Giving Up ALCHOHOL..WAIT..!?

Consmomluv Posts: 13
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I must admit... Im a sucker for a good stiff Captain Coke, Bloody Mary or Wine :love:
However, They are packed full of cals AND I want to lose weight!!!

I decided Im not drinking.... *sigh* any of my FAV alchy-bev's UNTIL I lose TEN lbs...

Im already experiancing seperation anxiety :laugh:

It's going to be a reward, plus... I prob drink TOO much anyways. Cant help it... yum yum!!!!

I already dont drink ANY pop (unless w/ my Cappty Coke)...

Looks like WATER & CRYSTAL LIGHT (sugar free) will be my BFF for the next 10 lbs :))

OH, Friends- any suggestions on low-cal, low-sugar drinks for when I let myself get a little tipsy..???

Thanks :drinker:

(PS, I :heart: these cheesey smileys!!!!!)


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I gave it up for New Years....I'm hoping that cutting it out will help me with my metabolisim.
  • I gave it up unti I lose 100lbs so I feel your pain!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I like to drink every now and then too..but I have decided that it just isn't worth it. I am working off the extra calories for days..and plus the extra water weight I carry around because of it is ridiculous :(

    I just wish I would let it stop at a drink or two..haha. then it probably wouldn't be so bad.
  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Pretty much all liquor is about 70 cal a shot. I like Diet Cranberry & Vodka, not too bad at 70 calories!
  • I'm a beer girl and am used to full body (high cal) beers. But I'm trying to cut the drinking calories too, I tried one of those 64 cal beers the other night- and not bad.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I gave that crap up. Not worth the hassle if you ask me. Just my two cents.
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I do diet pepsi and so-co or a bud select 55. Then I also work it into my calories. If I know I am going to have a few drinks I do extra to burn those calories a head of time. Plan, plan, plan. LOL

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    vodka soda and you can always do your Captain with diet coke. If you give up alcohol for a little while then you don't have to drink as much to get a buzz, so that's a bonus. There's a thread called "like minded lushes" if you want some support and encouragement!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    okay so here are some of my faves-

    Captain and Diet Coke
    Diet Coke and Vanilla Vodka
    rockstar rootbeer- diet ginger ale, root beer vodka and vanilla vodka- it tastes almost exactly like rootbeer.

    good luck and i am sure you will do great! :smile:
  • marynb
    marynb Posts: 1
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    Good Post.. and nice to see some other people doing the same..

    That was on my list of NY Res.. to give up drinking for a while till I lose 10lbs as well..

    ahh... it's gonna be hard on the weekends.. I guess I'll have to boycott the clubs too.. :P

    good luck!!
  • Ditto, girfriend! I miss my nightcap(s)...We'll be happy we made the sacrifice 10 pounds from now! Drink lots of water.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I drink skinny b!tches...water, vodka and bar lime...70 calories a drink
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    hello ~ you need to know about this thread:

    good luck! :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • I gave it up too, and if we do drink on a special occasion we will need less to feel anything which means LESS CALORIES!!!!!

    good choice and good luck w/ the 10 lbs!

  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I gave up alcohol years ago due to an allergy.(I break out in handcuffs.) Living healthier has become a lifestyle change choice for me. I started by giving up one thing at a time. Booze and drugs, then smoking, then caffiene and soda, then natural sugar(replaced w/ yellow), then fried food, then started running.... It's a slow progression, but if you want to slim down it takes a lifestyle change. My signature says lost 2 pounds(this week) I just joined but I've lost 45 in the last year before I started running....
  • Try Vodka and Gatorade. Cool Blue Gatorade tastes like oranges to me, that might be good. Or the basic Grape or Red Gatorade would be good too!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Every six months I give up alcohol for one month to flush out my system of toxins. I'm with ya until the end of January!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    I gave up alcohol years ago due to an allergy.(I break out in handcuffs.)

    :laugh: :tongue:
  • Drinking is what got me to where I am now party party is all I did from about 16-22...haven't really drank many times within the last 6 months though
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