Can someone reassure me I do enough exercise? (do I?)

Ahrena Posts: 44 Member
I'm a healthy BMI and have a history of disordered eating, and making this thread for a bit of reassurance.

I gained 20 pounds over the winter after a bad break up where I relapsed first with anorexia which later turned to bulimia. Getting out the bulimic cycle ended up with me gaining 20 pounds where I was able to stop purging but not binging. This is slowly getting better, especially (I've found) as I'm focusing on clean eating - the more crap I eat, the more I seem to want!

However this break up has led me to change a lot in my life and part of what I want to change is my body. I would love to have nice toned legs and a reasonably flat, toned stomach. I don't want a six pack but a little tone would be nice. Obviously I know you need to reduce body fat for this, hence the weight loss.

I don't count calories as this triggers me to binge but I know how to eat to lose weight in a sensible way so that's what I'm doing.

Now for exercise. I lead a very active life and incorporated some additional exercise as well.
Basically I have 2 horses who I ride and care for daily. I also do riding work for other people, so I ride 2-5 horses every day, 7 days a week. The rest of my work and caring for mine means I spend probably 3-4 hours a day on top of that on my feet, mucking out, lugging buckets around ect.

Now additional exercise..I do an aerial silks class and a pole dancing class a week - I LOVE both of these and have noticed I'm getting stronger. A friend has also just asked if I want to come kick boxing with her once a week for an hour and a half which I'd love to do as its something I've done previously and enjoy.

Is this enough? I have been pushing myself to exercise 3 times a week on top of silks and pole either 30 minutes stationary bike or an exercise video. I start my days too early to do it first thing (as in I'm usually on a horse by 6.30am so get up at 5 most days) and I spend all day dreading doing it when I get home. For example I'm home now and my feet are literally throbbing but I've convinced myself I ought to be doing 30 minutes on my bike but I just do not want to.

Basically I need reassurance its ok to not do it, that the horses and 3 classes a week is enough. This is my ED speaking I think as I feel stupidly guilty when I consider not doing it!


  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    you sound like you're doing a hell of a lot better for yourself than you were. hope your recovery continues going well, feel free to message me whenever if things are tough or if you just want to talk, i've been through the ringer myself :) just be careful not to get too carried away with exercising. you don't need to do more than 1 or 2 things a day... sounds like you go beyond that sometimes. to be healthy, it's recommended you raise your heart rate for 20-30 min, 5 x a week.

    also: i'm so jealous that you get to work with horses all day!!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I think you are doing more than enough exercise. If you don't feel like doing the bike, don't. You don't want to burn out or hurt yourself by doing too much.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Think about it this way: If someone else were to tell you they were doing the amount of exercise you're doing, what would you tell them?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I think the riding and 3 classes is plenty. I rode for several years, so I know it can be a workout :smile: (also can I just add that I'm super jealous you get to ride and spend that much time around horses. :laugh: )

    I don't think the extra cycling/exercise videos/etc are necessary. You don't want to risk burning yourself out and/or injuring yourself from over working.

    I think its fantastic that you are trying to change your body and want to do it in a healthy way. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Exercise because it's fun and good for your body, not just because you want to lose weight. In order to do all the activities you enjoy your body needs proper fueling, so make sure you are eating enough healthy calories to keep yourself going.

  • Ahrena
    Ahrena Posts: 44 Member
    Think about it this way: If someone else were to tell you they were doing the amount of exercise you're doing, what would you tell them?

    Very true!

    Thank you :)

    The way I'm eating and the horses (obviously) plus the classes feels very sustainable because I enjoy it whereas I don't enjoy he biking/videos.

    I guess I worry that the type of exercise I'm doing won't result in the toned stomach/thighs I want. The pole/aerial silks definitely incorporate abs (I've really felt them ache after the classes this week) so I guess it should be okay.
  • cottonta1l
    cottonta1l Posts: 33 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great! I think that's plenty exercise. Don't be tough on yourself, just stick with it and you'll see results. As others have said, you don't want to risk burning yourself out. Especially with the stress your body has been through!
  • Ahrena
    Ahrena Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks :)

    I suppose I could always add in more weight training later if this doesn't get me where I want to be :)

    Now I just need to try and not feel guilty!