
So I found out this morning that I am pregnant! So i'm looking for advice on how to go from losing weight for a year and a half to not trying anymore :/ I spoke with a nutritionist at my health dept and told her that I was eating 1500-1800 cal a day and she said that should be ok that I wouldn't need to eat anymore than that until 20 weeks then I would need to add 300. This sounded odd to me but I don't know! I've had 2 pregnancies before this one but with both of those I was very unhealthy and extremely overweight! Since then I have lost 75 lbs(whoop whoop!) and honestly don't look forward to gaining 30 of it back :( Really just clueless about how to have a healthy pregnancy! I usually exercise 5 times a week usually 50 min every time. Do I need to cut back on this or keep doing what I am doing? Are there any exercises that I cannot do? Any advise is welcomed! Thank You!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So I found out this morning that I am pregnant! So i'm looking for advice on how to go from losing weight for a year and a half to not trying anymore :/ I spoke with a nutritionist at my health dept and told her that I was eating 1500-1800 cal a day and she said that should be ok that I wouldn't need to eat anymore than that until 20 weeks then I would need to add 300. This sounded odd to me but I don't know! I've had 2 pregnancies before this one but with both of those I was very unhealthy and extremely overweight! Since then I have lost 75 lbs(whoop whoop!) and honestly don't look forward to gaining 30 of it back :( Really just clueless about how to have a healthy pregnancy! I usually exercise 5 times a week usually 50 min every time. Do I need to cut back on this or keep doing what I am doing? Are there any exercises that I cannot do? Any advise is welcomed! Thank You!

    this is all stuff to speak to your doctor about.

    generally though you can still exercise the same while pregnant if you feel comfortable doing it. and you dont need to be in a calorie surplus until your third trimester.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'd talk to an obstetrician.
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    There has been a lot of information in the news lately about women exercising while pregnant. I think it's all about personal preference. You need to listen to your body while working out to determine if what you are doing is good for you. I think that you should be fine exercising but will probably need to cut back on the intesity a bit. I would also say eat all your calories back burned from exercise if you aren't already doing that. Like another reply says you do need to talk to your doctor. They would be the best person for this type of advice.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I would talk to your doctor. See how much they recommend you gain for this pregnancy, and speak to a nutritionist or your baby doc about how you should approach your eating/exercise from here on out.
  • lesliegail1986
    lesliegail1986 Posts: 33 Member
    Right I know I would need to speak to my doctor about all this but I wont be able to see him for another month and needed some advise in the mean time :) Thanks
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Congratulations!!! Until you see your doctor, the typical advice is to set your calories to maintenance. You may find that hard to do if you have morning sickness, but it's important to eat enough, so do your best :)

    There's a group on here for support:

    Best wishes!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Congratulations! just don't overdo it because you will have too much weight to get off later. Try to listen to your body and eat healthy, try to eat a normal amount of food (I know that is hard for us) main thing is to take care of yourself and have a healthy baby. Later you can get a lot of weight off!
  • agman90
    agman90 Posts: 15 Member
    First of all, congratulations!

    I was told with all of my pregnancies that you can continue on with what you are used to doing. If you work out 50 minutes at a time, keep doing that. I wouldn't add anything extra strenuous, like if you don't lift a refrigerator to sweep everyday, don't start now. but keeping up with what you have been doing will not hurt. I know women that ran every day throughout their pregnancies because they have always run. In my gym, there is an instructor there that is about 8 months pregnant, and she teaches Zumba. Your body is used to it so it isn't adding stress, and can in fact help with delivery.

    The dietary question, you will have to go with what your doctor says. If you have doubts, you can get a second opinion. 1800 seems like it may be about right. Your body will tell you. If you continue to lose while not activly trying, up the calories a bit.
  • Congrats to you! both on your expecting a new child and also with your weight loss. I would stick close to what your doctor says and if they approve you can continue walking and doing yoga or things they say that its ok. many women have had healthy pregnancies and did not overly gain weight b/c they were cautious, while others were still cautious and had things beyond their control that made them gain more than what they wanted. pregnancies are beautiful! congrats again.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, yeah, and with exercise, I was told with my latest pregnancy that I could continue running and Spinning but just not to do any sprints or go breathless. If anything hurt, stop or slow down. Of course certain activities were on the info sheet never to do, e.g., horseback riding, due to sudden jolts/up and down movement with no real give at the bottom.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    It's maybe different here but it's 200 extra calories a day in last trimester. Anything you were already doing you can keep doing. I read a story on a woman who ran a marathon 1 week before her due date. I would just keep going how you are. Maybe not try to improve your time or level. So excited for you, babies are amazing.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member

    FWIW (sample size=1), I continued 5 mi/day at a 7-8 min pace until I started showing. Then I bough a cheap 2nd hand stairmaster to avoid jarring and went 30 min/day until the last 2 weeks. Please do as others suggested and ask your OB next time you go. Pregnancy does change the properties of ligaments, tendons (I think to ease skeletal changes needed to accommodate the baby), and that has potential to increase injury risk.

    I also had wretched morning sickness all day until about 20 weeks, which is probably why I lost weight in the beginning, but I stopped looking at the scale after 30lb. I often didn't feel like getting on the stairmaster, but I gutted it out and think I had higher energy because of it. I can genuinely say I felt better and better as my pregnancy progressed despite my size. I think being in decent condition also helps the baby weight after. I lost it all by the time I went back to work, but held on to a little fat for the 6 mo I nursed. After I stopped, another 10 lb fell off without trying too hard, and at that point I was a little thinner than I had started.
  • lesliegail1986
    lesliegail1986 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks ladies for all your help! You guys are very helpful!