I think I'm doing something wrong.

So I started my "diet" three weeks ago and so far I've lost just aver 4 kilos, but I'm worried that I'm not eating enough. My daily calorie count is between 1000 and 1200 calories, sometimes less sometimes more and I almost never eat back what I'v burned through exercise. On the days where I do eat more than 1200 calls it's generally because I've had something high in sugar or fat. I am worried that what i'm doing is going to turn out to worse for my body and ill just gain it all back when I've finished. I've been reading through the posts and there are so many different opinions on how many calories to eat and wether to eat back exercise calories or not, So if someone can set me on the right track that would be great, thanks.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The minimum calorie allowance set by MFP is 1200. There is no reason to eat less than this.

    Fast weight loss is not a good thing as you stand to lose muscle as well as fat, resulting in no improvements in body composition and decreased metabolism, which can make it easier to regain weight once calories are increased.

    Set your MFP goal to lose 1 lb per week and eat back exercise calories for healthy, sustainable fat loss. Incorporate some form of strength training to preserve muscle mass.
  • I'm swimming almost every day and when I don't swim I'm in the gym, even some days I do both. At the moment the hardest thing is eating the 1200 calories, cause I don't feel hungry and don't want to make my meals too big. Can you give me an ideas of how many calories should be in my breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  • wishfulgal
    wishfulgal Posts: 9 Member
    As they say about climate change, 'the science is not settled'. And that is true about the ideal method of eating. Some say: 'Spread your calories evenly over 3 meals and have 2 small snacks'. Some say: 'Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper'. More recently, the given wisdom is that you should eat 2 or 3 large meals and allow at least 3 - 6 hours (of eating nothing) between meals to allow the leptin (a hormone that regulates how much of your fat reserves get used) to do its work.

    Everybody is different and we're all just trying to find that magic bullet that does the job for each of us, Nicole. After 56 years, I haven't found mine. With all that exercise, you're sure to find yours a lot earlier!

    One thing is for sure, Karen is right. Eat below 1,200 calories a day and you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of a rubbish metabolism.

    Hope you find your magic bullet soon!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Just because you don't feel hungry doesn't mean your body doesn't need fuel. You are exercising daily so your body needs energy. You may feel oK now but in the long term this could lead to health problems.

    If you don't physically feel you can eat more, aim for nutrient dense foods which will give you the calories for less volume of food, for example avocados, nuts, nut butters, oils/butter, full fat dairy. Don't be afraid of fat as it is essential in the diet, and also make sure you are getting enough protein.

    Read this post which has some great info for those starting out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Firstly thanks for helping me start to get my head around nutrition, Its something I've always struggled with. I get enough fats in my diet, probably a bit too much actually ( my fat intake percentage fluctuates between 30 - 35% most days). I looked at the post that you directed me to Karen and it was super helpful.
    I was eating a large breakfast (just over 400 calories) but started having one slice instead of two. Now I think ill go back to the bigger breakfast and start using the TDEE method. And through that I'm hoping ill stop putting my self at risk of starvation and metabolism problems.
    Again thanks heaps for helping me :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Sounds like you've got the right attitude and mindset to make this work. Best of luck to you on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    The minimum calorie allowance set by MFP is 1200. There is no reason to eat less than this.

    Fast weight loss is not a good thing as you stand to lose muscle as well as fat, resulting in no improvements in body composition and decreased metabolism, which can make it easier to regain weight once calories are increased.

    Set your MFP goal to lose 1 lb per week and eat back exercise calories for healthy, sustainable fat loss. Incorporate some form of strength training to preserve muscle mass.

  • Okay, so I've given my self sometime to get my head around this even more, but I'm still a little confused. (good thing though I ate more than 1200 calories today)
    My height is 163,
    current weight is 79.9
    I exercise 6-7 days a week
    I would like to lose .5 - 1kg a week
    I would like to get down to somewhere between 55 and 60kg
    Can someone do the maths for me so I can compare what I got, cause I'm not completely sure I've got the right amount.
    Thanks in advance.