Closer to goal but so hungry!

Is it just me? The closer I get to my goal weight, the hungrier I am and the less satisfied I am with my allowed calories. When I first started it was hard to hit my calories every day because I felt full with all the fiber and protein I was eating. I guess I'm just used to it now and it doesn't fill me up as much. Just wondering if anyone else was experiencing this. I just went on a weekend vacation and I didn't log so it's been hard to get back into the routine. Just gotta get with it and start again.


  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    You didn't have a ton of weight to lose, so if you built some muscle mass along the way, your TDEE may actually be higher now than it was when you started and you may need to eat more calories to continue losing at the healthy pace you've maintained. I'm guessing the only way to figure that out would be to get your body fat % and use a TDEE calc that takes that into account.

    Or, the simplest thing to do is to up your calorie intake by a reasonable amount for a month (100-200 calories?) and see if your weight loss continues. You're super close to your goal so you should probably only be aiming for .5lbs a week anyway.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Agree that you may need more at this point. Have you recalculated numbers since losing the initial weight? As the body has changed, it's needs like have as well. Take measurements, use a calculator that takes body fat % into account as csy suggested (fat2fit has one) and see how it comes out.
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    I changed my goal to lose 0.5lb/wk. I'm in no rush to lose the last few pounds. Slow and steady will keep it off better.