what was your wake up call?

I posted this on my page and received some really good feedback! At times it is go to look back to see why we started this journey but also looking at the bigger picture! "what is your reason to continue?" "what is your motivation to keep going?" Is it to have sexy abs, look good in a bathing suit, or to have a healthy lifestyle.

The question was asked...
what was you wake up call?
For me it was this time last year when the dr. told me that I lost 4lbs. My thought was how!! I was eating crap! I would juice here and there! I didn't really care. I was depressed. Two days before my birthday (June 17,2013) I was suppose to have surgery to get my gallstones removed ,but they said that I could not get the surgery because of my weight! I admit I was pissed! That moment was my wake up call!

We all have a testimony and were giving another chance to live and do something great! personally I give credit to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ!


  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    I've been overweight for a while and the weight just kept creeping up through my 20's and early 30's. Then I got pregnant and luckily had no complications. I actually stayed the same weight through my pregnancy and when I had the baby ended up losing 25 lbs. I got to stay home with my baby and didn't watch what I ate and gained almost 50 lbs in a year. I am now bigger than when I was fully pregnant. I went to a family gathering a few months ago and got a few pics taken of me (hardly happens...maybe because I want to stay in denial). Anyway, I saw one of the pictures and it was my wake up call. I am disgusted with myself that I let myself get that big.
    Now I'm committed to change. I'm working on my eating habits which I think is easier for me to start with by itself and then slowly add in exercise. Hopefully I will make my way down to a healthier weight through small habit changes throughout my journey. I figure slow and steady wins the weight loss race!
  • love2b3fit
    love2b3fit Posts: 31
    I knew I was overweight until I brought myself a new scale and saw I was 50 lbs overweight! To make it worse, my grandmom asled me if I wanted her old pants. I asled how bug and she said their 16s! I wear a size 10 but I now know I look a size 16... that was my wake up call:sad:
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    My wake up call wasn't anything big or spectacular that I remember. I just knew that this was the time. I had to get myself under control or it would have gotten bad. I moved to a new city and started at a new university. It was time to be the thin girl for the first time in my life.
  • anndelise
    anndelise Posts: 14
    My wake up call was when I was randomly perusing the internet and came across a site that suggested that humans have an avg heartbeat life span. (Not saying I believed it.) i got curious and put on my heart rate monitor to find out my end of day after an hour of relaxation, what my heartbeat was. It was high enough to count as easy aerobic exercise...even though I was at rest. Then entered it into their calculator, and was informed I have about 10 years worth of heartbeats left. (Again, not saying I believed it.) But it got me to thinking that with my back problem, I'm not sure I would have much quality of life after 10 years. Already it's been deteriorating. And I learned that it was easier to declutter by thinking in terms If I did only have about ten years left, what would I do? Part of my answer involved reducing my weight so I could more easily move, reduce the pressure on my back, and live a better quality of life.

    Further support for that wakeup call was when my stomach troubles became a constant thing.

    This wasn't a way to live, so time to change all that.
  • bakokari57
    bakokari57 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a diabetic and for the last year my fasting blood sugar was too high. I was eating all the wrong foods, still taking my medication, but not exercising or eating right. I went to the doctor and he suggested a change in medication and then told me as he wrote the prescription, "I can prescribe all the medication you or I could want, but if you don't change what you are doing, it won't make any difference."

    That was it, wake up call. In two weeks I dropped 8 pounds and the doctor wants 30 more off. I'm down 20 since that first appointment in March and I'd like to drop another 10 by the time I see him in the middle of June. I appreciate these boards and friends that help keep me accountable.

    Good question, thanks.
  • rubyglitter19
    I have tried many MANY different things to loose weight and to fit into dresses for special occasions. After hitting the highest weight of my life (234 lbs) was approached to join a hockey team. I started playing and realized I would be much faster if I was smaller. Now I am committing to making small changes so that I can be a better team mate. Also I found out that diabetes runs in my family and I would like to avoid that.
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    My boyfriend cheated with someone super skinny. Now i want to lose the weight so it won't happen again.
  • 1cafesvp
    1cafesvp Posts: 8 Member
    Going to be 50 years old next year and to celebrate, i plan on going on a tour of Europe next summer... By foot! Roughly 450 miles of walking...Crazy, but it's always been a dream of mine..
    Soooo, being 60 pounds overweight, with knee and shoulder problems, weak back, borderline HBP, how can i possibly accomplish this dream without exacerbating my problems? Cannot be done...Therefore, i just started one day and that's it! I have been on this WL journey since Feb 2014, lost 12 pounds, stalled for a month but still, i ain't quitting! I'm doing Keto/LCHF and i love it.
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    My wake up call was going through supporting my mom dealing with her cancer last year and the resulting chemo treatments. The doctors repeatly praised her strength and resilience as as result of her health, consistent habits prior to the diagnosis and how maintaining her health gave her a fighting chance. It really spooked me to stop sitting around and letting life happen to me and start taking charge of my life.
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Investing in a food scale and seeing how much a correct portion really is :( LOL
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    We went on a cruise in February, and I had purchased some shorts that were a little too big on purpose. Because it was a cruise. And I knew I'd be bloated. About 2 Months later I put on those same shorts and they were too tight. That was the day I started eating healthy again. I didn't even "wait for tomorrow". I just started right then and there.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I've known for a while, and made a bunch of half-hearted stabs at losing it the past few years, so I don't really know what changed to make this time around so different. Maybe I just did enough research? I feel so much better prepared, and I don't understand what I was thinking the first couple times - not even keeping a food journal? _Really_?

    It might have been huffing at the top of the stairs at work, or how hard clothes shopping was getting, or how sometimes I'd cry for no reason, but ultimately I think it was the moment I was sitting up at two am with the boy I'm in love with, laughing and feeling so so so special, and the sudden realization that I didn't trust it because I couldn't see what anyone might see in me. I think it was that abrupt understanding of just how bad my confidence had gotten and how much it was interfering with my life that I was like "welp, time to fix this."
  • Loz220662
    Loz220662 Posts: 58 Member
    For me it was when I couldn't walk & talk with a work mate, I was so out of breathe. And the little things like my favorite shirts didn't fit and when the wife brought me a 3xl shirt for Christmas and it fitted.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I didn't have a wake-up call per se, but rather, a series of realizations. In 2008, I realized that I had put on nearly 6 pounds a year for over a decade, that I had gone from thin to fat, and that it was starting to interfere with my comfort in daily life and that, now that I was 40, I was courting long-term health problems by being obese.

    I started exercising more, watched what I ate (without counting calories), and lost about 10 lb. Then my weight fluctuated between 205 and 215 for 4 more years. From fall 2011 to spring 2012, I lost about 8 lb. and got down to just over 200, but then put on over 12 lb. between then and December 2012, despite bicycling far more that year than in previous years. I hadn't returned to my heaviest weight (225 or so), but I was heading back in that direction.

    That's the point where I realized that "watching what I ate," without calorie counting, obviously wasn't working, so I needed another plan. By happenstance, I discovered three things in January 2013: MFP, which was reviewed in a copy of Consumer Reports that I was leafing through at my sister's house; Beeminder, a website that lets you set up a financial penalty if you fail to meet your own goals; and John Walker's free online book The Hacker's Diet (http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/), which also emphasizes calorie counting, and which treats weight loss not as a moral issue but from an engineering and management perspective.

    The results have been pretty good, though in hindsight I would have done more strength training from the start. I love walking, cycling, and running (which I took up again once my weight was under 170), so I have no problem getting cardio, but I approach strength training the way I approach flossing: it's necessary for my goals, but I don't like it and do the minimum necessary.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Seeing photos of myself and being horrified at how chunky I had gotten. I only wanted to look at photos from 10 years before and that's when I knew I had to change things.

    There were other things going on too of course (like having to buy bigger clothing sizes, feeling self-conscious around others or when I was in a shirt tight enough to show my stomach), but the photos were the wake-up call.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    My wake up call was my (currently) long distance boyfriend being able to join my family and I in Hawaii this summer. Kickstarted me wanting to be healthier and have less jiggle and fit into my swimsuits better. I want to be able to really enjoy the vacation instead of feeling like a beached whale all the time! Usually I'm uncomfortable at the beach, but I really want to enjoy it.
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    I was having chest pains and an irregular heartbeat, so I went to the emergency room.

    I spent a good portion of the day in there. One question they did ask me was if I was doing anything about my weight? I replied with I'm trying, last I knew I was 180 something pounds... which the doc then looks at the nurse like Really? They then told me I was around 197 lbs (which is really close to my original starting weight), and that is most likely why I am in the ER.

    My hubby and I also found out it was also a stressed induced panic attack, while on the heart monitor, there was only one topic/person that was raising my heart rate.

    I have come to realize that 1) I needed to get to a healthier weight 2) Cut all communications with the person causing me stress.

    So basically it was a weight and stress induced attack that sent me into the ER.

    Last month I officially stopped talking to said person, for other reasons other then causing me stress. So that is taken care of, now I can focus on getting to a healthy weight and living a healthy lifestyle.

    That was my wake up call.

    * The ER visit happened back in December 2013*
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Mine happened when I realized I was fat after my divorce. It took a while to register in my brain; I just thought I was a little thicker than I used to be. Nope. My 135 lb. self in high school had ballooned to 220 in a few years after high school. I avoided photos and felt miserable all the time. I hated seeing the tags on the clothes I wanted to wear - they were too small, always too small, and I was always too large to look nice. After the divorce, I lost down to 185 with ease, mostly because I wasn't eating to keep up with my ex-husband.

    The 185 stuck. And stuck. And I didn't care. I still didn't feel good about myself or anything. My circumstances took a dark turn and I had to move a couple of times to avoid the harassment of my younger sibling - and, for some reason, his childish insult ("Fat cow") stuck in my craw.

    Spite can be a hell of a motivator, sometimes.

    When I decided to move to Georgia in 2012, I knew I had to make a lot of changes - and getting a 2nd job was only one of them. I was going to be meeting a guy I'd only ever known on the internet (who is now my Gentleman, which has been lovely!) and driving across country and generally changing everything about my life.

    That was a crazy, crazy period, but I lost most of the extra weight (in a healthy way and only partially spite-fuelled!). Now I'm down to the last 10-15 (because I gained a bit after the move) and it's all about vanity and costumery at this point. *cough*
  • JocelynElizabeth2014
    Nothing Crazy. I knew I was overweight and then at my cousins 10 birthday party I looked so big in the pictures that I freaked.

    Also, I want to get healthy and be established in my new habits before I have children.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I didn't really have a wake up call, it's more like I've been texting myself mean messages to get off my *kitten* and fix this situation for a long enough time I finally broke down and did it.