22 year old looking for mfp friends/motivators

lovelyfacex3 Posts: 68 Member
Hi all!! I'm really looking for new friends on here. I'm starting over... I'd be more than willing to motivate as well. :)


  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me. I'm 21 :)
  • Unfledgedkitty
    Unfledgedkitty Posts: 45 Member
    welcome to the club :D - feel free to add a person who is looking to lose another 20 odd lbs :D
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 22 years old as well and I'm always looking for new friends. I log in everyday, my diary is open and I'm very supportive :D
    Anyone can add me if they wish :D
  • Jesslynroe
    Jesslynroe Posts: 9 Member
    Me too, open diary. Add me!!!
  • _Kimrey_
    _Kimrey_ Posts: 19 Member
    I'm starting over also...well kicking it back into gear again. You can totally add me. All of you can! I could totally use the motivation to stay on track for the long haul this time! :smile:
  • kblau
    kblau Posts: 38
    Hi! I'm 20 years old. I'm also starting over. I managed to gain back most of the weight that I lost two years ago since I've been in college. I'd love to be friends and motivate each other.
  • KelseyDiane91
    KelseyDiane91 Posts: 13 Member
    22 years old, wanting to lose 20-40 lbs! I'm also a college students so that adds some extra struggles because I'm broke and busy. But with help from friends, I know we can do it

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • any_chiwawa
    any_chiwawa Posts: 8 Member
    hey. I'm 22 years old, a student...so my diet was kind of a problem. So i decided that i wanna change my life, and started seperating meals and i'll start excersising...soon. I'm a bit lazy those days..but i hope that we could encourage each other:D We can do it:D So if you wanna be my friend just add me.. i'm on daily and i talk a lot, so i can save you some calories if it will be necessary.

    Talk to you soon.Bye

    P.s. sorry for bad english;)
  • feel free to add me as well I am 20 years old and just getting back into it :)
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    Add away!

    My diary is open and I'm on here every day that I'm home :) I'm 24 and an almost graduated university student :)
  • I'm 20 years old. College student and working part time at a restaurant. I'm looking for motivation too and I'm totally open to be someones motivation too :) I'm on almost every day and I do like to talk alot.
  • Kendra_003
    Kendra_003 Posts: 18 Member
    Y'all can add me as we'll! I'm 21:)
  • LunarSpoon
    LunarSpoon Posts: 3
    I just created an account, so still learning how this all works... but I'm also 22, and will be welcoming our first kiddo into the world in about 7 weeks! I started the pregnancy at 121 lbs, I've gained 18 pounds so far and will probably gain a total of 25 by the time baby arrives. Expecting 10-15 of that to come off pretty quick, but my goal weight is 105-110... which means I'll have anywhere from 25-30 pounds to drop in total.