Do you take a cheat day/meal?

rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
How often do you do it? Every week, every other, once a month? What's your favorite cheat meal?


  • lesliea512
    lesliea512 Posts: 6
    I've chosen to have a cheat day every Thursday. I always meet my mom for lunch on these days. ( I TRY and pick something healthy but it doesn't always work. ) Plus I am on a bowling league on Thursdays and sometimes I want a soda and or a grilled cheese from there. :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I don't really have an entire cheat meal or day. If I want something that's maybe not something I'd normally consider "healthy", I just eat it and make up for it with exercise or work around it for my calories during the day. I tend to find having an entire cheat meal or day makes me feel physically not well, so I try not to do it.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I usually do it on saturdays but since i've been slacking off the last week i need to be a bit strict for a while.
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    I honestly don't have one!

    The temptation for me is to stay off-track and this causes pain from a medical condition, so it is better if I eat levelly and only overeat if there is only no other option (when visiting family and friends).

    Kaela x
  • ryannsmom921
    ryannsmom921 Posts: 28 Member
    I never plan a cheat day but life happens and you always get stuck in a situation where you don't have the healthiest choices at your finger tips. I don't let it discourage me though. I try and fine something on the menu (because it's usually because I'm eating out) and hop on my MFP app and compare calories. Then I usually only eat half of whatever it is and figure how much exercise I might have to do to compensate. It doesn't always work, and I may gain an extra pound but take it in stride and don't let it discourage me. It's the only way to go about it. I can't let it slow me down. Sometimes the extra calorie intake helps me over a plateau, but I don't count on something like that, and I definitely try and avoid it as much as possible. I just keep going. I don't think I'm at that point in my weight loss that I can afford to many "cheat" days. Maybe down the road it's something I would consider more.
  • beckademic
    beckademic Posts: 69 Member
    I've been having a cheat day once a week. I have no set day, it depends on my schedule and whats going. If it's early in the week, then I just have to choose to be good the rest of the week. If I have multiple events going on, I choose which one/day I'm gonna "cheat" on ahead of time.
  • Lifts4IceCream
    Lifts4IceCream Posts: 77 Member
    I mostly keep it to a 1 meal/week, typically Saturday dinner. But there are times, when temptation gets the better of and that meal turns into Saturday night and Sunday night, or like this past Mother's Day, it was a cheat day. Never really gets the better of me though. I have always gotten back on the grind Monday (been doing this for a about 1.5 years).
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Whenever the mood strikes
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I used to. I used to eat how ever much of whatever I wanted from friday night to saturday night. I would get chinese food or fast food for dinner, go to a diner for breakfast, and another restaurant for dinner. and booze. lots and lots of booze.

    now I'm kinda over that, and I try to watch my portion control on weekends, so I can spend quality time with my loved ones. :) I eat what I want to, but I don't OVEReat simply because I can. if that makes any sense.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I enjoyed "free meals" that included sugary treats once or twice a week in the past but no longer do that. I don't feel the need or desire to anymore & prefer my indulgences to be healthy, non-sugary/starchy ones these days.
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    I also don't have an official 'cheat day'.. I found what works best for me is to allow myself to eat whatever I want cause if I start denying myself things then I get frustrated and it seems like a 'diet' and too strict, etc... so I just eat healthy and watch my portions every day.. and if the mood hits me to have some type of 'cheat' I will allow it. I do try to make up for it with exercise, or by cutting calories somewhere else that day....but I just can't do this under any 'strict diet guidelines'...
  • lifefeedsonlife
    lifefeedsonlife Posts: 1 Member
    Once a week - usually Fridays. Keeps me from getting crazy over food. Discipline for me is a good thing. Being over-disciplined is a bad thing as I tend to be given to extremes sometimes - so once a week is a nice balance. That being said - there are days (maybe once a month) where I have INSANE cravings for tons of carbs (not sure why) so when that happens I lose my Friday cheat day that week - unless of course that happens on a Friday. ; )
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    Not yet ! ... I've "cheated" where I've had a bite of a whoopie pie. That's it. I'm too focused on losing that I don't want anything to screw it up. Every meal I eat now I enjoy much more than I ever have.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Too often :laugh: I didn't use to, but now that I'm very close to my goal, it's not a huge deal if I maintain instead.