Best full-body strength routine for gym


I am a member of a gym, and I want to best utilize the exercise machines and dumbells. While scouring the internet and search engine here in the community, all I see are workouts utilizing your own body or dumbells alone. And most of them only include barbell squats, deadlifts etc. I am looking for a 2-3 times a week, full-body workout. I am willing to utilize as many machines at the gym (well, the universal machines, I know there are some fancy ones.)

I am looking for actual schedules, as once I have a workout schedule, I am more likely to follow it. I would get a personal trainer, but I can't afford one right now.

Also, if you have some cardio interval workouts to share, that would be great. It gets boring just to be on the elliptical and treadmill without any clear direction or goals to work up to.

Thanks so much!!!!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You're seeing the right workouts on here but you're not recognizing it when you see it. You don't need to use "as many machines and weights as possible".

    For now, look up Stronglifts. The exercises and schedule is right there, and it will be a great way for you to get started with full body workouts
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Here is a good place to start .. That is pretty much the way to do it when you want to hit every muscle group in one workout. The website is a good source of weight training information. Lots of different routines and nutrition advice. Just be aware they're a supplement retailer so there always trying to sell you one thing or the other. All you really need is a good protein powder and you're good to go. Good luck!
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks so much!!! I went on there and it brought back my memory. (i have been weightifting since 1999, it's just I am so inconsistent.) Even just getting me on the path to familiarty is good.

    I decided to follow the site you provided, and going to start iwth 2 days a week, 2 sets of 10 reps each with light weight. Back, biceps, triceps, shoulder, abs, delts, and back. I think I'm gonna like this!!!!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Yeah, Dave's right. If you really want to use dumbbells, you can still do a variation of StrongLifts or Starting Strength. Using machines and doing a bunch of isolation exercises is likely going to take you a long time in the gym every time you go. But, with SL or SS, you'll be in an out in 30-45 minutes.

    Here's a link where Sara gives some alternate exercises, using dumbbells, that you can do either of those programs with.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Thanks so much!!! I went on there and it brought back my memory. (i have been weightifting since 1999, it's just I am so inconsistent.) Even just getting me on the path to familiarty is good.

    I decided to follow the site you provided, and going to start iwth 2 days a week, 2 sets of 10 reps each with light weight. Back, biceps, triceps, shoulder, abs, delts, and back. I think I'm gonna like this!!!!
    what about legs? How bout some squats and deadlifts?
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks so much!!! I went on there and it brought back my memory. (i have been weightifting since 1999, it's just I am so inconsistent.) Even just getting me on the path to familiarty is good.

    I decided to follow the site you provided, and going to start iwth 2 days a week, 2 sets of 10 reps each with light weight. Back, biceps, triceps, shoulder, abs, delts, and back. I think I'm gonna like this!!!!
    what about legs? How bout some squats and deadlifts?
    No dead lifts, no squats and no lunges is begging for the dreaded "Flat Butt"!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member

    I am a member of a gym, and I want to best utilize the exercise machines and dumbells. While scouring the internet and search engine here in the community, all I see are workouts utilizing your own body or dumbells alone. And most of them only include barbell squats, deadlifts etc. I am looking for a 2-3 times a week, full-body workout. I am willing to utilize as many machines at the gym (well, the universal machines, I know there are some fancy ones.)

    I am looking for actual schedules, as once I have a workout schedule, I am more likely to follow it. I would get a personal trainer, but I can't afford one right now.

    Also, if you have some cardio interval workouts to share, that would be great. It gets boring just to be on the elliptical and treadmill without any clear direction or goals to work up to.

    Thanks so much!!!!

    Bolded: those are the routines you should be doing if you want full body workouts.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member

    Also, if you have some cardio interval workouts to share, that would be great. It gets boring just to be on the elliptical and treadmill without any clear direction or goals to work up to.

    I'm a terrible runner, but I enjoy things much more if I do intervals on the treadmill rather then trying to run at a constant speed. I'm trying to build up to running a mile again (I have no endurance!) and this is what I'm doing:

    5 Minute Walk 3 MPH

    (3 Minute Jog 5 MPH
    2 Minute Walk 3 MPH) x 4

    5 Minute Walk 3 MPH

    Of course you can decrease/increase the speed/incline to suit your needs. I have this set up so I'll jog a mile total with two minute rests in between. I'm hoping to work my way down to jogging the full mile!

    Edit: DO SQUATS. Please do them. Start with body-weight squats/empty barbell. Your work-out is not "full-body" unless you're working your legs too.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Make friends with the barbell, girl. You'll thank us later.
  • athlon23
    athlon23 Posts: 5
    One of the best home workouts I have found is Fitnessblender, they post daily videos on youtube and roughly about 30 minute, its not so fake and flashy, its just normal people trying to get in shape which is what i love

    and also blogilates is another channel, its quite fun, and has a lot of strengthening and fat burning routines, even some fun dance ones on there. i like this cause its very young, hip and motivating to get that California body for summer.

    these are just a few thing i enjoy and ithought it might help people who are struggling to find new workouts :)
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member

    Also, if you have some cardio interval workouts to share, that would be great. It gets boring just to be on the elliptical and treadmill without any clear direction or goals to work up to.

    I'm a terrible runner, but I enjoy things much more if I do intervals on the treadmill rather then trying to run at a constant speed. I'm trying to build up to running a mile again (I have no endurance!) and this is what I'm doing:

    5 Minute Walk 3 MPH

    (3 Minute Jog 5 MPH
    2 Minute Walk 3 MPH) x 4

    5 Minute Walk 3 MPH

    Of course you can decrease/increase the speed/incline to suit your needs. I have this set up so I'll jog a mile total with two minute rests in between. I'm hoping to work my way down to jogging the full mile!

    Edit: DO SQUATS. Please do them. Start with body-weight squats/empty barbell. Your work-out is not "full-body" unless you're working your legs too.

    Why hello my doppleganger! lol
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    An hiit/tabata alternate to just treadmill that I've just started doing:

    A set of each exercise is defined as 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do two sets of each exercise (so each round will last four minutes). Be sure to also allow for one full minute of rest following each of the four rounds.

    Round 1
    High knees
    Plank punches
    Jumping jacks
    Side skaters

    Round 2
    Jump rope
    High/low boat
    Line jumps

    Round 3
    Russian twists

    Round 4
    Mountain climbers
    Split squats
    Box jumps
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    I was half-assing it on the machines until I decided to make the commitment to Strong Lifts 5x5. There is even an app to use to track. A lot of the women I admire here in the forums use the SL format. It only takes about 30-40 minutes in the gym 3 times a week. Join the Strong Lifts for Women group and read the sticky threads. You will not be disappointed.

    And as many have said before, work your legs (cardio doesn't work your legs). Squats will give you a nice behind.
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    Posts for Advice on FULL BODY STRENGTH, Picks a routine for Bodybuilding, Tweaks it to miss out on arguable Biggest muscle group in the body..

    Not sure if srs.....

    If you truly are....



    Press Overhead


    Train 3 times a week, 1 off, 1 on

    Repeat until Strong.

    Machines\Kit required. 1 x Barbell, 1 x Pull-up Station (Lat Pull-down Machine if not strong enough to pull-up). No need to add until Stupidly strong, and only then.... simple...