Need MOTIVATIONAL friends!

I am looking for reliable friends that will stay on my butt and keep me motivated. This isn't my first time on MFP. I tend to lose motivation and give up. I love food and I hate exercise so that's what got me to weighing 245 right now. Smh. I am so ready to get right and start a new lifestyle of healthy eating with regular exercise! Looking to lose 100 lbs. My first mini goal is to lose 20lbs. Please only add me as a friend if you log in MFP daily and have more than 50lbs to lose. Also I am a stay at home mom so that's a plus if you are too! We can vent about our kids and hubbies lol. Thanks and I am looking fwd to this weightloss journey with you! =) Be blessed...


  • Sailorswifey07
    Hey!! I've got a 3yr old daughter and a husband and I stay at home. So I'm a mother wife homemaker and only one flaw..Im a couponer! Bahaha!! Lol. I've got about 80lbs to loose. Mini goal is to get down to about 180 to start! Just started back up on mfp two days ago. This is my second try.:-) and I'll give you a nudge to keep you going when needed...wait.. Do I meet the qualifications? Lol..⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • latachuela
    latachuela Posts: 27 Member
    I am the same boat I love to eat and hate exercising and it lead me to weigh up to 276. I am in prediabetic mode and have hypertension. I am in need of losing of course more then 50lbs and need to be more active and eating healthier. I am a full time college student and stay home most of my time. I lack motivation but that's why there is wonderful people here on MFP help out each other. I have sent you a request. :]
  • mp5girl
    mp5girl Posts: 13 Member
    Stay at home mom here with a homeschooled daughter. I have 70ish lbs to lose. Also been on here before but life took a terrible turn for several years and I spiraled with it. Would LOVE more dedicated chubby buddies to help along the way! Friends and family are great, but those on the same journey are even better!