Former runner here, looking to return to fitness!

Hi there!

I just joined MFP to help me get my health back on track, and I want very much to make "friends" with some like-minded folks! I used to run 8 miles a day, 4 or 5 days a week, only a few years ago, and being able to run like that was something I very much took for granted. Then, injuries and other issues (like hypothyroidism) happened. Grad school happened (and with that, large quantities of pizza and beer and zero amounts of exercise happened). Marriage and now my first pregnancy have happened. And that's how I got to be where I am now, a 31-year-old woman, gradually trying to work her way out of obesity to follow her dream of once again being a RUNNER. And most importantly, wanting very much to be a fit mom to her new baby (due in November). The one thing I have going for me at this point is that I am EXTREMELY MOTIVATED. I've already lost 25 pounds by logging my meals/exercise the old-fashioned way, in the past year before coming over to MFP, and I think I'll continue the success easily now that I'm here. Who's with me? Add me as a friend! :)

PS Not much running is happening in my life right now. I walk a lot at the moment, but I want to make friends with some other former, current, or future runners--and with anyone else, for that matter!--so that I can have support in my journey back to health. :)


  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member

    I never been a runner but as April 1 I started the C25K running program, I'm at week 5 and I'm doing well. I know its not easy losing weight that as been accumulating over the years. Same thing for me, after university, I got married, had 2 babies and now I am!!!!

    I lost 23 lbs up to now and getting in a better shape.

    I tried to lose weight many times but failed this time I want to do it for real!

    I'm adding you :)
  • timpoirier
    timpoirier Posts: 5
    Hi i am also a former runner (college track athlete) and i remember back then after countless hours working out i cant wait to get fat. Welp now i cant wait to get thin again.
  • GidgetWannaBe
    GidgetWannaBe Posts: 20 Member
    I started running at the beginning of April again and have dropped 14 lbs. I feel so much better! You will too. Feel free to add me.