How long have you maintained your weight loss?

Hello. I'm just curious to know how long you have kept off the weight you lost?


  • TurquoiseStar
    In addition to the posted question I would also like to know...

    How much did you lose?
    How long did it take to reach your desired goal?
    What do you find most challenging?
    Do you still faithfully calorie count?
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Lets see. I'm losing again now but I maintained at 140 for about 6 months before starting up again.

    I have lost 23 pounds to get there
    It took 4 months to get to 140 lbs.
    I found the idea of never being able to stop counting calories ever most challenging
    I still faithfully calorie counted the entire time. I don't know if I could maintain without doing it.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I haven't reached goal yet but am down 39 pounds. Due to work stress I just decided it would be too hard to try to lose from January to April so I maintained. I kept calorie counting because it is something I need to do. I don't think I will ever be completely free of counting. I am restarting now and getting back to my weight loss mode. Practicing maintaining can help you learn what works and doesn't for you.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I met my goal weight in 2010, so I've been maintaining for almost 4 years now. It took me almost a year to lose the 40 lbs, but I was in no hurry. I calorie count EVERY day, without fail, and I weigh myself every day. The scale doesn't control me, but helps me to monitor how I'm doing, and if I need to change anything.
  • tetop
    tetop Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I I lost 83 lbs and it took me about 7 months What I found most challenging was staying on track about food. The whole working out thing wasn't a problem because after a couple of weeks staying on a routine it just kind of became habit. No I don't still calorie count. I maintained my weight loss for a while but now I have gained back 25 lbs sadly. Now I'm back to it to lose those pesky lbs.
  • TurquoiseStar
    I met my goal weight in 2010, so I've been maintaining for almost 4 years now. It took me almost a year to lose the 40 lbs, but I was in no hurry. I calorie count EVERY day, without fail, and I weigh myself every day. The scale doesn't control me, but helps me to monitor how I'm doing, and if I need to change anything.

    Congrats to you! Thanks for sharing
  • TurquoiseStar
    Hey! I I lost 83 lbs and it took me about 7 months What I found most challenging was staying on track about food. The whole working out thing wasn't a problem because after a couple of weeks staying on a routine it just kind of became habit. No I don't still calorie count. I maintained my weight loss for a while but now I have gained back 25 lbs sadly. Now I'm back to it to lose those pesky lbs.

    Will you go back to calorie counting?
  • KelARita7
    KelARita7 Posts: 2,694 Member
    I lost 65lbs in about a year...was May 2011 when I hit my goal weight and I have been mostly maintaining since 3 years now. Tho I would love to lose a bit more , it hasn't been anything I have really pushed for.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have not yet reached my approx. goal of 170 lb (I am currently at 184 lb).

    I started at my heaviest weight of 307 lb in November 2008. I lost 45 lb between then and 2013. I did not regain any weight over that time period, it was just a very slow & gradual loss.

    I joined MFP in March 2013 at the weight of 262 lb. Over the past 14 months I have lost 78 lb you see reflected in my ticker. I have not regained any weight along the way.

    The most challenging thing for me is staying motivated to exercise beyond what is normal daily activity for me (lots of walking, cleaning, running errands, sight-seeing on weekends).

    I log every calorie I eat or drink, every single day since 3-25-13 and I plan to keep doing that for at least a few years during maintenance after reaching my goal.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    Reached goal in October 2013. Went to maintain and lost a couple more. Now Im steady not gaining not losing anymore. I count everyday because if I dont I KNOW I will fall into bad habits again. It took me approx a year to lose 70 pounds. I work out everyday. I take Sat and Sun off from religious counting though. Im more of an average it out. I dont eat exercise calories back during the week I save them for my weekend when hubs and kids are home, so technically my treats are accounted for by workouts during the week. I dont workout on weekends.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    About 17 months or so.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    It took me about 6 months to lose my 50 lbs and I've been around this weight for over a year now. I still track my exercise and calories everyday (Almost 700 days now.) Honestly, the most challenging part is eating my exercise calories back every day--If I don't, the weight continues to fall of.

    Good luck!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    I lost about ten to fifteen pounds and it took me a year.
    I still log my intake.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I started Jan 2013, and lost 35+ dieting off and on by October 2013. I've maintained within 4lbs since then, including over the holidays, multiple birthdays, etc. The only time I've list since then was sickness or dehydration. I'm happy where I am, not planning on losing any more right now.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I've maintained a 66 lb. loss for 25 months. :-)
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    I started losing in 2007/2008 and went from 220 to 160. It took about a year.
    I kept it off (without tracking) until about last summer (2013) when I started to creep up to 170. (Largely due to not having a gym membership and all of the walking and such I had previously done wasn't happening.)
    So I came back here to get back into the swing of things and maybe lose a bit more pre-marathon. :smile:
  • FitFLNana
    FitFLNana Posts: 11 Member
    It took me about 9 months or so to lose 40 lbs. I have maintained that for 2 years now - just hit 1000 days on here! I consistently still track everything - it is important for me to not mindlessly put stuff in my mouth! I workout 3 days a week, and then get in 3 hours of cardio a week - either walks on the beach, tennis - usually something fun! I try to keep my macros on target, and plan in my treats!
  • alipene
    alipene Posts: 945 Member
    Have maintained for about 15 months
    Lost 25lbs
    Took 10 months
    Most challenging was motivating myself to exercise, so I signed up for a HM having never run at all
    I now do 5:2 fasting and maintain successfully
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    Started in September 2012 and lost 20kg by June 2013. Stopped logging through the summer although I did a fair bit of running and cycling to compensate for the barbecue season ;-). Maintained weight ok until the end of the summer when a boozy 2 week holiday added a couple of kg.......

    So I picked up MFP again in September 2013 after that holiday and managed to lose about 3-4 kg by Xmas taking the overall loss to somewhere around 22kg. This was much harder going although I was a bit more relaxed about it allowing a couple of "days off" each week. Since then I really picked up on the running as ( my first ) marathon training started and I decided not to count calories and just focus on a common sense diet and training. I did actually sneak up 2-3 kg this spring but put it down to muscle % vs fat plus the runner's hunger. I've just been back on MFP for a month burst just to try to lose a couple of kg before I hit the pasta in my marathon taper period and it is working albeit slowly!

    Conclusions: You can maintain without counting to a point if you are sensible, but MFP is a great tool to pick up again for a burst if things start going in the wrong direction or you have a period of indulgence eg holiday. Its also clear that the body finds a point at which it is reluctant to lose weight fast whatever you do. I'm ok with that as I look ok for my age now and am in very good cardio shape. NB my BMI is 27 ish, and doesnt seem to want to move, but I can live with that. I'd like to lose another 5kg if I could but am happy to do that over a couple of years or so if need be.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I went from 250-230 in 2008, then 230-210 in 2012, then 210-180 in 2013. I've been fluctuating between 180 and 190, currently hovering around 186 because I've been eating a TON of carbs this week. Last year was my first year logging and it helped me lose 30 pounds [210-180] but then I gained 10 back in 7 weeks of not logging. I've been going up and down since then, gaining and losing bits here and there, and I'm currently cutting back so I can try to lose this last 10 pounds by trying Insanity.

    So...been maintaining for almost year I guess. Crazy stuff!