


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I need to eat breakfast or I start munching mindlessly before lunch. I don't eat as soon as I get up though, my stomach needs time to wake up ( about 1 or 2 hours). I usually have a protein (egg, low fat cottage cheese, other slice cheese or black beans) and a carb with fiber (fresh fruit, baked sweet potato with skin, whole wheat bread or flat) and of course my coffee with skim milk. I usually save my fat for later in the day.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    When I was obese I ate breakfast every morning without fail. Now that I have a calorie restriction I might not eat breakfast if I know I have a social engagement late into the evening that will be "eating up" a lot of my calories for the day :)

    I don't mind breakfast, but I can take it or leave it. I try to eat something by 11am or noon, or else I get cranky.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I NEED to eat's always been crazy to me that some people can't stomach it. So I am for sure one in the category that eats breakfast every single day.

    For the last few months I've been taking 1 cup milk with 1 scoop vanilla protein and usually either some pumpkin spice or some kind of extract in there for variety (mint is really good). I usually have 1-2 snacks before lunch too, so I pretty much eat all day :-)

    Weekends I love making Greek Yogurt Pankcakes (they are so awesome and filling!) with some healthy berry syrup I whip up or, my new favorite, light toast topped with a generous amount of fat free cottage cheese and sugar free preserves. Yum. I'm already looking forward to Saturday's breakfast.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I eat breakfast everyday usually before 9am through the week...weekends could be 10 or 11...depends on what I get up.

    It could be anything from 1.5 servings of fruitloops, toast with butter, bacon, milk and coffee with cream and sugar to

    French toast with butter and syrup, bacon, juice, coffee

    to 3 egg whites, 1 egg, toast, bacon cheese sandwich...with juice and coffee...

    I like my's a requirement for me or I get dizzy and sick to my stomache.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i eat breakfast every morning. during the week it's either: toast with peanut butter or eggs, cheese, maybe a meat (bacon or ham) on a small tortilla. weekends it can be any of the following: eggs, bacon, toast, homemade pancakes, homemade waffles, omelets, frittatas just depends on what's in the house and what i'm in the mood for. if i make pancakes then i make enough so i can have them during the week too.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Each person is different. If I didn't eat breakfast, heads would roll. But that's me. (And I'm ignoring the fact that the first food of everybody's day is technically breakfast. I assume you are referring to eating within an hour or two of waking.)
  • JRKWebb
    JRKWebb Posts: 27
    I regularly don't have my first meal of the day till 1/2 pm but wake up around 8. I also eat a lot past 7pm, which bogus science would lead you to believe makes you fat.

    In all honesty, eat when you feel hungry. No, not when you're bored, hungry. I have no hunger in the morning so wakeup, workout, get to work and before 1pm I'm fine with just coffee. Also a little tip for those who claim they feel overly hungry in the morning- drink water. Most people confuse the sensation of dehydration with hunger. Wake up, have between 500ml to 1 liter of water and for the majority of people that satisfies their 'pangs'.

    This being said, I am not anti-breakfast, it just doesn't suit me. I believe there is no most optimal time to eat or any single meal is more important than the other. I believe in intake/ expenditure. I also workout as mentioned and after reading recent studies no longer believe in an optimal post-workout window. I eat about 3 hours after I've done my weight session and notice no negative effects than an immediate post-workout meal. I can deadlift 2.5 x my body weight and maintain a sub 10% body fat with this method. In summary, do what instinctively matches your body/ lifestyle.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I never skip breakfast. I eat pretty much the same thing every morning (well, weekdays anyway) - a bowl of oatmeal with almond milk, brown sugar, PB2, and cinnamon. It's like a big gooey peanut butter oatmeal cookie. YUM! I don't know how people skip any meal, including breakfast. I enjoy eating and, damnit, I'm going to eat.

    You don't HAVE to eat breakfast in order to lose weight as long as you're not overeating later in the day because you're so hungry. Some people don't get hungry until lunch time, and that's fine, but I don't think it's a good idea to not eat in the mornings if you are hungry just so you can eat more later in the day. That's just going to lead to a binge.

    So, if you're hungry, eat, if you're not, don't. Just be honest with yourself and don't skip meals because you think it'll help you lose weight.

    That sounds really yummy! I might have to give that a try!
  • eemitchell1984
    eemitchell1984 Posts: 83 Member
    I never skip it. I always have oats & a banana.

    I just want to say "wow!!!" GREAT job on the weight loss and healthy living you are doing!

    I'm in the same boat. If I don't get my breakfast in then I'm going on a feeding frenzy by the time lunch comes. I have oatmeal pretty much every day. I'll mix it up with different fruits/berries. Today it was a banana and some cinnamon sprinkled on top. I don't add sugar or milk of any sort. Just the oats and fruit. Also, because I'm truly counting calories, I find that sticking with this routine makes it easier to balance out my caloric allowance throughout the remainder of the day without every really feeling hungry.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    If I skip breakfast the world as we know it will end. By 0800 I become the dizzy hulk, I get ornery as hell and then really dizzy. I’m a bit of a fanatic for eating three main meals with three snacks or the six meals a day routine, but again if I skip breakfast the whole day is a bust for me.
    I eat oatmeal and a protein each morning and go strong until about 0900 when I start to get hungry again.
    Of course not everybody is the same, that’s just my account.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I always eat breakfast, but usually not right when I wake up. I don't tend to be hungry, so I just make a coffee and have a glass of water.

    My M-F go to breakfast is a Smoothie on my drive in to work: 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 cup plain almond milk, 1/2 cup water, 1tbsp Udo's Oil (fantastic stuff, and great at keeping me full) and 1 scoop vanilla protein powder.

    Everyone is so different, but I have found for me, High Protein, High Fat, Lower carb breakfast keeps my hunger pangs at bay while at work. If I eat a higher carb filled meal in the morning, I am hungry well before noon. And by hungry I mean Cave Man hungry!

    Weekends are what ever I feel like or have in the fridge.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    40g of oats, one banana all blended up with 100ml of soya milk. I'm another who needs breakfast every day as I wake up starving.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    I eat breakfast 7 days a week, but always after my morning workout (food before the workout means a hasty trip to the bathroom to eliminate said food halfway thru the workout for me).

    I have a light starch like a piece of bread, sometimes fruit and protein - eggs, leftovers from the night before, cheese, or powder. This morning it was 2 eggs, mushrooms, chili pepper and turkey sausage crumbles on rye bread. Yesterday was 1/4 piece of bundt cinnamon swirl cake (think coffee cake), an apple and cheese. The day before that was leftover taco meat and shredded cheese with a banana and fresh blueberries.

    I don;t really have a regular breakfast, just whatever looks good when I get to the fridge after the workout.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, usually. I have coffee in the morning and eat my first meal around 11.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I used to rarely eat breakfast from when I was a teenager until about a year ago. Ever since I started to I've noticed it's helped me not snack so much throughout the day. My breakfast varies from day to day...cereal and Greek yogurt, scrambled eggs/turkey sausage burrito, or a breakfast sandwich during the week, a protein bar or banana as I'm driving to work on the weekends (I usually have to be in at 6 AM) followed by an egg and sausage bowl when I have the chance to really eat. But everyone is different, so do what you feel comfortable doing.
  • CookieNom
    CookieNom Posts: 19 Member
    I feel really poorly if i don't eat breakfast but eating too early makes me feel sick! I've been having meal replacement shakes for around 2 months now and love them! Doesn't feel like 'food' but keeps me full untill lunch.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    you don't need to eat breakfast, meal timing is irrelevant when it comes to body composition and fat loss, I never eat breakfast