help? cant loose weight!!!

Im 21 5'6 weigh 12 stone but am a size 12 top and bottoms. Fitted tops size 14 (big chest) im only taking in 1000 calories per day but this isnt by choice, i get full and bloated fast... i dont seem to be loosing any more weight. I stay inbetween 12/12.2 and go up and down depending on days... i drink 3 bottles of water per day and havea minimum of 3 fruit/veg portions per day.
Usual daily food consits of:
2 oranges (breakfast and snack)
1 banana (lunch)
1 cuppa soup (lunch)
1 microwave weight watchers meal. (Dinner)

Im at a lostcause as to why im not loosing anymore weight as this is all i can manage. And after each thing i eat (even an orange) i become bloated.
Any advice would be really helpful

Jess (:


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Eat more, to LOSE weight. You can't LOOSE weight.
  • Its 1am... im not really focused on spelling or grammar... like i said hun. I struggle to eat 1000... why i asked for advice...
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Eat more, to LOSE weight. You can't LOOSE weight.

    Exactly how does that work?
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    If you really can't get in more than 1000 calories then don't eat so clean all the time. Have a doughnut and a glass of juice for breakfast and you're starting off with like 600+
  • Somebody once told me that if weight loss that if slow you should go out for a high-cal meal (pizza or something), then return to your diet the next day. Your metabolism will speed up and start to use your calories rather than storing them. Maybe do this once a week :D
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Eat more, to LOSE weight. You can't LOOSE weight.

    Exactly how does that work?
  • I think my biggest worries are if i start junk eating instead of being healthier ill pile on more pounds... obviously that probably isnt the case... ill give that a go :) thanks!!
  • One_Last_Time
    One_Last_Time Posts: 125
    Add peanut butter to your banana, 1/4c nuts to your snack. You can eat more than 1000 is you stop eating light/diet foods. Eat real food. Maybe your logging wrong? Skip those frozen meals, they are crap. Processed, sodium loaded crap.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Check out the link. It may help you isolate what you're missing.

    Some things to think about - how are you measuring your food? What kinds of exercise are you doing and how much - and how do you account for calories burned there? Could you handle going with the 80-20 rule (follow your "good eating" (as in nutrient dense foods) 80% of the time and allow snacks and treats for 20% of your calories). The link really has a lot more details and ideas.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you are feeling full and bloated to the point that you can't eat anymore after ingesting less than 1000 calories at your height and weight, you need to be speaking to a doctor, not an internet community, because something sure ain't right.

    Things to ask:

    1. Why am I bloating?
    2. Why am feeling full after eating so little food?
    3. How did I manage to gain all this weight in this first place if I supposedly can't eat?
    4. Have I completely screwed up my metabolism from eating so little?
  • In fairness i havent used this app in over 2 months... my intake is usually around 1000 depending.on what dinner i have... my partner works nights and i find eat easier to nuke food rather than cook a meal for one.. reason i posted was to see what advice i get then strart logging again :)
  • I used to eat out every weekend when i saw my partner which explains the vast weight gain at 18 i was a size 8 but still wwas 10 stone. since dieting think ive shrunken my stomach. Which explains my smaller eating habits.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think you might need to "trick" your body into not plateauing.

    -Do four weeks of intense exercise and stay on track with your diet (allow yourself to eat back half your exercise calories if you get hungry). Have 3-4 days a week be cardio and 2-3 days be weight lifting/toning. One day a week (probably Saturday or Sunday) is rest day where you don't exercise at all but still eat at a deficit.
    -Take a week off from exercise and allow yourself more calories. This week is "maintenance mode" instead of "weight loss mode" as far as your calorie intake. If you can't eat more without feeling sick then eat some calorie-dense food.
    -Repeat this process until you reach your goal weight.
    -After you reach your goal weight, eat at maintenance and exercise 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes to maintain your weight and keep muscle from turning back into fat.

    I think your body is used to living on just 1000 calories a day and so you're stuck. But if you increase the exercise you should lose weight. And then after four weeks when your body might be tempted to plateau, take a week off so you'll lose the "water weight" or whatever and then you'll be ready to start back up again once the week is over.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How long have you been eating that amount?

    Check out the link. It may help you isolate what you're missing.

    Some things to think about - how are you measuring your food? What kinds of exercise are you doing and how much - and how do you account for calories burned there? Could you handle going with the 80-20 rule (follow your "good eating" (as in nutrient dense foods) 80% of the time and allow snacks and treats for 20% of your calories). The link really has a lot more details and ideas.

    Thank you, ill have a look in the morning
  • How long have you been eating that amount?

    I started eating smaller portions when i started my dieting eating around 1000-1300 i thnk
    And for past 5-4 weeks i havent been able to eat as much as that. Dont get me wrong sometimes i exceed that with a high calorie meal. But 1000 or thereabouts is my average.
  • I think you might need to "trick" your body into not plateauing.

    -Do four weeks of intense exercise and stay on track with your diet (allow yourself to eat back half your exercise calories if you get hungry). Have 3-4 days a week be cardio and 2-3 days be weight lifting/toning. One day a week (probably Saturday or Sunday) is rest day where you don't exercise at all but still eat at a deficit.
    -Take a week off from exercise and allow yourself more calories. This week is "maintenance mode" instead of "weight loss mode" as far as your calorie intake. If you can't eat more without feeling sick then eat some calorie-dense food.
    -Repeat this process until you reach your goal weight.
    -After you reach your goal weight, eat at maintenance and exercise 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes to maintain your weight and keep muscle from turning back into fat.

    I think your body is used to living on just 1000 calories a day and so you're stuck. But if you increase the exercise you should lose weight. And then after four weeks when your body might be tempted to plateau, take a week off so you'll lose the "water weight" or whatever and then you'll be ready to start back up again once the week is over.

    Thank you. That sounds really effective!!!! :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Eat more, to LOSE weight. You can't LOOSE weight.

    I don't know man - when I take my bra off at night.........

    OP - eating an orange for breakfast isn't a meal. It's an orange. You really need to up your intake.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    What is your BMR?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Open your diary no one can really give specific advice without seeing what is actually logged.