anyone doing the LA weight loss program?

I am thinking about starting this program. is anyone doing the program if so how do you like it? any advise would help.Thanks


  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    I did it about 3 years ago. With that and Curves I lost about 30lbs but I did gain in back within about a year after quitting the program. It's really all about portion control and tracking your food. For me it helped that I was accountable to someone. I had to actually physically walk in and be weighed every week. So I guess it had both good and bad points. It's a lot of money since you have to pay all your weeks up front but if you feel like having the supervision will help then maybe it's worth it?
  • JulieBoBoo
    I did it and lost a lot of weight a few years ago. I loved it. The support was fabulous and my dr. approved the "diet" part so you can do it in a very healthy way.

    I did have a problem with all the extras they push on you which are, once you do your research, overpriced bogus diet aids. The bars they sell are no different than normal protein bars and the slimming juice cleanses are really just fruit juice. Not worth the money they charge for them that's for sure.

    So the core of the plan is great, great support, healthy plan, balanced weight loss. It's the extras (and the constant pressure to buy the extras) that you have to look out for. If you don't mind that part then you'll do GREAT with them.

    P.S. just wanted to add that my putting on the weight was not a result of their program not working but because of issues I had in my life that made going to LA 3 times a week impossible.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    They are good, but I gained all the weight back and then some after I quit the program. I was a student at the time, and it was just too expensive to keep buying the bars and stuff they "encourage" you to buy plus the program fee.

    :( I think it'll be more long term to do it on your own by counting your own calories and preparing your own meals.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I did it a couple of years ago after having my first baby.. I needed to loose around 40lbs. It worked great except it was too expensive. What I hated was that I only had X amount of protein, carbs, dairy, etc a day. It was very balanced but if one day I wanted extra protein or extra carbs and decrease other it was a problem.

    I like better counting calories on my own... I try to eat as balance as possible but if one day I go over on proteins and lower on carbs etc I don't feel bad at all!
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks everyone, I know that I need to eat less and exercise more but I wanted a quick jump start to maybe motivate me.I would like to lose 2 lbs a week . I just started zumba wii so maybe that will do it:)
  • leeleephoto
    leeleephoto Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing a make shift of LA Weight Loss program. I did the take off, but substituted all of the "LA" only's. I did this just over a year ago and have just started it again, I have only been on it for 1 week today and already lost 5 lbs!

    If you want I can give you the info on the substitutes if you want to try it.