help? cant loose weight!!!



  • What is your BMR?

    1597.3????? I just worked it out..
  • Nothing has been logged for.past 2 months... i stopped using it but found when i was, i was loosing weight. So before starting up again, ive asked for advice.. so i have a rough idea of what im doing wrong. And how to fix it for when i start logging again
  • ddino
    ddino Posts: 12 Member
    If you're feeling full and bloated, I'd change your diet. Stop with the cuppa soups and TV dinners, they've got a lot of processed stuff in them, and you might have an issue with them. I know gluten-free is all the rage, but I would honestly suggest getting off the wheat from those two meals for about 3 weeks or so and see how you feel. It'll involve you putting more effort into what you're actually eating than you do now, but I bet it'll be worth it.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Nothing has been logged for.past 2 months... i stopped using it but found when i was, i was loosing weight. So before starting up again, ive asked for advice.. so i have a rough idea of what im doing wrong. And how to fix it for when i start logging again

    You need to log your food to see what you're actually ingesting and log your exercises to see what you're burning. That's the only way you're going to find out what's going on.
  • elmichelson
    elmichelson Posts: 1 Member
    I would have your thyroid and your pituitary glands checked. It sounds like a medical issue. The bloating sounds like IBS or gluten intolerance. Best of luck to you.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Irritable Bowel? It makes me bloat up and I have abdominal pain. Could that be it?
  • Nothing has been logged for.past 2 months... i stopped using it but found when i was, i was loosing weight. So before starting up again, ive asked for advice.. so i have a rough idea of what im doing wrong. And how to fix it for when i start logging again

    You need to log your food to see what you're actually ingesting and log your exercises to see what you're burning. That's the only way you're going to find out what's going on.

    Ive just started logging, have logged today's intake and will start using it again :)
  • Irritable Bowel? It makes me bloat up and I have abdominal pain. Could that be it?

    Im thinking of taking a trip to the doctors. Its not so much a pain, its more a feeling of fullness.
  • I would have your thyroid and your pituitary glands checked. It sounds like a medical issue. The bloating sounds like IBS or gluten intolerance. Best of luck to you.

    Thank you, im thinking of going to the doctors to double check
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    How long have you been eating that amount?

    I started eating smaller portions when i started my dieting eating around 1000-1300 i thnk
    And for past 5-4 weeks i havent been able to eat as much as that. Dont get me wrong sometimes i exceed that with a high calorie meal. But 1000 or thereabouts is my average.
    so before you were dieting you could eat more than 1000 cals without bloating but now you can't???
  • Yeah. I never bloated out. If i ate to much then obviously i did.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    How long have you been eating that amount?

    I started eating smaller portions when i started my dieting eating around 1000-1300 i thnk
    And for past 5-4 weeks i havent been able to eat as much as that. Dont get me wrong sometimes i exceed that with a high calorie meal. But 1000 or thereabouts is my average.

    I'm sorry you've been eating at reduced calories for 4-5 weeks or more? Depending on how short of a time you've been doing it you just need to keep at it (not as low as 1000 calories obviously) and give you body some time to drop the weight. Sometimes my weight has more of an upward trend during the month that has nothing to do with calorie deficit, and then finally everything goes away and I see the reduction on the scale

    If you have been doing this for months, which I doubt, since there's nothing measured in your diary, then as explained previously you need to be more meticulous about weighing and logging your food and exercise
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Most likely it's a combination of issues, one the quick food is full of sodium and that can cause water retention and bloating. Not weighing food can mean you are eating much more than you think. Logging exercise can be inaccurate if you use MFP or gym machines. If you start logging, making sure you are accurate and honest and that doesn't work (4-6 weeks before enough data) then you NEED to see a Dr.