eaiting "clean" but not feel starved

I started my weight loss journey in late November of last year, I have lost 20 lbs and have started seeing progress in my shape as far as legs & arms, but my annoying belly fat does not seem like it has budged, i know i have lost inched in my waist all pants are getting big on me and i can pull up shorts i could not get over my thighs last year. So today is day one in a clean / no grain diet. My problem is any time i start any diet or try to maintain my calories goal i feel STARVED all the time, any advice? My diary is open as of now for day 1 of my new diet and i am way under calories, but i am not going to slurge just to meet my goals, any advice????? I want a FLAT stomach ASAP! :) I know it takes time and i have been very patient, but i wanna strut around in my bikini again, as last year i wore a tankini all summer :(


  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Gross calories of 660 and burning 200+? You probably feel like you're starving because you're netting fewer than 400 calories, which is not healthy. Yes, I understand you want a flat stomach, like a month ago. I do too. But it can't happen.

    Read these threads and try to get on the right track:


  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    I honestly did not mean to eat That few of calories, i was just trying to eat healthy, obviously i did not eat enough! I know better for tomorrow!! i am a junk food junkie, and i know that, that is NOT going to get me a flat stomach also i know eating to few calories will not as well, like i said today is day 1, i will deff eat more tomorrow
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I honestly did not mean to eat That few of calories, i was just trying to eat healthy, obviously i did not eat enough! I know better for tomorrow!!

    There are plenty of healthy options that are more calories, such as nuts and beans. If nothing else, eat more than one portion of a few things or add in a good dessert.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    "eating clean' is not necessary to lose weight or get a flat stomach.
    But aside from that - you are really low on your fat goal. A lot of people make the mistake when they start dieting that they cut fat. Fat is necessary for us, it regulates hormones and it makes us feel satiated. Fat does not make us fat. Include fat in your meals feel full. Plus, it will help fill those gaps between your calorie goal and calorie intake.

    I also strongly recommend the links above. There is a lot to be said for reasonable calorie deficits. Being under you calorie goal once in a while isn't an issue, but it should be a goal to be at least close to it on a regular basis. It will benefit you in the long run in many ways.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Also to add -
    another common mistake that goes hand in hand with the whole avoiding fat thing is that calories do not equal unhealthy. Many people tend to view "healthy" as low calorie - that is not necessarily the case. There are a many calorie dense foods that are very healthy for us (most of them have a lot of fat in them). Avocado, nuts and nut butters, fattier fish, etc.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Unfortunately we don't get to choose where we lose fat from. Sometimes the stomach is the last place to lean out (that would be me). Eating "clean" or only eating a few hundred calories isn't going to get you a flat stomach.

    GO read the links posted. They have the information you need.

    And also I agree with 3dogsrunning. Fat does not make you fat. Fat is crucial in your diet.
  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies, i know that you cannot target one area, i am working on all areas! I have been doing the gym routine 5x a week for 6 months now, like i said i am seeing results i just wish i saw more in my belly. I know it will take time this was more of a rant of my impatient quality in me :) I know from today that i started my diet way to low and will learn from my mistake! When we are talking "fatty foods" what exactly do you mean by that?
  • MrsMacDonnell
    MrsMacDonnell Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks 46 for the links. I never really got around to hanging out on the message boards here.... or anywhere. But kudos to you!
    lizc, I think we all want a flat tummy and unless you're a genetic pear, life sucks for us, lol. I know I'm a midwestern apple and while my T&A shrink extremely quickly, belly and muffin top are the toughest to get rid of. Keep at it, lift heavy, and eat at least 12,000 + what your burn <3
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Try increasing your protein this will help with feeling hungry and help to up your calories. Again as far as the belly fat issue, I have been reducing my carbs and eating more protein since February this year and I have noticed a reduction in my tummy area, I have lost a good few inches. You could try that and see what happens.
  • snowbunnyA
    snowbunnyA Posts: 25 Member
    As the others have said, and you seem to understand yourself, it's not possible to spot reduce (* to any relevant level) and quite often for ladies the belly fat is the very last to go, so you won't get rid of it until you have a very low body fat percentage.

    You can make it look better by gaining more muscle mass overall, which would mean going into a calorie surplus and doing heavy resistance work. That's a larger topic for discussion, so I shall leave it at that for now.

    However, the most important thing is to not avoid fat in your diet, as others have said. Eating dietary fat actually helps your body to shed body fat! You should aim for 0.5g of dietary fat per pound of body weight a day. The advice used to be to only eat "good" fat (unsaturated fats - those that are liquid at room temperature) but that has changed in more recent times and the only real advice is to avoid trans fats. So, you can get your fat from avocado, nuts, olive oil, butter, red meat - whatever floats your boat. Full-fat Greek yoghurt is fabulous to have in the morning and keeps you satiated for far longer than a low- or zero-fat alternative. I found this out a few weeks ago when I ran out of my full-fat Greek and had one of my husband's low-fat muesli yoghurts. Comparing the nutrition data, they were similar; same calories, same protein, but whereas mine had fat, his had sugar. With mine, I'd stay full right up to lunchtime. With his, I was starving about ninety minutes later. That's what sugar does to you - makes you hungry and so you either feel like you're starving yourself or are more likely to go over on calories.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    When we are talking "fatty foods" what exactly do you mean by that?

    Someone else has already suggested some but foods with 'good' fats are nuts/nut butters, avocado, eggs, fatty fish, coconut, olive oil, dark chocolate(I think)

    I have a question of my own - what exactly is "eating clean"? It's a term I've seen banded about on the internet and on some recipe blogs etc but I have no idea what it means?!
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    If you feel the desire to change your food habits, go for it!
    But may I suggest to do it by steps, finding every time what is best for you... you shouldn't feel starved, you won't sustain a "diet" like that!
    Include some of your favorite food, in moderation, add vegs, fruits. Experiment, don't demonize the poor grains, what did they do to you? :)

    In this way, you may find that "dieting" is much better than you think...

    And for the belly, well... you need time... it probably will be the last thing to go, sorry (same boat here :) )
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    When we are talking "fatty foods" what exactly do you mean by that?

    Someone else has already suggested some but foods with 'good' fats are nuts/nut butters, avocado, eggs, fatty fish, coconut, olive oil, dark chocolate(I think)

    I have a question of my own - what exactly is "eating clean"? It's a term I've seen banded about on the internet and on some recipe blogs etc but I have no idea what it means?!

    It's a very debated term.

    It has not a defined definition :) everyone means something different.

    For one, it's "a lot of vegs and fruits and no junk food", for others means "no grains" for others it may mean "no sugar".
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    When we are talking "fatty foods" what exactly do you mean by that?

    Someone else has already suggested some but foods with 'good' fats are nuts/nut butters, avocado, eggs, fatty fish, coconut, olive oil, dark chocolate(I think)

    I have a question of my own - what exactly is "eating clean"? It's a term I've seen banded about on the internet and on some recipe blogs etc but I have no idea what it means?!

    It's a very debated term.

    It has not a defined definition :) everyone means something different.

    For one, it's "a lot of vegs and fruits and no junk food", for others means "no grains" for others it may mean "no sugar".

    Ah ok, that explains why google produced no useful answers for me! Thanks. I was just wondering!
  • lizc0616
    lizc0616 Posts: 68 Member
    You guys are so awesome and inspiring! thanks again! as far as my "clean" diet I am eating fruits & veggies, & white meat only. I am cutting out ALL junk entirely! I am not only doing it for the weight loss but for the benefits as well. Love the suggestions of fatty foods, i can defiantly do some of the suggestions and still feel good about sticking to my diet. Again i do know you cannot spot reduce, but i am just trying to speed up the process a lil more than what it would be. If you notice in my profile pic there is already a slight change in my waist and tummy but still a work in progress! :):flowerforyou: heres to all you wonderful ladies! :wink: