Will it work??

Hey everyone :)

So I'm starting over...... looking to lose 14-18 lbs! I was hoping someone incredibly knowledgeable who knows what they're talking about can tell me if my plan is right/ what I need to do differently?

Ok, here's the details.....

Height: 5ft 8
Current weight: 161lbs
Goal weight: 144lbs ish
Daily calorie intake: 1600 (i plan to eat an extra 200 calories on workout days)

I've set my activity level to 'lightly active'. I have quite a physical job....im on my feet in work from 7-3.30...I do a lot of lifting and ladder climbing in work and can be quite strenuous at times but it does vary from day to day! I walk to and from work which takes 25 mins.

I currently do 3 workouts a week after work for an hour each time (30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights).... i was considering changing this and getting up very early to go for a 30 min jog every morning before work then doing strength training after work 3 times a week as I am usually quite tired after work and my effort when doing cardio is poor. Still not sure if thats the right thing to do though!

A typical day eating for me is....

breakfast (6am): 2 scrambled eggs on 1 piece of wholemeal toast
mid morning snack (9.30am): apple with 30g peanut butter
lunch (1pm): jacket potato with cottage cheese and salad leaves
mid afternoon snack (3.30pm): almonds and a banana
dinner (6pm): 2 quorn fillets, lots of green veg and a baked sweet potato
evening snack (7pm): pro-bio yoghurt and maybe some dark chocolate or a 30 cal ice lolly as a treat

I'm veggie by the way so no meat or fish!

My major downfall is the weekend! I'm out of routine and my diet and activity goes to pot! So any tips for avoiding terrible weekends would be much appreciated too!

Thanks in advance you clever people :) xxx


  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yes!! It will work! You and I are pretty much the same except for the weekend issue.
    I was almost the same height and weight and I lost about 15 pounds and kept it off for over a year now.
    I lost it on about 1600 calories a day. When I ate over, I just made up for it on other days, ie. 1900 calories on Monday meant 1500 calories Tuesday to Friday.
  • Yes!! It will work! You and I are pretty much the same except for the weekend issue.
    I was almost the same height and weight and I lost about 15 pounds and kept it off for over a year now.
    I lost it on about 1600 calories a day. When I ate over, I just made up for it on other days, ie. 1900 calories on Monday meant 1500 calories Tuesday to Friday.

    Thanks :) good to here that from someone who's tried and tested it! Just need to reign it in at the weekends now! xx
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    I eat well under my calories during the week, don't eat back my exercise calories so the weekend i can do pretty much what i want, don't even feel like i am on a diet which is the ideal
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Sounds like a great plan to me. My suggestion for the weekend is pre-log... even if it changes you have a sort of guide you can sort of stick to - even if it's just breakfast and snacks (and lunch?)
  • Sounds like a great plan to me. My suggestion for the weekend is pre-log... even if it changes you have a sort of guide you can sort of stick to - even if it's just breakfast and snacks (and lunch?)

    Thanks a million :) that's a good idea I shall definitely try that next weekend! xx
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Your Plan looks great.
    You are having balanced meals and your activity level is great.

    Of course it will work.
    Well done and all the best.
  • Your Plan looks great.
    You are having balanced meals and your activity level is great.

    Of course it will work.
    Well done and all the best.

    aw thanks! You guys are all so helpful and lovely! Anyone got any opinions on my 30 min run in the morning before work idea? Would that be better than going after work and running the risk of being too tired to do it properly? xx
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    Hey everyone :)

    So I'm starting over...... looking to lose 14-18 lbs! I was hoping someone incredibly knowledgeable who knows what they're talking about can tell me if my plan is right/ what I need to do differently?

    Ok, here's the details.....

    Height: 5ft 8
    Current weight: 161lbs
    Goal weight: 144lbs ish
    Daily calorie intake: 1600 (i plan to eat an extra 200 calories on workout days)

    I've set my activity level to 'lightly active'. I have quite a physical job....im on my feet in work from 7-3.30...I do a lot of lifting and ladder climbing in work and can be quite strenuous at times but it does vary from day to day! I walk to and from work which takes 25 mins.

    I currently do 3 workouts a week after work for an hour each time (30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights).... i was considering changing this and getting up very early to go for a 30 min jog every morning before work then doing strength training after work 3 times a week as I am usually quite tired after work and my effort when doing cardio is poor. Still not sure if thats the right thing to do though!

    A typical day eating for me is....

    breakfast (6am): 2 scrambled eggs on 1 piece of wholemeal toast
    mid morning snack (9.30am): apple with 30g peanut butter
    lunch (1pm): jacket potato with cottage cheese and salad leaves
    mid afternoon snack (3.30pm): almonds and a banana
    dinner (6pm): 2 quorn fillets, lots of green veg and a baked sweet potato
    evening snack (7pm): pro-bio yoghurt and maybe some dark chocolate or a 30 cal ice lolly as a treat

    I'm veggie by the way so no meat or fish!

    My major downfall is the weekend! I'm out of routine and my diet and activity goes to pot! So any tips for avoiding terrible weekends would be much appreciated too!

    Thanks in advance you clever people :) xxx

    all what you've written... record your progress... for example it would be wise to see how your weight fluctuates with this intake and nutrition you've written down for a good month, THEN ADJUST ACCORDINGLY maybe start with a slight deficit on your intake, slight increase from your cardio, or workout intensity etc. adjust everytime your weight loss stalls, only you can gauge if what your doing is working, RECORD EVERYTHING YOU CAN SO YOU KNOW WHERE TO ADJUST WHEN STICKING POINT HITS goodluck! ;)
  • Hey everyone :)

    So I'm starting over...... looking to lose 14-18 lbs! I was hoping someone incredibly knowledgeable who knows what they're talking about can tell me if my plan is right/ what I need to do differently?

    Ok, here's the details.....

    Height: 5ft 8
    Current weight: 161lbs
    Goal weight: 144lbs ish
    Daily calorie intake: 1600 (i plan to eat an extra 200 calories on workout days)

    I've set my activity level to 'lightly active'. I have quite a physical job....im on my feet in work from 7-3.30...I do a lot of lifting and ladder climbing in work and can be quite strenuous at times but it does vary from day to day! I walk to and from work which takes 25 mins.

    I currently do 3 workouts a week after work for an hour each time (30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights).... i was considering changing this and getting up very early to go for a 30 min jog every morning before work then doing strength training after work 3 times a week as I am usually quite tired after work and my effort when doing cardio is poor. Still not sure if thats the right thing to do though!

    A typical day eating for me is....

    breakfast (6am): 2 scrambled eggs on 1 piece of wholemeal toast
    mid morning snack (9.30am): apple with 30g peanut butter
    lunch (1pm): jacket potato with cottage cheese and salad leaves
    mid afternoon snack (3.30pm): almonds and a banana
    dinner (6pm): 2 quorn fillets, lots of green veg and a baked sweet potato
    evening snack (7pm): pro-bio yoghurt and maybe some dark chocolate or a 30 cal ice lolly as a treat

    I'm veggie by the way so no meat or fish!

    My major downfall is the weekend! I'm out of routine and my diet and activity goes to pot! So any tips for avoiding terrible weekends would be much appreciated too!

    Thanks in advance you clever people :) xxx

    all what you've written... record your progress... for example it would be wise to see how your weight fluctuates with this intake and nutrition you've written down for a good month, THEN ADJUST ACCORDINGLY maybe start with a slight deficit on your intake, slight increase from your cardio, or workout intensity etc. adjust everytime your weight loss stalls, only you can gauge if what your doing is working, RECORD EVERYTHING YOU CAN SO YOU KNOW WHERE TO ADJUST WHEN STICKING POINT HITS goodluck! ;)

    Thanks for the tip! Will definitely do this! xx
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Your Plan looks great.
    You are having balanced meals and your activity level is great.

    Of course it will work.
    Well done and all the best.

    aw thanks! You guys are all so helpful and lovely! Anyone got any opinions on my 30 min run in the morning before work idea? Would that be better than going after work and running the risk of being too tired to do it properly? xx
    You have to do what works for you. The best plan is useless if its not implemented.
    Start and see what best works for you. Nothing is written on stone. If you find that the 30min run in the morning works best, it becomes THE plan. Conversely if you find that you are more motivated to go after work then you change plans and do what works.
    One of the beauties of plans is that they can be changed for the better.
    Good luck.
  • jj_jupiter
    jj_jupiter Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a veg also. Your daily protein intake looks very low (going by what eating you posted). You should be getting approx 80 grams a day. Think about making a smoothie with protein powder, tofu, nuts, grains. Also, add more egg whites and only one egg yolk to your morning scramble to ramp up protein without calories.

    Also, consider strength training. More muscle will help you keep the weight off.
  • What is it about the weekend that throws you off plan? Is it hanging out with friends? Maybe instead of meeting up for dinner or coffee you can suggest meeting up for a walk? Or perhaps you can invite them over for dinner that way you control the menu. If it's drinking with friends, there are some stevia sweetened coolers made by Seagrams that aren't too bad tasting and only 80 calories. Anyways, I think you get my point that if you figure out what causes you problems on the weekend, you can work on a plan to try and overcome them :) Best of luck!!
  • I'm a veg also. Your daily protein intake looks very low (going by what eating you posted). You should be getting approx 80 grams a day. Think about making a smoothie with protein powder, tofu, nuts, grains. Also, add more egg whites and only one egg yolk to your morning scramble to ramp up protein without calories.

    Also, consider strength training. More muscle will help you keep the weight off.

    yeah I do struggle sometimes getting enough protein but I do use protein powder and put it in pancakes etc. I can't stand the taste of it in smoothies. I use egg whites also. Its something I'm still working on :)

    Thanks for the help xx
  • What is it about the weekend that throws you off plan? Is it hanging out with friends? Maybe instead of meeting up for dinner or coffee you can suggest meeting up for a walk? Or perhaps you can invite them over for dinner that way you control the menu. If it's drinking with friends, there are some stevia sweetened coolers made by Seagrams that aren't too bad tasting and only 80 calories. Anyways, I think you get my point that if you figure out what causes you problems on the weekend, you can work on a plan to try and overcome them :) Best of luck!!

    It's the lack of routine...I'll be waking up later,I usually don't make plans until the day so lunch and dinner come at random times. Sometimes I eat out and sometimes I eat in. And the food shop doesn't usually get done tip sunday so theres never much food in the house on friday night and saturday. I also allow myself a cheat meal on the weekend but it usually spirals out of control and turns into a cheat day. I am a lot less active also...not walking around as much.

    As some people have said on here I think I just need to plan everything better or at least attempt to!

    Thanks so much :) xx
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    You have a solid plan.It should work. Being social can be tricky!
  • You have a solid plan.It should work. Being social can be tricky!

    Thanks pal! I just need to man up! xx