young alcoholic..

As embarrassing as it unfortunately is, (runs in the family =/) I don't know how to rationally plan things out.. or get rid of the alcohol completely.. I'm honestly so friken ashamed and embarassed.. just want to cry


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    That is a tough one, one that is probably more than you can handle on your own. Have you tried going to AA meetings, or finding some support locally to help you?

    Getting alcohol out of your life isn't impossible, in fact, I am sure you can do it. It will take a LOT of work!
  • jessicalhall85
    I would suggest going to some sort of treatment facility. It runs in my family too. good luck!
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I come from a long line of alcoholics too. Up until a couple weeks ago I was drinking up wards of a pint or more..everyday of hard liquor. I decided to detox for a bit. Not neccessarily forever, but if and until I can get it under control. It's only been a couple weeks, but so far so good. I've been drinking heavily on a daily basis for most of my adult life..I'd say 10-15 years now. I'm surprised that I havent had the desire to drink. The only withdrawel symptom so far has been insomnia. I can't remember the last time I went to bed sober. AA is not for me nor for everyone, but you may want to try an ALANON or ALATEEN meeting. It's for people/young adults whose lives have been impacted by alcoholism..whether it be family, friends, could be helped me learn a lot about my own relationship with drinking. You are not alone.