carbs or not carbs!?

saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
Hello,im wondering for a couple of weeks,carbs are realy necessary after working out?
I haven't eat carbs after a workout,only protein but this last days i have been adding some whole wheat bread along with my protein but im kinda doubtful on this ..
i've been searching to find out the "best"way,in order to lose weight and i've discovered MANY different opinions on this
Anyway,whats your opinion?


  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Eliminating carbs is a quick way to lose a few pounds of water weight.
    However, as soon as you add them back to your diet, the weight comes right back on.

    A good idea is to limit the processed/white carbs, and eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, oats, beans, quinoa, etc.

    The best way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What protein have you been eating post workout? Chances are there are some carbs in there too.
  • shyfranklinstein
    The best way I have found, and the most food I have ever eaten, including carbs, is then times that by .15. Then subtract that number from your TDEE. Its a slow start which is good. I fit what I want when I want into my daily intake. Macro numbers were found here Keeps me sane. Cardio right now is 3-4 times a week HIIT and lifting x5. The "best" way though is up to what works for that person. This has been the healthiest way for me and best. I believe that over all its being in that calorie deficit which you can do alone by diet. Hope that helps.
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    I workout cardio HIIT 5/6 days a week,and im starting weight lifting next week,i dont have any water weight,im drinking 2L of water everyday and working out,and..eating at a deficit for 3 months now,thats why i wanna know if carbs played a major roll on weight loss.
    i only have 3kg to my goal,i dont have more to lose,im 177cm and 63kg,im just trying to shred the few pounds left.
    anyway,the protein i eat is from meat,fish,chicken/turkey. eggs etc.

    i rarely eat carbs on meals,only green vegetables or sweet potato.oh and some fruit some times.

    the only carbs i ate after a workout is whole wheat bread with tuna or hard boiled eggs.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I workout cardio HIIT 5/6 days a week,and im starting weight lifting next week,i dont have any water weight,im drinking 2L of water everyday and working out,and..eating at a deficit for 3 months now,thats why i wanna know if carbs played a major roll on weight loss.
    i only have 3kg to my goal,i dont have more to lose,im 177cm and 63kg,im just trying to shred the few pounds left.
    anyway,the protein i eat is from meat,fish,chicken/turkey. eggs etc.

    i rarely eat carbs on meals,only green vegetables or sweet potato.oh and some fruit some times.

    the only carbs i ate after a workout is whole wheat bread with tuna or hard boiled eggs.

    You are eating carbs. Green vegetables, sweet potato and fruit all contain carbs, so your eating carbs.

    If you were eating only fat and protein, then your carb count would be negligible, but would still have trace carbs.
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    I know i am,maybe i've expressed myself wrong.
    I should have said starchy carbs like rice and bread or fast digestion carbs like white bread.

    the thing is,should or its good to weight loss to eat carbs after a workout?
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    What kind of workout are you talking here?

    Is it cardio or is it strength training?

    If cardio (training for a race) then you would need carbs to fuel you. You cannot compromise on that for performance reasons.

    If you are talking about strength training as your workout then yes bump up your protein intake lower your carb.

    If you want to get rid of excess fat "The best way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit." as climbing_tree mentioned.

    edited for grammar
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Unless you are an elite athlete that takes part in multiple training sessions spaced out less than 4-5 hours apart per day, carbs are not necessary post workout, in the sense that you must immediatley replenish glycogen stores. For the average person, glycogen stores are replenished through the normal consumption of meals over the day and in a 24 hour period.

    From a muscle protein synthesis standpoint however, it has been studied that the addition of carbs to a protein meal post workout will slightly increase the anabolic response over just a protein meal alone.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Hello,im wondering for a couple of weeks,carbs are realy necessary after working out?
    I haven't eat carbs after a workout,only protein but this last days i have been adding some whole wheat bread along with my protein but im kinda doubtful on this ..
    i've been searching to find out the "best"way,in order to lose weight and i've discovered MANY different opinions on this
    Anyway,whats your opinion?

    The best way to lose weight is a calorie deficit. True story.
  • shyfranklinstein
    From my experience and knowledge HIIT is not useful every day. It is really taxing on the body and I never go over 20 minutes. Just me though. I have upped to my carbs to 200-220 depending on what lift Im doing that day and kept protein/fats same and lost more bodyfat in the past two weeks. Just start slow I guess is my best advice, leave room for adjustment, do not stress so much on it, DO NOT start demonizing foods, and have fun :)
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    From my experience and knowledge HIIT is not useful every day. It is really taxing on the body and I never go over 20 minutes. Just me though. I have upped to my carbs to 200-220 depending on what lift Im doing that day and kept protein/fats same and lost more bodyfat in the past two weeks. Just start slow I guess is my best advice, leave room for adjustment, do not stress so much on it, DO NOT start demonizing foods, and have fun :)

    i only do 25min a day. the rest is bodyweight training
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    What kind of workout are you talking here?

    Is it cardio or is it strength training?

    If cardio (training for a race) then you would need carbs to fuel you. You cannot compromise on that for performance reasons.

    If you are talking about strength training as your workout then yes bump up your protein intake lower your carb.

    If you want to get rid of excess fat "The best way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit." as climbing_tree mentioned.

    edited for grammar

    Its cardio HIIT and some bodyweight training.
    I'm on a calorie deficit for a while now ;)
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Hello,im wondering for a couple of weeks,carbs are realy necessary after working out?

    No. Strict nutrient timing is vastly overrated. Hit your calories and macros for the day, results will follow. The timing should be whatever you prefer in terms of adherence and performance.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Unless you are an elite athlete that takes part in multiple training sessions spaced out less than 4-5 hours apart per day, carbs are not necessary post workout, in the sense that you must immediatley replenish glycogen stores. For the average person, glycogen stores are replenished through the normal consumption of meals over the day and in a 24 hour period.

    From a muscle protein synthesis standpoint however, it has been studied that the addition of carbs to a protein meal post workout will slightly increase the anabolic response over just a protein meal alone.
    Diesel, you need to post here more often, seriously.

    And one of these days I'm buying you a slice of pizza. But NY pizza, not NJ pizza, sorry.

    Thanks bro. And for you, I'll make two slices fit my macros! (BTW, I'm a born and bred NYC boy, and I've never had a NJ slice in my life. I know the deal!)