Need support please! Age 43 and need to lose 150

I'm 43, I need to lose about 150 pounds. I've changed my diet significantly and I am adding exercise as I can. I have a myriad of health issues to overcome as I go. I have lost some weight but I need to keep my momentum going!


  • ajones1965
    ajones1965 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in a similar position to you. I take each day at a time, work hard on eating properly and exercise varying my routine. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like : )
  • apace6
    apace6 Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I will push you if you push me. I'm about to hit my 45 birthday in August. I want to lose 150, but my goal for Aug 14 is 40 and an additonal 80 by May 2015. Let's do this together.
  • apace6
    apace6 Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me as well if you would like to get and give support. The more the merrier!
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    So I was at the gym today, sitting on the rowing machine, watching the clock tick up a second for every hour I was on the beast. I was covered in sweat, my shirt clung tight to my portly belly and all I could do was think how much better it would be if I simply got up and gave it a rest for a while.

    The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I knew, without a doubt, that the fat me would get up and I was only there to get rid of that lazy jerk.

    It's easy to give up when the scale seems stuck, the nights end hungry and the body aches in ways you never even imagined you could hurt. But that's why we are big. We made bad choices in the past. Our inner monologue has lied to us.

    If we eat healthy. Exercise often. Stick to it through the hopelessness and setbacks. We will change our minds and with it our bodies.

    Everyday at the gym is like that for me, just like every night at the fridge it like that. But we are not just are moments of weakness. My binges are now on the healthy food I've stocked the house with and my failures at the gym are triumphus of only a few weeks earlier.

    Most of us have given up on the idea of greatness but we are all great if we choose to be. When we find ourselves sitting on that rowing machine, walking on the treadmill or sliding in the elliptical all we need to do is remember that that day is the only day that counts. It's the one we can influence right then. It's the day that can make us great.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    I started with 130 lbs to get rid of. It's a long road. If you're looking for friends, feel free to add me.