I CAN do this right??

Hello, my name is Julia. I signed up on fitness pal in September and never came back until now. I really want to lose 25lbs. but I have a very difficult time with staying modivated. I usually do well for the first 10lbs. and then I start going back to my same routine. I love pasta, all carbs. realy. I love sweet foods and I work in an office sitting on my butt all day. So I know it's difficult, but I have another dilema....I QUIT SMOKING AS WELL. Obviously, I'm very nervous about gaining weight now that I've quit smoking. I do believe I will need alot of support as I tackle both...PLEASE HELP ME. :)


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    i've just started and want to lose 35lbs, all i can do is wish you luck and be strong, you can do it :)
  • kuteinfaync
    My goal is 25pds to! Ive lost 3 so far this wk and ive just joined! I'll be your weight loss buddy if you want.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    The best advice I can give is to measure out portions and stick with it! Bring your snacks to work in those little snack bags, already measured out. Try for sweet foods that are a little healthier (fruit, baby carrots) or for pasta use whole wheat or a mix of whole wheat/white for a little extra nutrition value. I have also found that the less I eat sweet foods, the less I crave them.
  • lilyreki
    Huh, you sound like me. I signed up this fall and haven't been on until today. I get so frustrated because before I had a kid, 2 years ago, I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight. When I was pregnant I gained 60 pounds, yikes. I've still got 40 to lose, but I have no discipline. I do well for a day, then the next day I usually cheat, then I think I screwed up so bad, that I eat whatever I want. I quit smoking right before I got pregnant, so I'm with you on that one as well. I still think about smoking every day almost. Even though I think it stinks now, I still want to start again. I wish you good luck!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    my goal was 25 lbs BUT since I'm so close to that I'm pushing for 17 lbs from here...I never thought I could lose that much weight (or keep it off for that matter) BUT YOU CAN!!! Its easy really...just write down EVERYTHING that you put in your mouth, drink water, and get in at least 20-30 min of activity a day. It gets addicting once you get the ball rolling. I'm making my newfound healthy lifestyle a habit...lets help each other!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello, my name is Julia. I signed up on fitness pal in September and never came back until now. I really want to lose 25lbs. but I have a very difficult time with staying modivated. I usually do well for the first 10lbs. and then I start going back to my same routine. I love pasta, all carbs. realy. I love sweet foods and I work in an office sitting on my butt all day. So I know it's difficult, but I have another dilema....I QUIT SMOKING AS WELL. Obviously, I'm very nervous about gaining weight now that I've quit smoking. I do believe I will need alot of support as I tackle both...PLEASE HELP ME. :)

    Hi Julia,

    You might want to join the 'Starting January 2011' thread I started, there are loads of us there all starting (or re-starting) like you, and hope to support one another and loose weight together. You're welcome to join in and all the best with the weightloss. You can do it!

    In answer to your question, you could try switching from carbs to protein. Protein is apparently meant to make you feel fuller longer. Or instead of having all carb or all protein, try small pasta portions with large chicken bits (mozzarella if you're veggie). Sweet potato and carrot mash. Or sometimes I'll have a small mash potato, cheese and cauliflower, less carbs, but not less portion! Hope that helps :o)


    Week 1
    236lbs (0lbs loss) 
    Week 2


  • JimH56
    JimH56 Posts: 6
    You CAN do this! I just started and have lost about 20, in a little over 2 months! Check in each day, log your food, and exercise! :happy: It's not easy, but it a great feeling. Congrats on quitting smoking! That in it's self is a BIG accomplishment! Feel free to add me. Good Luck - you are in the right place!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    i just quit smoking too. i'm 36 and i starting smoking when i was 16. My ex-father in law just pasted away from lung cancer at 60 and it got my kids worrying about me so they are my motivation. did put on weight about 30 lbs total..but i wasnt exercising or watching what i was eating. started diet and exercise plan in november and i'm going strong, you can do this, the more you exercise the more you will want to exercise. get past the soreness and you'll start having more energy, i look forward to my time as a peace and quiet because the boys wont follow me in there. (hehehehe) I also am using the discovery channels free challenge. you can go on there and sign up it will set you up with a work out plan 4 or 5 days a week for 25 mins each and i found they arent that hard (granted sometimes i have to back off from what they show) but it's quick and i can really feel it the next day.
  • syedm3hdi
    Can smoking really help you lose weight though or is it something people say and is more psychological?! My brother in law had been smoking since he was 18 and when he had a heart attack at 28 he basically quit overnight and has never looked back.

    As for the weight loss, 25lb is definitely achievable, so keep it strong. As for the motivation, i am sure you will get plenty of support here, you jus need to make sure you use MFP to its potential.
    Try using slow release protein shakes. Because they release slower they can keep cravings at bay a little longer.

    From a fellow carb lover :)