
Okay. So, May 14th I made myself dinner: spaghetti squash with four organic fresh beets and about 15 asparagus, garlic, crushed red chili and olive oil. It was delicious.
Next day. Pee was not pink, bright red and stank..stunk? whichever. Anyway, figured it was the beets and the asparagus. Googled it and found that if you eat beets and your pee is pink/red it can be a sign that you don't produce sufficient stomach acid to properly process your food, which, among other bad things can affect your metabolism: i.e. SLOW IT DOWN. So..I always knew my metabolism was slow, and I am currently on levothyroxine for hypothyroidism--I also have four huge growths in the thyroid, goiter. Anyway...yes, there is a question or two in here. Haha

While I can find that it happens in about 10-15% of people and usually indicates some digestive issues that can be addressed with simple things like drinking lemon water or water with apple cider vinegar in it before eating, I cannot find out how long it should take the 'normal' process to rid the body of the beet dye.

48 hours now and I am still peeing pink and just had the reddest stool ever. (sorry if it's too graphic, just trying to get answers from anyone else who might experience the same thing.) Even on the toilet paper it's pink! Two days? Really?

Could this explain some of my difficulty in losing any weight at all?

Does anyone have an idea of remedies other than lemon water/apple cider vinegar to promote a more active metabolism in someone already being treated with prescription drugs for thyroid?

20 days so far, and I have stayed UNDER the 1200 calories (or the adjusted amount with the exercise added into it) and I doubt I have lost even one ounce. I refuse to weigh myself until it's been a month because I heard that it might just disappoint. Maybe that's incorrect as well.

I read on the hypochlorhydria information page that it can impact your absorption of iron, magnesium, zinc and can leave you vulnerable to all manner of bacteria and digestive problems like gas, bloat and build up of candida etc. I believe I have always had a slower functioning thyroid, but now, post menopause and with the goiter...it's like slower than stinking stop.



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Self diagnosing yourself via the internets is never a good idea.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Having hypothyroidism is the reason you have difficulty losing weight.

    Having pinkish red urine and stool from eating beets has nothing to do with difficulty losing weight. However, it could suggest you have low stomach acid. If you are concerned, I'd suggest having your primary care physician refer you to a gastroenterologist.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Self diagnosing yourself via the internets is never a good idea.

    ^Agreed. Self-diagnosing is going to drive yourself crazy. Stop reading things on the internet. Instead call your doctor!
  • stuff like that can take up and over 72 hours to clear. that's my record lol this is definitely something to address with your DOCTOR. not here. I went to my doc and he said even "healthy" people pee pink and have really foul smelling urine after certain foods. Its not a big deal unless it comes with pain or burning and stuff like that.
  • patiway
    patiway Posts: 5
    Any special advice for dieters with hypothyroidism?
  • patiway
    patiway Posts: 5
    Okay. So 48 hours is not absurd. Guess I figured we moved things through a bit quicker than that normally. Good to know.

  • MoosyGoosy
    MoosyGoosy Posts: 44
    It's also better to go a bit over your calories as opposed to under if you have it set at 1200.