24 hours. 16 bars. 220 calories each. In addition to regular meals.
  • hjblackburn26
    This is so me! I do this all the time and the crazy thing is I just posted in another thread that I'm surprised I haven't done this yet due to stress at work. Good luck to you and I wish you the best. It's so hard to fight the urges. I know when I start I can't stop..I don't get that feeling either. But then I feel like crap afterwards and beat myself up about it.
  • James9090
    James9090 Posts: 26 Member
    The best way to avoid binges is to not buy the junk in the first place. There have been a couple times here lately where I will use the restroom downstairs and more or less sleepwalk to the kitchen to grab some pop tarts. lol. Luckily there are no more in the house now.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Double many clicks
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I had been craving chouquettes (French sugar puffs) for ages, when a friend told me that it was very easy to make puff pastry. So I looked it up... seemed easy enough... ordered the pearl sugar that they require online, and decided to make some (just half a batch, just in case - GOOD THINKING).

    Sooo where is the recipe???
  • knicolem12
    knicolem12 Posts: 3 Member
    I have also learned that I can't make or buy baked goods. In the past month, I've picked up 3 boxes of freshly made chocolate chip cookies (12 per box) and the entire package was gone in 2 days. 330 calories each. Yikes.
  • 1m2o3s4e5s6
    My name is Elsa and I'm a binger. I was dong do good in the summer, and especially I was so happy. I stopped seeing my psychologist because I thought I hAd it all figured out. Th
  • 1m2o3s4e5s6
    It is day 2 no binging (it feels like huge milestone to me!) and I hope with this forums support and accountability and can keep going because binging is the source of my anxiety, shame, sadness, weight gain, etc. I will get this under control.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    My name is binger and I just can't help but binge on chocolate royal cake. It's just so good.

    I keep junk food out of the house. It's the only way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I had been craving chouquettes (French sugar puffs) for ages, when a friend told me that it was very easy to make puff pastry. So I looked it up... seemed easy enough... ordered the pearl sugar that they require online, and decided to make some (just half a batch, just in case - GOOD THINKING).

    Sooo where is the recipe???

    Man it's way late but here it is

    Alternatively, you can just omit the sugar on top and use them to make profiteroles <3