weight up and down



  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    I'm doing the same stupid crap. Up a day, down the next, up the next, down the next. Patience, I guess. I'm working out 5 to 6 times a week, too, and intense cardio. Doing the HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training. My stomach is going down slowly and my muscles are going up as I'm doing cardio along with weight training. So there may be some swapping going on there, don't know. Know my biceps are growing, I can see. But disappointed in how slow it's going with the stomach. Yea, it's showing progress but s l o w l y. And I find myself craving foods more now that I'm cutting back. But I'm trying to get in shape for summer. Guess it's more cutting back and upping the caloric burning......sigh....
  • orandaberg
    orandaberg Posts: 37
    The mid section and chest an wings(area down under the arm pit) are considered the hardest to shed if like me you put on the weight over years! Also everyday stress slows it down especially in men in the stomach region. There is a point in our loosing weight we reach the plateau. I think you and I are at this level, its just a matter of time and we will break it. As long as we keep going in the right direction and just let nature do its thing. If like me, I did not gain this weight in months, it took years, so expecting it to go any faster then it is will lead to frustration. Let alone ugly stretch marks and loose skin (which sometimes requires plastic surgery to get rid of). Only other quickest way is lipo, but that leaves loose skin and the weight just comes back. Hang in there with me, we will get over this ridge and then its down hill from there:)
  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    Yep. Gotta keep telling myself I didn't get it overnight and it's not coming off overnight, either. Keep plugging away!