
vvancol_rose Posts: 30 Member
I struggle with compulsive/ Over-Eating and my diet is very inconsistent sometimes I'll go the whole day without eating( I find this happens when I'm away at school when I'm just very busy on campus) and won't even realize until it's 9 at night and I just grab anything and everything. Just wondering if there are some people out there who are/were in the same boat as me and what advice if any do you have for controlling my impulse.. I was even thinking about going to an OEA meeting…?


  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    i have this issue, and though it's not necessarily "over"eating it's beyond what i limit myself to and it's extremely compulsive when it happens. just know you're not alone and there are TONS of people on here dealing with that.

    i've never been to a meeting for it, but i've heard success stories!
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    I definitely find that if I skip more than one meal, I become a ravenous beast and will consume far more than I would have... and this can build up day after day, so my solution is to make sure I'm eating something at each meal...

    When hungry and not thinking straight I can easily get 1000+ calories at McDonalds which isn't good!!! Key is to stave off that kind of hunger with some easy to eat snacks...
  • fastracker
    fastracker Posts: 11 Member
    That was me. Started Medifast and it seems to be under control in a few days. Think this is gonna help me. Feel like I'm eating all day but have the calories under control, and craving veggies which I never ate.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    It helps to have some structure. Plan your day at the beginning so you don't end up getting busy and not eating. On Sunday I choose a few recipes that I'm going to make for the coming week. I do all the shopping so that I have everything on hand. I make time to cook so that I'll have a couple of different options. Then at the beginning of each day I pre-log what I'm going to eat for the day and eat it. I can make minor changes if necessary, but prelogging allows for no surprises at the end of the day, and no binges because I'm eating well. After awhile it becomes habit and you won't even have to think twice about doing it.
  • latachuela
    latachuela Posts: 27 Member
    Some days there is points that I won't eat all day until the evening for dinner and eat various snacks all night since I usually stay up at night. It doesn't do any good to not eat all day because I feel tired and energy less. I have been with my doctor and the main thing is to slowly progress and remember to eat 5 meals a day. 3 main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2 snacks in between. it can be forgetful because I know I have done it also but I get back on track and stay strong and positive and try again the next day. It does take time. i wish you good luck. :)
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Before I restarted my healthy eating I would eat more than some people would eat in a few days in one sitting which is one of the main reasons why my weight has increased quite substantially.

    Once I started going to the gym regularly and started spending more more away from home I stopped feeling the need to binge. I used to be more of an emotional eater, however it doesn't control me as much as it used to, but I still have some bad days. (it is still early days though)

    I hope that you're able to work out how to solve the issue. Good luck. I'm sure that things will change in good time :D
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    To be honest, that doesn't necessarily sound like Compulsive Overeating to me. It sounds like you're just plain HUNGRY...anyone would be after not eating the whole day!

    It seems like you really need is to plan your day better. Put snacks in your purse. Pack a lunch, that way if you have even 10 mins free, you can stop and eat. Make a menu and shop once a week and make your lunches for the whole week when you have an hour free, that way all you have to do is grab your lunch while you're running out the door.

    Plan, plan, plan!
  • peacebewithyou10
    Yes my mom's a coach for this and it really helped two relatives from going from obese and on heart medication to not having to use any. It definitely works but it could be expensive. I know there's a way to be disciplined without it, plan my meals, cook daily. With my schedule working so much it's hard to do. I wish you the best of luck using it, if you continue it will definitely work and what I noticed is that my two relatives have been able to keep it off because they have the routine of eating the 5 meals / day and understanding of how to eat. Keep it up!
  • peacebewithyou10
    Yes, I have this same issue so you're not alone. The difficulty for me is working so much, sometimes I really don't have time to stop and take lunch or when I do, I'm too exhausted to prepare food. I'm considering preparing food somehow for the week to make it easier to eat throughout the day and by the time I get home I'm not reaching for anything that's quick and unhealthy. Best of luck to you and thanks for your post.
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    The key is to have a plan. Meal prep is great if you plan for the day or even week ahead then you don't need to binge eat you just follow your plan :) I used to go all day without not by choice I'd just lose track of time , then on the evenings I'd over eat all the wrong crap because it was quick and convenient.
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    yeah, this sounds more like a poor planning problem than true overeating. Anyone who goes more than 12 hours without eating would be ravenous! try to build your grocery list around quick, grab and go snacks and make meal planning a priority.
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member
    I agree with the others here. My husband does the same thing as you, and I think it's because he restricts his food during the day and then after dinner he eats and eats and eats. I would advise you to plan out your meals better so you are not skipping meals during the day and see if that doesn't solve your late night eating.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I class myself as a compulsive over-eater. I have always been pre-occupied with food, I have always eaten far more than I need, I have used food for many reasons, emotional, stress whatever.
    I focuss on eating at least three moderate meals a day and acknowledge that I don't really intuitively know what to eat like some others do. I use MFP for all my reference info.
    Eating regularly and hopefully, nutritionally really helps. I try to not get over hungry because most people bust out.
    My eating has improved, I have walked the line most of my life (I'm 55) and now I am finally ready to try things differently.
  • KettyLoyd
    KettyLoyd Posts: 51
    Luckily I didn’t have this habit, but one of my colleague had. He always look for something to eat every time any where, and it leads him to become overweight. Then he started doing exercises and controlled his overeating habit. And today he is very fit.
  • vvancol_rose
    vvancol_rose Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice everyone!! I think I'm going to make weekly spread sheets of my food put and plan my meals by the week and go food shopping when I come back from school I might also keep a food log just to make sure I'm eating at consistent times.
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Well, My Fitness Pal IS a food log. You can also plan your recipes in it too.