Question for ladies that lift



  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Hi there, I just started lifting at the beginning of the year doing NROL4W. I am currently on stage 4, and lift 3x/week. The weights part is about 50 mins and on alternate workouts there is 15 min of HIIT training after. On my off days I run or play tennis w/the husband.

    5'6", 132 lbs.

    I wear a fitbit and eat back those calories. I work in a city so I walk a lot so I usually eat 1800-2000 calories/day (on maintenance - My goal says 130 but I'm not really trying to lose weight. I am the same size (lower BF%) I was when I weighed 125 w/out lifting so I'm happy where I am. except I wish I could gain back some of those bra sizes LOL)
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I am 5ft3 and 53 and weigh 132 I am lifting 4xwk for 90 min but with that said it is not all lifting since I have no concept of rest my trainer has me doing bosu ball between each set on leg days (squats around the world and kicks both sides of bosu). On upper body days it is sit ups different styles between sets. I am starting to settle into this but it is hard. Important though so I don't overtrain. Was doing 7 rounds of 6 exercises each was 45 reps. I am set at 1500 base and we are calculating it as circuit training not lifting so I am eating 2250 on training days I have found my protein level needs to be much higher I eat usually over 100 grams which it seems many other sites agree with and dietician felt was important. I also found I do need that protein shortly after in shake or bar or the next day feel like crap even though many say it doesn't matter
    Were very similar in size age, you are right about the extra protein. In new rules supercharged it explains after a certain age the protein levels are going to have to be increased and getting it all day is best but you still should do a 30 gm within 2 hours of workout. They said it has something to do with age that causes the reserves harder to be utilized. And that post workout you dont need to worry about getting too much.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    5'7. 179. Cutting. Working on getting down to 165-160.

    Lift/workout 4-5 days a week.

    Compound lifts with accessory work.

    Or some days are HIITs involving weights and supersets.

    The only cardio I do are sprints, running stadiums, or 2-3 mile run every once in a while (those are not very often anymore).