First Time Dieter

My name is Alicia. I am *almost* 27 years old. I work full time managing the beverage operations in a casino and I have a husband and three year old son. Before I met my husband I weighed 145-pounds (I am 5'10", by the way). Now I am up to 189-pounds and I desperately want to get back down to my pre-husband weight!

This is the first time in my life I have ever had to worry about my weight and I am completely lost as to how dieting works. I'm very happy that I found MyFitnessPal through the Android App Market because so far it seems to be a useful tool. Of course, I am only on day two so hopefully I can stick to it!

If anyone has any advice or tips I am open to anything that will help me lose this weight. I am DETERMINED to be in a bikini by this summer! More importantly, my work is having a "Biggest Loser" contest that ends in June and the person who loses the highest percent of their total body weight wins $1,000, so that would be an awesome bonus!

I absolutely REFUSE to try any of the "fad" diets (only grapefruit for two weeks and you lose 2 pants sizes) because I don't believe that they are healthy in the long-run. My husband and I cook every night and we never use anything pre-packaged. If anyone is interested in delicious, easy from-scratch recipes, I will gladly share!


  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Dont treat it as a diet , look at it as a lifestyle change.

    Eat correctly and exercise , I dont think there is an easy way to do it.

    Good luck

    There are heap of threads that give great insight on how to go on the correct path.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Well, I think you are off to a good start.... MFP is a great tool! And you already know that fad diets are not the answer and cooking your own food is best.... so, just getting your calories under control and getting your body moving will get you going in the right direction! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Dont treat it as a diet , look at it as a lifestyle change.

    Exactly! Well said!
  • jboothfsc
    I am also "new" to dieting! I am 5'10" as well and a mom, so I know how busy you get. Sometimes between work, husband and babies, the thing that is neglected is YOU!

    Best wishes on your diet.