Eating on the go. What are your grab and go favourites?

When I'm out and about, I like to stick to lunches from places that can guarantee the number of calories in their food like Itsu. M&S side salad bowls are delish too and some come in at 70 cals for the entire portion. You can't beat water for controlling the calorie intake. I'm not a fan of artificial/low calorie sweeteners, but needs must and all that.


  • McDonalds writes down their calories :D
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    Panera's Chicken Hummus Spinach Power Bowl. Big protein numbers, 330 cal. Some locations suck at making it, so don't judge it on a bad bowl. :)
    You can actually manage calories at Chipotle relatively well, too. Salad bowl, add protein and black beans, skip sour cream and cheese, pile on the salsas. I don't particularly watch sodium, but if you do, it is salty, like any Mexican/tex-mex place.
    I usually eat out at local places, though, where it does require me to just kind of guess at the caloric content. But I avoid creamy sauces and fried foods, so it's usually just guessing at portion sizes.
  • fedupwithdieting
    fedupwithdieting Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Merisa. Those are really good points for times when information re calories are not stated. Great damage control! Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I don't count calories, but I look for foods that are fresh and vegetable-rich. I often bring my own foods if I know I'll need to eat (nuts, fruits, avocado, jerky or smoked sausages, veggies...etc). I also find that by eating a meal rich in fat & protein before leaving the house, I can often go longer without needing to eat (up to 6 hours) and then I can eat a good meal when I return home. If I must eat out, I look for fresh foods that are full of veggies & protein. I also try to get some healthy fat in via avocado, olives or olive oil (think salad dressing) or coconut.
  • lisa84usa
    lisa84usa Posts: 10
    Its amazing how much healthier it is to make food at home compared to eat out. I keep little snack sized chip bags in my trunk. I know they're not healthy- but better portion size than anything I'd buy when out. And I only eat them when I'm starved. I also usually carry a ziplock bag of almonds with me. I pack my lunch most days- greek yogurt, fruit, and some type of carb like a little pb&j sandwich.

    Today I'm going out with friends for lunch and drinks in the afternoon to a bar. I'm pregnant so can't drink and the food there is all fried and unhealthy. I will try to be good!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Tim Horton's breakfast sandwiches or the Turkey Bacon Club for lunch or dinner

    Reasonable calories but a little high on the sodium

    Otherwise I will run to Safeway and grab one of their pre-made salads
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm an M & S fiend! I would eat every meal from there if I could afford to (their salads are so delicious)! The Boots Shapers stuff is pretty good too (especially for snacks and flatbreads). But a salad bowl and a packet of quorn chicken on the top is what I buy if I'm totally stuck :-)
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    I like to keep healthy snacks on me:)
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Almonds and apples. I keep them with me.

    Otherwise, Starbucks oatmeal without all the toppings, Starbucks fruit cups, Green Machine juices, and sometimes just a tall coffee in a vente cup with cold soy to the top.
  • Fresh fruit. Raisins and nuts. Natures path granola. Potato chips popcorn and graham crackers.
  • Panera's Chicken Hummus Spinach Power Bowl. Big protein numbers, 330 cal. Some locations suck at making it, so don't judge it on a bad bowl. :)
    You can actually manage calories at Chipotle relatively well, too. Salad bowl, add protein and black beans, skip sour cream and cheese, pile on the salsas. I don't particularly watch sodium, but if you do, it is salty, like any Mexican/tex-mex place.
    I usually eat out at local places, though, where it does require me to just kind of guess at the caloric content. But I avoid creamy sauces and fried foods, so it's usually just guessing at portion sizes.
    . Chipotle rocks! Vegetable bowl all the way. The only place I will eat besides my own kitchen.
  • Thee365
    Thee365 Posts: 59 Member
    I also pack healthy snacks in a cooler when I am away....(running errands, shopping, at work or visiting family and friends) favs are organic banana's the shelf life is longer than non-organic and the taste reminds me of banana candy
    single serve 2% cottage cheese
    sunflower seeds
    sweet mini yellow, orange and red bell peppers.
  • minnie_mousse
    minnie_mousse Posts: 9 Member
    1. string cheese - Kraft Amooza (60 cal per stick) and the like. (Yes, I realize I'm not 5 anymore.)
    2. protein bars - current favs are Quest Coconut Cashew (170 cals) and AMRAP Refuel Bar (300 cals)
    3. easy peel oranges/tangerines/mandarins etc. portable and comes in its own biodegradable wrapping.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    When I'm out and about, I like to stick to lunches from places that can guarantee the number of calories in their food like Itsu. M&S side salad bowls are delish too and some come in at 70 cals for the entire portion. You can't beat water for controlling the calorie intake. I'm not a fan of artificial/low calorie sweeteners, but needs must and all that.

    at your local pub, just order their regular rump steak with lots of vegetables or salad, dont get any sauces or you can ask to put it on the side so you can control what you use, usually a dip or two, a 300 grams serve is good for two, eat half if you really feel guitly or if you are like me, il eat the whole serve and feel good about it coz at least i wasnt going for the chips! ;P

    most fast food chains have their nutrition information on their website, i like to look at each and everyone of them to see what entice me most, usually a burrito wins, or nando's chicken, hog's breath cafe, subway, burger king, flame broiler, etc.

    I never get out of the house without a quest bar and fresh fruit with me... saves me a million times when im driving and need a quick fix, dried fruits are also a quick carb fix... and if you are really into it, bring with you a few serves of your protein powder put in a resealable bag, when you are on the go these things will save you... BUT ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE.... if you are planning your meals days ahead YOU SHOULDNT BE IN THIS POSITION IN THE FIRST PLACE... failing to plan is planning to fail ;)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Like many earlier posters, I tend to eat out much less often than I used to. Part of my "lifestyle change" has been to organize my life to do less eating on the go, making more time to sit and enjoy meals. I do always keep a few things in my school bag or purse: a banana, a baggie of cereal or some nuts, maybe a bit of dark chocolate. Those things help if I am caught out and find myself really hungry.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I always have raw almonds at work for a snack..........that and a protein bar. Usually that satisfies me until dinner time.
  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    I love those fruit squeezes. It's perfect at my workplace because I'm always on the go and it's a perfect snack boost without the insane calories.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    If I have to stop for a meal while I'm out, I swing by a grocery store. Most have cut up fruit and veggies perfect for snacking on. Heck, our local Publix has sushi! :smile:
  • jumbojoynomore
    jumbojoynomore Posts: 13 Member
    I keep a protein bar with me for when I'm not sure on calories while I'm on the go.
  • fedupwithdieting
    fedupwithdieting Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys. There are some really helpful tips on here. This week I've tried really hard to take snacks with me. Haven't tried Boots Shapers range yet but it's good to know that it's got good reviews. I tend to cook my own meals most of the time but there are times when the alternative is necessary. Truth is, I'm still getting the hang of things so keep those posts coming! Good luck and enjoy the week ahead!