What are your monthly/daily/weekly responsibilities?



  • Robyn7762
    Robyn7762 Posts: 159 Member
    Oh my! I have been reading everyone's responsibilities. Now let me add mine.

    I am the personal care taker of my 90 yr. old Mother-in-law who lives with us.
    Which means, bathing her,
    helping her..with the help of hub put her on and off the potty,
    wiping her butt.
    Fixing all the meals for everyone in the house.
    Washing all the dishes
    Doing all the laundry for 3 people

    Caring for the dog...
    Walking the dog 4 + times a day
    Taking him to Petco once a month to get his nails buffed
    Feed the dog!

    Paying all the bills
    House payment ($27,000 left)...any body want to move to Southwest, VA...I have a house for sale soon...as soon as MIL passes
    Credit cards ($1,500) total due!
    over $1,000 in medical bills
    Car insurance
    Home owners insurance

    Doing all the groceries
    Running all errands, picking up RX's, dropping all bills in the mail, or going to the bill pay place.
    Running out to get smokes.

    Doing all the house cleaning

    All while hub makes sure that his mom has her meds. and Helps to put her on the toilet and takes over during the night to put her on the potty and do the paper work. Other than that he sits and watches TV or sleeps!
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    -My part-time job
    -Looking for a full-time job
    -Paying off bills and tuition
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    To be determined.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have purposely "designed" my life to have as few worries and responsibilities as possible. This is partly because I have generalized anxiety disorder.

    I work at a relatively easy office job 2 miles from my house.
    My husband works from home as a writer.
    We have no debt of any kind.
    We don't have kids or pets.
    Although I have owned homes in the past, we now rent which is awesome not worrying about maintenance and repairs.
    We don't even have to mow our lawn. The landlord does it all the freaking time & we just smell the fresh cut grass scent ;-)
    The area we live in has one of the lowest "COL" in the nation so our bills could honestly be paid by a single person with a low wage job. As a result, a lot of our money goes to road trips, macarons, and clearance jeans LOL -- oh and boring things like savings and insurance and such.
    We don't have any health problems currently, which is wonderful and I realize how fortunate we are.

    Really paying the bills, cooking, cleaning, and caring for ourselves is all we "must" do.

    We do occasionally help out with things and look out for my mom who is a senior with health problems, but basically she's still a spunky little thing with her own cute apartment. My in-laws are deceased, and my dad & stepmom are financially solvent & independent and currently pretty healthy despite also being seniors.

    That's basically it. Sorry if it sounds like a massive brag...I don't have a fancy car or even cable TV but I love my life :-) And when I was younger, I've been there with college and 2 jobs at a time and so many crazy bills up the wazoo...took a LOT of work to get out of that situation and never going back again!!
  • Robyn7762
    Robyn7762 Posts: 159 Member

    The area we live in has one of the lowest "COL" in the nation so our bills could honestly be paid by a single person with a low wage job.

    Where in the country do you live with the lowest "COL" in the nation? Asking cause when MIL passes, we want to move and we want out of Southwest, VA. Please let me know.
    No, I don't hate you, I'm envious of you! WTG girl!
    Congrats on the weight loss!
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    2 kids
    Soon to be homeschooling
    2 at home businesses/jobs
    Everything that goes with said kids and house
    I am in school part time working towards becoming a midwife
    Moving soon
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    this weekend
    -clean the house
    -school projects
    -turn in 10 job applications

    this month
    -more job apps until I find a job
    -finish projects
    -finish/pass school

    this summer
    -summer classes
    -work ( hopefully)
    -get in better shape.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    The area we live in has one of the lowest "COL" in the nation so our bills could honestly be paid by a single person with a low wage job.

    Where in the country do you live with the lowest "COL" in the nation? Asking cause when MIL passes, we want to move and we want out of Southwest, VA. Please let me know.
    No, I don't hate you, I'm envious of you! WTG girl!
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Thank you! I will send you a message.
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member

    Running a $1.8B business during the day and helping abused children the rest of the time. That's about it.

  • AtticWindow
    AtticWindow Posts: 295 Member
    -I have a conference call next week where I'm in charge for the first time, so. Eek.
    -Said conference call hinges on having finished editing chapters from clients that I have yet to see in my inbox, so. Double eek.
    -My cat is supremely spoiled and delicate, and so I have to budget for her special food every month.
    -Waiting to hear back from property mgr about how much our rent is going up after our lease is renewed next month.
    -My husband is still underemployed and is desperately waiting to hear back from his dream company in the meantime. I've been mostly supporting us for the last year, and I don't make that much money.
    -Gotta write thank you notes from commitment ceremony.
    -My mom is visiting at the end of the month.
    -Oh, and I also have to do all my day-to-responsibilities like cleaning the house, cooking, and all that awesome exercise stuff. And try to survive any anxiety attacks 'til I get my new Rx.

    So I'm just sitting here eating pizza and watching Supernatural because adulting is hard.
  • Robyn7762
    Robyn7762 Posts: 159 Member

    The area we live in has one of the lowest "COL" in the nation so our bills could honestly be paid by a single person with a low wage job.

    Where in the country do you live with the lowest "COL" in the nation? Asking cause when MIL passes, we want to move and we want out of Southwest, VA. Please let me know.
    No, I don't hate you, I'm envious of you! WTG girl!
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Thank you! I will send you a message.
    Thanks I will be lookin' for it!
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    Let me start like this- many many challenges each and every day,however I take time to say thank god to be so fortunate
    thank my children relatively healthy or my daughter's eye disorder is under control for now .
    So I take her to the dr.once a month which is an hour drive and then we spend about 4-5 hours at the drs office
    Best doctors,best kid- never complaints :)
    Dealing with her - middle school- not doing homework etc. Emailing teachers how to get her grades up.
    Dealing with my younger son- an angel with bad tantrums here and there
    Husband - gambling addiction- who doesn't think he has an issue, that brings up the financial issues and paying the bills all alone.
    Keeping touch with my family- far away ..
    Waking at 5am be at work by 6 latest every morning.
    Full time work- dealing with 20-30 employees and worrying about constant changes at work.Impossible to keep up.
    Driving to pick up kids after 8-10 hours of work.
    Cooking,grocery shopping.
    End... In the middle of it ,I have time to love the sparkling blue sky amd ocean,I have time to smell the tree flowers T 5:30 am when Im driving by and take a deep breath when my son falls asleep next to me... Thats what Im greatful for... Each and every day- Im not alone ...Bills and everything else wont matter...
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.

    Why is your student loan so inexpensive!!! Compared to the UK - when I finish my law degree I have a student loan of £45,000 = $75000 :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    -Lots and lots of medical issues. I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia after being admitted to the hospital in January with a heart rate of 197. I had a colonoscopy & endoscopy earlier this year and was diagnosed with Crohn's. I am also in the process of being tested for multiple sclerosis due to neurological symptoms I am experiencing.
    -I have terrible anxiety/panic disorder that is very debilitating.
    -Finishing my Public Health degree with a double minor in Spanish and psychology.
    -My job… I'm a nanny for a 3 month old and 3 year old.
    -Caring for my cat and guinea pig.
    -My car.
    -Paying off student loans.
    -Cleaning my house.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    Dang, my life is easy.

    I cook and clean house
    I feed my stepson and take him to daycare
    I have a sole proprietorship business, so I spend most of the day doing work-related activities from my dining room, though I typically get sent out on contract jobs between 2 and 5 times a week.

    The business takes way more time and energy than anything else I do, but it's so incredibly rewarding for me to be doing something I love.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    daily: beat fibromyalgia into submission with exercise and physical therapy
    ...that's about it. as long as i stay on top of this one, everything else is cake.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Daily: 3 kids and an SO
    3 dogs and a cat
    household chores
    full time job outside the home

    Monthly: my 18 year old son graduating from high school
    getting to all of the end of the year ceremonies for all of the 3 kids

    Weekly: bills and groceries
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    3 kids, 8 cats, full time student, house, yard, garden, looking for work