Unintentionally inspired someone?

I was visiting my family over the weekend, and even though I let myself go a little on the calorie counting, I still tried eating as healthy as possible, and my parents helped by asking what I'd like for dinner etc.
I was talking to dad (who is also working out, not really worrying much about his diet though) about my diet & different healthy foods I like to eat etc.
After I got back home, I got a text from dad. It contained a picture of fresh vegetables that he just bought and along with it he wrote "Thanks for inspiring me to a more healthy diet! Time to make some roasted cauliflower instead of chips!"

It just caught me by surprise that he would, just like that, decide to go for a more healthy option (even if it's just for now, but hopefully he keeps it up!) because he was inspired by me while I was there!

Has any of your family members or friends been inspired to a more healthy lifestyle thanks to you? :)


  • Running_Spirit
    Yes! My dad decided to change his eating after seeing my transformation. He's lost 20lbs since cutting out a lot of garbage he was eating. (The guy would sit and eat a tub of ice cream a night before, now he grabs plain greek yogurt instead! ;) )
    I'm super proud of him. I've also unintentionally inspired friends on my facebook page to try to change. It's wonderful seeing people take charge of their lives. ♥
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    My youngest sister, she's 16, 5'1 and 212lbs. Yesterday was her first full day of calorie counting and I couldn't be more proud that she's taking control.
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    I once had a girl on my soccer team message me, thanking me for being her motivation to train and lose weight. It was very touching. Even though I wasn't publicly announcing that I was pro healthy living/eating etc. she still noticed. Was awesome :)

    GO US!
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    My wife and I have lost a combined 135lbs. We have a lot of friends and family who've started to workout and eat better that tell us that we're their inspiration. It's cool, but kind of weird every time I hear it. I'm super proud of the people we've inspired, but I didn't ever think that what we've done for ourselves would have an effect on other people.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Well, I'd lost 40+ lbs prior to getting my current job ........

    From my very first day there, I was bringing my own lunch & snacks, and saying "no, thanks" to all the invites for Mexican & Chinese & pizza lunches. (Yes, I was taking a chance that my coworkers would think I'm snobby ...... thankfully these are the greatest bunch of people !)

    I never talked about weight loss much, but then two of the girls started asking me questions ...... they began to cut back on takeout, and started exercising each day ...... it wasn't long before they were both shrinking before my eyes !

    Now my boss has decided to lose some weight ....... so far he's down 20# in a month ......

    We're all doing good here :drinker:
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    Not that I know of, but I really really hope so. A dear family member was just diagnosed with an obesity related disease. With a family to take care of and many many potential years left for happiness, I greatly hope the doctor's advice is heeded.
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    It may not be diet related but, when I quit smoking I actually inspired my mom to stop smoking as well. She's been trying to quit for the past 30 years on and off without success... Don't know exactly how I inspired her since the only words that came out of my mouth to her was" well I quit smoking just so you know" and before I know it the next week she quit and been smoke free for 7 months without any cravings. Funny thing too was my aunt was a big smoker as well and got inspired by both of us. It's funny when you inspire someone without trying to, makes you feel kind of awesome. :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    One of my closest longtime friends has been very active for a long time but I didn't even know she was eager to lose weight, really. Then my husband and I went hiking with her and somehow got on the subject of My Fitness Pal helping us lose weight and she joined the next day and is now logging her food & activity daily here and has lost 3 pant sizes. So cool!

    That was refreshing, because since joining this site I've had countless other friends who ask me about it and then don't try it, or try it for 3 days and say it's too hard/tedious and then spend tons of money on pills, shakes, and personal trainers only to lose 4 lb in 6 months (and I'm talking about people with 100+ to lose, btw). I hate to sound snotty about that but it's a bit irritating tbh.
  • sjbtiger
    sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
    It has actually been my husband! He's never been overweight, but his diet can be pretty appalling at times. When I started working out 3-4 times a week and logging my food, it was entirely for myself. I talked with him about it, but never once suggested he do the same. After about 2 months and 10 pounds down, he started working out. Now he is making food choices based on protein content and has cut out almost all of the junk. He has told me several times that he's really impressed with what I've accomplished. It makes it so much easier to be on this journey as a family!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    My fiance has become inspired and has been cutting out soda and sugary snacks and having a good deal of success with it. She told me it was thanks to me and I was shocked in a good way. :)
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    That's awesome, all of you! It's a great feeling when someone decides to start making better choices because they saw you make them! :)
    When I was visiting my family, even my eat-it-all mum started looking at the packages saying "Hmm, so how many calories is in this anyway..?" haha!