a happy medium mileage/time

I pushed myself to walk this week daily. 3 miles every day in the morning before the sun rises, because i hate being outside (im at the computer all day long in the AC). Monday i had to stop a few times to catch my breathe. I had cramps the whole way. Today i brisk walked the whole 3 miels. I cvame back home and wanted to walk even farther (shocker).

I think i found a habit of mine that breaks excercising after a few weeks for me. I remember from before i start with 1 mile every day or every other day. Then i increase it to 3 miles. Then a few weeks later i will increase it to 6 miles. Then 9 or even 12 miles. At that point the 3 mile walk seems like i am doing nothing, and not buring anything. However at a point hte 9 to 12 miles walks burn me out after a awhile. I get sick of spending so much time excercising, but yet i then feel like hte 3 miles is not doing anything for me at that point.

So today, i decided that 3 miles was enough. I dont want to follow that path again. I pushed myself to get 3 miles a day, i am just wondering if this is a healthy milage to stay at? It takes me abgout an hour to walk 3 miles.


  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    If you stick to it then I'd say it's better for you. Maybe eventually you can push the speed up a bit so you spend the same amount of time walking but you go a little further. Or if it's possible you can add hills into your walks.

    Have you tried any different forms of exercising? Mixing it up helps a lot of people too.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    You could mix up your walking mileage. Vary your mileage and intensity on different days. For example (which is for running) I do a long, slow run on Sundays, a fast paced 2 mile on Monday, interval 4-5 miles on Wed and Fri, a slow paced 2-3 mile on Thu and rest days Tue & Sat.