HUNGRY when at work

OK. I know this has to be a mental thing....

Monday through Friday, 8a to 4p, I am the hungriest person ever. Every other thought is about food. What can I eat next? When is my next snack? My stomach growls sitting at my desk and I have heartburn constantly. I'm still making myself stay in calories, but... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I had lunch an hour ago, continued to drink water after, and I could gnaw my own arm off right now.

I have NO problem ignoring food on the weekends. I could probably comfortably hold off until 4 or 5 pm before I eat..... staying in calories is a breeze, even with the occasional splurge.

But... during the weekday, I wake up and have a little breakfast and I am just hungry nonstop until I punch out. I snack every 2 hours, drink water constantly. Nothing stops it. Once I get in the car to go home, I'm fine. No big deal to wait to eat until after yoga gets out at 8pm....

Anybody dealt with this? How did you fix it?


  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    What do you do for work? It sounds like you are bored. When I worked in an office, I was really bored and would constantly walking around looking for snacks. There is always free food somewhere in an office...
    Do you have the opportunity to take a break to take a walk or even go to the gym for a brief workout? I find that exercise actually helps control my hunger (seems counter-intuitive). I also drink lots of ice water and green tea. Brushing your teeth after meals can help prevent you from wanting to eat more food. Good luck!!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I'm in the same. exact. boat.

    Tea sometimes help, and really just pounding water, eventually it stopped being SO hard, but I still have days where I just want to eat and eat and eat.

    having carrots on hand helps a lot too, super low in calories and just something to munch on. ugh. it sucks.
  • Mrsbeale11
    Mrsbeale11 Posts: 126 Member
    I work in an office and suffer from this!
    So in for the advice....
  • bluffnmuffn318
    bluffnmuffn318 Posts: 40 Member
    Yes! I deal with it everyday. I have been trying to drink ( and finish ) a bottle of water when I get this feeling and most of the time it goes away. I have low calorie snacks if it doesn't but I try not to make it an option. You could eat things that fill you up that is low calorie maybe like watermelon chunks.
  • mbauer013
    mbauer013 Posts: 34 Member
    Try to eat mostly foods that keep you full, protein, fiber and a little fat. Processed foods and carbs will flow through you like water. Also a multivitamin helps. I used to eat a lot all the time and now I have no problem sticking to 1800 calories a day net of excercise. Generally a protein shake with kale in the morning, high protein yogurt for snacks, chicken and rice for lunch and a reasonable dinner. If you stop stretching out your stomach eventually it gets used to being smaller and less full and the hunger pangs go away.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I find if I have any bread for breakfast I feel hungry all day. I keep my breakfast to eggs and veggies only. Any bread or wheat, or grain that I eat, I eat at dinner.

    In the office, I have baby carrots, water with cucumber, green tea.

    At lunch I go out and volunteer walk a dog from the shelter right after I eat my lunch.

    A can of sardines, or oysters is only 150 cals and VERY satisfying for me.

    mints on my desk, and gum

    Don't give up
    and Sweat Daily!
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    Here's somehting I stumbled upon that seems like a miracle cure to hunger. Walnuts! I eat about a 1/4 cup from about 9-12 and I am not really hungry for lunch (but do eat) and then Im not hungry till dinner. They are great for you too!
  • akolacz
    akolacz Posts: 13
    I sit in an office from 9-5 everyday. I start my day off with a breakfast consisting of PROTEIN, and a little bit of natural sugar (orange juice) rather than coffee. So I usually have one egg, w/ a cup of eggwhites. It keeps me full, and get me going for the day. I also bring healthy snacks with me to work. Banana/apple/rice cakes/veggies. I am constantly either drinking water or tea, and will keep gum with me at all times once hunger strikes. Once I finish lunch, I go out for atleast a 10-15 minute walk. I feel a lot better than by going back to my seat after eating. Lunch is usually a BIG salad with some protein on the side (either tuna, or chicken, or a little bit of fish).