278lbs (started at 317lbs), need help with diet


I started at 317lbs and am 278lbs now. Have stopped Slimming World and started calorie counting and exercise but am struggling with the evenings. I have approx 1800 calories a day to use and could use some advice with my diet and whether I should be eating more for meals etc.

Average day consists of 2 x toast for breakfast, salad with fat free cottage cheese and half a pack of Bernard Mathews chicken pieces (50g of a 100g pack), and then evening meal is normally something like jacket potato with salad and cottage cheese.

I add a pack of ryvita minis, fruit and a muller light greek yogurt to my diary for snacks in the daytime but am still being left with approc 600+ calories in the evenings which is where it's going all wrong as I am then buying supermarket crap full of fat and sugar. Should I be eating more for meals? Or can people give me ideas of filling snacks that aren't full of crap for the evening. Am I eating enough if I am still under by 600+ calories (as I have already set it to lose 2lbs a week)? I have been exercising in the day time too and am annoyed at myself as I do so well during the day but it all goes to pot in the evenings.

Any help and advice is appreciated, please feel free to add me.

Thanks :)


  • puffinbrae
    puffinbrae Posts: 43 Member
    Could you face eating a little more early in the day? Maybe porridge or eggs added to breakfast ( or a smoothie if you like them ). Add a mid morning and afternoon snack - yogurt, fruit, energy bars something you enjoy. You could keep the snacks for the long evening if you find that easier. And add some veggies to your evening meal to help fill you for longer.
    I'm sure you'll soon figure out what works best for you and there are loads of great helpers on MFP with terrific advice :smile:
  • GeekyPixels
    GeekyPixels Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah that's what I was hoping to do and tap into all the knowledge and experience on here :)

    I struggle with the 2 x toast to be honest as I never used to eat breakfast at all till I started dieting. The other problem I have is shift work. I do 45-50 hours a week normally so some nights don't get home till 10pm to have to leave for work at 7am so don't tend to get much time in the morning to do breakfast. Also do 7.30am-9.30pm some days, so again, it's difficult having food that I can take that is quick. Porridge is a great idea though as you can get those nifty porridge sachets :) Energy bars is another good one, but I was under the impression these were full of sugar and no good for you haha
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    It does take some adjusting to. Two pieces of toast doesn't seem like it would be very filling; if you're eating white bread, it's not going to keep you full for a long period of time.

    Breakfast wise, maybe you could have a piece of toast, a scrambled/sunny egg, and some sort of protein?

    If you're aiming for 1800 a day, I'd also suggest aiming for 1200 calories between three meals, and then plan out two 200-300 calorie snacks per day. Cooking ahead of time and storing it can also be helpful, especially if your work schedule is so hectic. If you don't have time, pack calorie heavy items like avocado, hummus + wheat crackers, or peanut butter and crackers to eat on the go as a snack. You can meet your goals, just have to get into a routine that works for you!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    If you don't want breakfast, don't eat breakfast. But you could still eat eggs and bacon with toast for lunch if you enjoy those foods, as an example.

    Much of what you described sounds like a lot of "diet-type" food to me. I suggest you just eat what you normally would eat, what you WANT to eat and make sure that your portions total the number of calories you need each day. There is no need to make it complicated.

    When you first start counting calories I think it can be a bit overwhelming to also focus on your macro percentages (protein, carbs, fat) so you probably should just work at staying close to your daily calorie total. But, if you have extra calories at the end of the day, this would be a good time to take a look at which macro(s) you have not met and eat something that can fulfill that goal, as long as you are eating. :)

    1800 calories is a nice amount that will allow you satisfying meals and snacks.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Maybe you could add some high calorie stuff to your existing meals, like put peanut or almond butter on that toast, add fruit to the cottage cheese and put some butter on that potato.