tar0809 Posts: 122 Member
I've been on my weight loss journey for a little over a year now and have lost 31 lbs so far(slow I know but hey its something!) I've gained a ton of muscle on top of this weight loss too(I don't look bulky though by any means.) These past 2 months have been really busy for me with my kids starting to get into sports, doctors appointments, errands, etc. so I have been only going to the gym 2 days a week whereas I was going 3 to 4 days a week. So my question is will I still be able to lose weight and gain muscle by going to the gym just 2x a week or should I somehow try to get more gym time into the week?? Will I eventually gain weight back??


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Working out/going to the gym/strength training is for fitness, not for weight loss. (It can help - sure - but that is not its core function.)

    Losing weight is about calories in vs. calories out. You don't have to go to the gym to lose weight. I've been inside a fitness center just once in the past almost 5 months, I'm losing weight.

    If you are concerned about your activity level dropping, I'd say to focus on strength training if you have limited gym time and do cardio on your own. You can run, walk, ride a bike, etc. Do things around your busy schedule.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sorry you are not gaining muscle eating at a deficit you are gaining strength and definition from the weight loss.

    So no you wont gain muscle going to the gym 2x a week...

    Weight loss is about your diet, exercise is about fitness and health and there is no reason not to exercise at home using HIIT etc.

    As for your strength gains nope those will still happen too as long as you are consistent.
  • seglass1
    seglass1 Posts: 15 Member

    I have 3 kids and know what's it like to be time constrained! As you get closer to your goal weight I do think you need exercise for that added boost as you have less than 10lbs to go. I am struggling to loose my last 5 lbs but now I took up running and so much more time efficient. Just run out your door, run for 45 mins then back again. If you can;t run yet just fast walk maybe with hand weights. No driving, no special gym clothes and squeeze it in any time maybe two lots of 20 mins. IT works and trust me I have no time to go to the gym!:wink::smile: Good luck and well done one of your weight loss so far - now for the final push!
  • fequick
    fequick Posts: 16
    A good youtube Zumba fitness video would def help. I do it when I go to the gym and 30 minutes is about 500 calories burned. Don't forget toning. Use your weights and look up a good guided youtube video of weight training in the comfort of your own home.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Sorry to disappoint, but you weren't gaining muscle while losing weight. Gaining strength, sure. Losing bodyfat, sure. Gaining muscle while losing bodyfat? Highly unlikely.

    You're not going to gain muscle by eating at a deficit. How many times you go to the gym is irrelevant after that fact.
  • kpalazzolo73
    I am a single mom. I work 2 jobs and I have 3 kids that are all in sports. I hit the gym at 6am before they wake up and when they have sports practice, it's usually at a park with a running path and I run while they practice. You can easily squeeze in squats, push ups, tricep dips and sit-ups while your shower warms up or coffee is brewing. Don't let yourself fall into the easily-laid excuses for us moms. You can fit it in, even if it's in 10 minute increments throughout the day!