gluten free eating

bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
My doctor just told me that I have to eat gluten free for 3 months! Thankfully there is a good store nearby with alot of gluten free products but this is quite an adjustment. Any other folks eating gluten free? Any advice?


  • Yearoftherabbit
    I just recently read another post and apparently there's a woman who made crock pot meals for 365 days and they were all gluten free:

    Looks fun! Lots of varieties and it's the perfect time of year to have crock pot foods.
    Good luck!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I am allergic to life! I deffinately suggest staying away from processed foods as much as possible. Eating veggies, lean meats, fruit and dairy gets me by (the occassional slip here and there.)

    check out these- they're where I get lots of recipes:
  • doggiemomma
    I was just to the exact same thing. I am allergic to life. I was also told as of Jan 1 I had to eliminate Oats, Wheat, Soy, Nuts, Tomatoes and Rice. Basically anything that would be healthy..... ugh....
    I was just getting ready to make a post about this but I am glad you did. I will be following this one closely and will be excited for all the new info I get.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    bump for later
  • barrymd
    I do not eat GF, but learning ALL about it for the BF's daughter who has Celiac. Do you have any specific questions? I think it is probably a great way to eat for losing weight since you are forced to avoid lots of the carby high-cal foods out there. Our grocery even has a list on their website of GF foods they carry. You can actually do well shopping at a large grocery without needing to go to the specialty store often if you learn some basics. If you are needing to eat out, PF Changs, Outback Steakhouse, Chili's, Fresh Choice are all very GF accommodating.
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks for all the info! The web sites are very helpful. I would personally like to recommend Lucy's cookies for a treat. The sugar cookie is really good and they are 3 for 140 calories :smile:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    From the mom of two celiac diagnosed kids - can I ask why the dr told you this? I'm just hoping that he did testing first and didn't just randomly tell you to try it. Because if you go gluten free, then test - you may get false negatives. I'm happy dr are more into suggestion of gluten free and aware of celiac, but I hope that he's knowledgeable about it before you get advice that makes it harder to diagnosis if you have health problems. HTH and best of luck.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I should also add.... has some great gluten free foods that a lot ship free. Pamela's is a good brand, Bob's Red Mill, and Tinkyada Pasta's are super. Crackers Schrag is a super option. There are SO many gluten free choices now that never used to exist. Amy's is also good.

    We generally prefer to just eat whole foods, fresh veggies, fresh fruit, homecooked meat to avoid any problems with exposure.

    On that note... Hamburger Helper now has gluten free options, Betty Crocker Cakes and Brownies are better than the wheat ones, and there is also Bisquick gluten free now too.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am eliminating, gluten, eggs and dairy. It turns out it is just an adjustment. Eating at home is no problem but it is a challenge to eat out. I'm making my own bread and we are eating very healthy. I miss the flour in my gravies but there are good substitutions for almost everything. Good luck..
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    GF for YEARS. But this yr will be the yr I dont "f" up anymore.
    I am reading and doing "breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gostchall and will be following a way oflife called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. There is a cookbook out there for it as well.

    GF items are full of sugars and processed crap. Plus they cost a bunch. Some are healthy but most are not. SO be aware. Your dr is mean. Its the hardest thing to elimante. Its in everything. They even have it in Pam spray.

    Go to your library and check out a billion books. Elizabeth Hasselback has one, Gluten Free Dummies books. Cooking for Isahia. all kinds are out there!
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    my bf has been gluten free since March 2009. we have found jules shepard ( has a lot of cookbooks and a flour blend that works really good. we have also heard you can write off the difference in prices between regular items and GF items on your taxes-- diffinately checking this out when we get out taxes done this year but for now we are just saving all oue receipts.
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    forgot to mention this website has books that identify grocery items from major chains to help find GF food easier. the books are updated yearly and send out daily emails with gf products. the 3 books are GF, GF/casesin free, and GF/casesin free/soy free
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    No, she did not tell me that and based her recommendations on my symptoms and an old blood test! I was diagnosed with Sjogen's Syndrome years ago and this Doc thinks that I have Fibromyalgia and gluten intolerance (also wants me to go dairy free). I went three weeks Gluten Free and then got an apt with a GI doc. who told me to go back on gluten. I did so, but a week later they did my endoscopy. So they found nothing and say I do not have Celiac. But now there is that question....if I hadn't been off three weeks would I have had a different result? And there are differing opinions. It's frustrating!
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    From the mom of two celiac diagnosed kids - can I ask why the dr told you this? I'm just hoping that he did testing first and didn't just randomly tell you to try it. Because if you go gluten free, then test - you may get false negatives. I'm happy dr are more into suggestion of gluten free and aware of celiac, but I hope that he's knowledgeable about it before you get advice that makes it harder to diagnosis if you have health problems. HTH and best of luck.