Just starting out - Nutribullet over ISAGENIX


I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I have been wanting to do this for quite a while and what better time to start than now! So here it goes. Please wish me luck!

I have been seeing a lot of people posting their stories on my Facebook page about their success using ISAGENIX. I asked one of my friends about it who has been going it and he claims that he lost 13 pounds in 15 days. It sounds good...but it's expensive! From what I read, it basically sounds like a caloric deficit and it seems like I can do basically the same thing with the nutribullet that I already have. Veggie/Fruit smoothie for breakfast and lunch and then a nice dinner of basically whatever I want (within reason).

Does anyone really know if ISAGENIX has any special formula would what I said above basically give the same results?

Thanks for your reply in advance and I am excited to get started!


  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    You're on the right track. There is no secret ingredient in isagenix, in fact it's nowhere near as nutritious as what you will get from the fresh fruits and vegetables. I've done the same thing using a juicer, instead of the nutribullet with great results. Use lots of fresh greens and carrots in your juices. Juicing is supposedly better than just blending the veggies because ounce for ounce the juice will have a much higher concentration of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It makes sense I guess because it will take much more veggies to make the same amount of juice than if you just purée them. Make sure the meal you eat is healthy and high in fiber. Good luck!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    juicing is a gimmick. you don't need it. unless you prefer to drink your food instead of chew it, there is nothing magical about a nutribullet. in fact, by juicing your foods, you eliminate much (most?) of the fiber in them. for that reason, you'd do better using a blender instead of a juicer.

    but that's all beside the point. you can lose weight eating pretty much anything so long as you're in a consistent caloric deficit. anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't understand simple science.

    you can lose all the weight you want to lose without ever drinking a single smoothie or juicing a single fruit or vegetable.
  • bent1222
    bent1222 Posts: 2
    The nutribullet isn't considered a juicer as everything that goes into the blender stays in there so all of the nutrients are in the food. I do not like veggies so for me this is a way for me to get the nutrients I need and have it taste like fruits. It's basically like a fruit smoothie. I have been just putting in half spinach and then blueberries. Basically tastes just like blueberries.

    So for me, the nutribullet is going to be a tool for me to "eat" healthy and have it taste good! And, the drinks are filling. So that's a plus. Currently I eat like crap so I'm hoping by replacing some of those crap meals with a nutribullet drink it will get me on the right track and headed towards my goal weight.
  • bambouzled
    bambouzled Posts: 19 Member
    Personally i think that even tho some people think of juicing as a gimmick it is in fact a plus if you are taking in veggies that normally you would not. i am not stating that it should be your only source of vegetables . i use mine every day to take in added veggies that i really don't like and i do however take in live dark greens and others the old school way. So Kudos to you in taking a step in the right direction.