Running results yet :(

Blush4me Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have never been a good runner my whole life, but a couple years ago I started to get into it. I got to the point where I could jog 25 miles a week at my best (this was last spring). Since then I gained maybe 15-20lbs from not exercising as much and my diet changing. I also got of medication and I think that added to the weight gain. Anyways I have started back into running almost everyday and I am up to 2 miles now...the thing is I havent seen ANY results yet... My calorie goal is fairly low but its hard to stay in it when I burn so much running...I dont know what to do???


  • How long have you been running for again?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    **BUMP** for later read...I am in the same boat! :grumble:
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    If you haven't exercised in a while, you're probably burning fat AND putting on muscle (which weighs a lot more). I started exercising significantly 6 weeks ago, and while I've only lost a pound or so, I've noticed big changes in my body. Lots more tone, and I've shrunk my waist and hips by a couple inches.

    Stick with it. This isn't an overnight process! Enjoy it!
  • A few questions come to mind... Where are you at with heart rate when you're running - if you are too high or too low, that can have an impact? Are you getting at least 7 hours of sleep? Are you having a protein snack after your run? Are you consuming at least 8 glasses of h2o a day? Are you doing some strength training in addition to runs? Lot's of variables can contribute to no weight loss.
  • Is your calorie allotment too low? If you're not eating enough, you won't lose either. Also I haven't looked at your food diary, but are you logging everything. And are you eating healthy food vs garbage? Food plays the biggest roll in whether you lose or not. You can run 2 miles a day every day and eat empty calories and not lose a pound. Just some thoughts...
  • Are you eating enough? You have to eat those burned calories back at least half. When I run I notice my shape change but not too much on the scale. Now that I have stopped due to winter weather I see now the scale going down because of muscle loss....
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    My calorie goal is fairly low but its hard to stay in it when I burn so much running...I dont know what to do???

    Your answer is in your question. Simply put, too few calories netted due to running. Not to burst your bubble, but you're not burning a ridiculous amount of calories running 2 miles at your weight...absolutely max is 125 calories/mile depending on how efficient your body is. You need to net 1200 calories. So if you burn 225 calories through exercise you need to eat 1425 calories. If you don't have a HRM then your burn is a guess at best. Highly recommend a HRM and that you eat more. Running revs up your appetite a lot and if you don't eat some of those calories back, you're going to stall your weight loss. You also need to be cross training - particularly strength training.
  • Add one more serving of lean protein to your diet if you are excercising alot. When I was in the military and training, I was told by my Training Instructor to drink a glass of milk right after my 5 mile runs. You should also consume 8-10 glasses of water a day...adding a little lemon juice to your water helps the body absorb calcium and sugar which in turn helps you lose weight. When I did those things, I saw results!
  • kimboannie
    kimboannie Posts: 4 Member
    I am a runner also. I went from a size 10 to a 6 when I started and it took about a year. A few months ago I started incorporating P90X 3 x's a week and I dropped to a size 4. It is important to do weight training along with your running to get max results. I am currently training for my very first full marathon!! Don't give up!!! :)
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    also, try on your skinny jeans and see if there are differences
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