Thinking of getting a FitBit...opinions please!

:smile: Hey! I'm thinking of getting a FitBit One and wanted to get others' opinions. Please post your opinion, likes, dislikes, etc. Does anyone know if it works with a iPhone 4? I have been researching and all I've seen is 4s but not sure. Thanks!


  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    The app will work with iPhone 4 . I would be interested to see what people have to say about them . Myself i bought one and i should have saved my money if you are already using MFP to track what you eat really all the FitBit does is tell you how many steps you took and the calories burned and i found that there numbers where WAY out . SO if i was to do over again i wouldn't have spent the money
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    In the words of Nike, "Just do it!" lol seriously I currently wear fitbit one, but started out with fitbit ultra 2.5 years ago. Costumer service is great, and they will even send you a replacement with no charge if anything happens to your fitbit. I love the website, and viewing the graphs on there and the fact that it syncs up with MFP and logs my exercise calories for me. Oh the badges are very motivational too. I feel naked with-out it! Its worth the money and I would recommend it to any-one!

    Now as far as the iPhone question, I don't know. It doesn't sync with my phone, but I have a older android phone. So I just let it sync up to my laptop.
  • Dayhiker
    Dayhiker Posts: 11 Member
    I have a lowly Fitbit Zip and I love it! It's a good motivator to get/stay active. :)
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I had the Zip for a while (before I lost it). I thought it was good motivation when I first bought it, but after about a year it just became an afterthought.

    Fitbit doesn't sync with the iPhone 4 because the Bluetooth tech is older. The app is still usable, but you won't have up to date info unless you sync with your computer.
  • Dm_2
    Dm_2 Posts: 1 Member
    I use the recalled force, and absolutely love it. I track exercise using fitbit and food with MFP. It's a good way to keep yourself honest about how active you are. The first 2 weeks i had it i just took a base reading for how active i was, then set a goal for improvement. My wife uses the fitbit one and i did a comparison between the two and found that there was a some difference based on where the one was worn. my advise is to where it off the center of your body to get a more accurate reading.
  • Debbieweeks
    I love my Fitbit One! I've had it for about a year, and never thought that I would keep using it for this long. But I love keeping track of my activity, or lack thereof. On days that I go to the gym it isn't really as necessary, but when I don't, it is great to know if I have moved enough. It may not be totally accurate, but it gives me a pretty good idea. I have the beta Android app on my Motorola Droid HD Maxx, and it will usually sync to my phone, but I don't really need the phone app, I can just look at it to see what I need. I track my food in MFP, and exercise other than walking, running, or climbing stairs. Walking, running, and stairs I track with my fitbit, and it syncs up to MFP. I also have it connected to my Walgreens rewards account, and earn points just for normal walking around.
  • Dayhiker
    Dayhiker Posts: 11 Member
    @ Goldmay: Did you replace your Fitbit Zip with something else??
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I had a Fitbit Force (the one they recalled). I sent it back but I still haven't replaced it with another model because I can't decide between the flex and the One. I like the bracelet idea so I don't lose it, but I also like being able to see my progress on the screen. I don't think I'd be happy with either one. If Fitbit doesn't come out with a replacement for Force in the next couple of weeks I think I might try the Nike Fuel Band or something similar.
    I wish I just kept my force, I never had a problem with it.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I have a fitbit zip and it is the best money I've ever spent. It keeps me motivated to fit more movement into every day and the friend leaderboard keeps me striving to reach the top (I've become pretty competitive). I've gone from an average of 5000 steps per day (I took baseline data before stepping it up) to a current average of 20000 steps per day.
    If I lost my fitbit I would drop everything and run to buy a new one immediately. I forgot to wear it today and I feel naked without it.

    I sound like a fitbit infomercial...
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Over the years I've tried multiple pedometers and none of them worked at all for me. I got a Flex in March and it's the only thing that will track my steps anything like accurately. I"m sure that it over estimates some, but I've been Very Happy with mine! I don't use an I Phone so can't answer that. Sorry!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I love my One! I asked for it, and received it as a Christmas gift. Now a little over 4 months later and I'm down almost 30 pounds. It works very well with MFP, which is nice because the food database & UPC scanner for MFP make it better for food logging IMO.

    Its not a magic tool of course. But its a great way to measure how active I am, so that I move more.

    MFP is not the only app/site that syncs with Fitbit. There are many rewards type sites where you can make $ or earn points for your daily steps. Several health insurance companies do this, also Walgreens has a wellnes rewards program. My favorite is Pact - an app for IPhone and Android where you commit to doing healthy activities each week. If you keep your commitment you make $. If you don't, you pay. (I do NOT want to pay so its great motivation to get my steps in.) And Fitstudio partners w/ ShopYourWay rewards which you can spend at Sears, Kmart, Lands End.

    Why I went with the One and not the Flex: I like that it displays the information on the device. Flex does not. It clips easily to me, and I don't have to wear it on my wrist. I don't wear a watch, would not want to wear something on my wrist. And I've heard the Flex may not count steps properly if you're not swinging your arms but can count false steps if you're using your hands but not otherwise moving. I usually wear the One on my pocket or waist area.

    :smile: Hey! I'm thinking of getting a FitBit One and wanted to get others' opinions. Please post your opinion, likes, dislikes, etc. Does anyone know if it works with a iPhone 4? I have been researching and all I've seen is 4s but not sure. Thanks!
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    @ Goldmay: Did you replace your Fitbit Zip with something else??

    I did replace it with a Withings Pulse once I upgraded to a newer phone, but I lost it after only two months when it somehow fell out of my pocket in a public bathroom. :( Comparing the two, I liked the Fitbit better. But I would opt for one of the other models if I were to buy one again.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I've "graduated" from a smart pedometer to the FITbit Flex. I got one free, but they are about $90 or so if you shop around. I do like that it tracks: steps, miles, active minutes, calories, and sleep. With goals for each. I have found mine to be pretty accurate to what my smart pedometer had been telling me about my walking & jogging for the past three years.

    I've found the FITbit, worn on the non-dominant arm, to be a better gauge of overall everyday activity, and also workouts at the gym. I do strength/cardio classes, yoga, and also play tennis. I've found the calorie estimates to be acceptable.

    I love that I can sync the FITbit data directly to MFP. Basically, you get "credit" for everything you are doing over and above your TDEE. I have my settings on MFP and FITbit as sedentary because I commute 2 hours a day, and sit at a desk for 8 hours on weekdays. So, basically, now when I go out for a walk, get active doing something like gardening or super-cleaning, I get a little bit of calorie burn above the base TDEE, and it automatically syncs and updates in MFP with a running daily total for calories burned. I don't have to manually track activities on MFP -- which previously I was only tracking workouts, purposeful walking or jogging, and sports.

    After a month, I'm happy with the results of info it gives me to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    The app will work with iPhone 4 . I would be interested to see what people have to say about them . Myself i bought one and i should have saved my money if you are already using MFP to track what you eat really all the FitBit does is tell you how many steps you took and the calories burned and i found that there numbers where WAY out . SO if i was to do over again i wouldn't have spent the money

    I have the fitbit zip. Love it. Once it syncs with MFP it 's a lot more accurate than the database of calories burned - which is why I use it. It's looking at cardio burn not from weight lifting.
    Since I have been wearing it, I can pretty much figure how many steps I have taken by my daily activities.

    I think it's good for people who are just getting started, or need a motivator to move! Mine works great and it was $50 at best buy.
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    I am a big advocate for the Flex. I received mine in October. I have often heard the talk of the flex giving extra steps for hand movement but I work in a secretarial job and I have watched my counter NOT move while I type or file. The syncing issues with MFP had been resolved and seems to be working much better. Though I have had issues with it the company is quick to replace the device. As far as I am concerned it is a great investment.
  • UCCrista
    UCCrista Posts: 26 Member
    I just got my Fitbit Flex on May 7, and have been wearing it since. I love it! I had been tracking my activity with an ActiveLink while I was doing WeightWatchers, but that was very arbitrary, like the Points. Then, I was using the FitBit app on my iPhone 5S, which wasn't too accurate as I didn't keep my phone on me 24/7. Once I started wearing the Flex, I have seen my activity soar, since I am more aware of every step, every move, every Calorie burned. Also, the app sends me messages telling me I am so close, and then I feel like I just need to do a bit more to reach my daily goal. The online Dashboard is also great. I track on Fitbit for activity, but I also track foods and workouts on MFP.
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    I heart my zip . Literally heart it.